Is it racist for white women to have sex with white men?
White genocide is anti-racist?
written by a black guy lolol
That article. It could only be more pottery if Young was a black kike.
Why does this nigger have yellow eyes? Is he pozzed?
Fuck lads, it’s over.
where are they going to go? desu
Their body, their choice.
Unless you know better, then those holes better obey their betters.
>we iz takin yo wiminz
>t. big blagg dik virgin cuckboy
Why do black people have these gross yellow eyesballs? Ugh
So white women must offer themselves up to PoC. Nice. Obviously this means women of color will be lining up for white cock too since this achieves the same result right?
white men are ahead of the curb and already mating with increasingly more asians
Inferior liver function.
>White women have to be convinced to sleep with minority men.
Meanwhile minority women throw themselves at the first white male that gives them a slight smile.
That doesn’t really happen though
Kek, seems like a you problem if you can't pull it off user.
What minority women in greece you retard? Albanians? Bulgarians? Romanians? Big whoop.
Don't mention tourists, we all know they explicitly visit to get fucked, they don't count.
It’s just not a phenomenon I’ve observed user.
I'm a tourist shitposting from a greek flag retard.
Besides Athens has its fair share of non euro minorities now too and Albanian women are easy as fuck.
Try it.
I cannot for the life of me compose such a racist (towards white and black), and sexist sentence in such a short manner. It's staggering. Who says the left can't shitpost?
did i understand this correctly
>white women dated black men 9% murdered
does that mean about 1 in 10 are murdered?
is there fbi stats to back this up this claim?
if true that's a fucking massive operational hazard
>yesterday 12:40pm
Yeah and not a Jew there goes your wacky conspiracy theories.
Albanian women are just that, easy.
There are practically no asian, germanic, scandinavian and nordic women here, apart from tourists.
Tourists are a great lay, since they are up for everything, but it's just that, mindless ONS.
Greek women are all we've got for LTR and serious relationships in general. Which sucks because I am sick of them and I want a blonde, blue eyed nordic wife.
racism means anti-white
Oh shit niggers are hostile too
Jow Forums btfo
Why do that retard took a picture from a movie that criticize extreme anti racism like his article ?
Stick with greek women, diaspora here and the Nordic women aren't worth it in the long run.
One day they simply come up to you and say they don't love you anymore and bail.
Wasn't that movie about brainwashing niggles back into slavery?
this line of thinking is only even possible to entertain as long as sex is considere a feel good button like a sweet candy or hit of opium; a commodity to be traded and indulged on, instead of its real purpose
we can lower the crime rate by 60% if black women stop sleeping with black men!
we can lower the prison population by 40%.
we can lower national AIDS by 70%
we can increase national SAT scores by over 100 points.
We can increase the average IQ enough to put us in third place on the world stage.
All this and more can be accomplished in just one single generation if black women just simply go get a cat instead of popping out a kid. it's that easy! like some kind of miracle fix anything drug. black women just keep your legs closed and nearly every problem this country have is solved in just one generation!
When do I get to read this article?
Niggers are jew pets soooooo.......
>Niggers are jew pets soooooo.......
>Have sex with me or we'll never achieve social justice
Gotta hand it to this guy I never even considered that angle.
Blacks are just begging to be called niggers these days. Truly low fucking IQ in that article. That conclusion is very dangerous as it has several undesirable implications for society. Considering the level of strife today with races and cultures, this just fans the flames.
this particular article is fake though
are you joking?
Esau was a redneck.
Incorrect whybo
White men get no sex for being the biggest enforcers of white supremacy and causing the death of billions of innocent poc. Instead every black man gets a black queen and a white side woman. However you whybo's are encouraged to go gay.
S-so was I
wtf am i reading.
this is why niggers shouldnt be given access to the internet.
Thats a pic of a white man tho.
>I can't get laid because racism!
So black incels do exist.
the only people that have caused billions of deaths have been jews or jew ideology
No? Why
>to me
YES! Us weak white men will be eradicated soon. Its already becoming socially acceptable to hate on white men, imagine if this article was about black men.
There would be outrage, but when its about the inferior shrimp dicks no one bats an eye.
White women are more open to the idea of being BBC cumsluts, and once they get a taste of chocolate they refuse to go back.
Accept the New World Order, where black men are our owners. White boys will become financial and emotional support for women, but only black men will fuck them.
End the white race. Only have mixed babies
Please explain ffs it’s like you’re all implying something I don’t understand
Sweden yes!
you must be one of the new Jow Forums mods
Not that I don't believe that this article exists, but I can't find it anywhere.
Link / Source, you motherfucker.
He said white men, not hideous jews like you.
Non-white women are easy af to pick up for (attractive) white men.
>i disagree with you so im gonna strawman you as being part of some retarded group
Okay Jaqwan.
This has to be sarcasm.
I live in Vermont so maybe that’s why. I don’t know what you guys are implying. Is it that obvious?
Whites are the highest tier of Aesthetic beauty. Everyone wants to date up not down, thus whites, by far compared to others, only date other whites, while every shitskin, male or female wants a white girl or guy. If youre into bestiality, you can pretty much bang any nigress you want. I would advise against it though(AIDS).
Personal example: I'm 6'7" and white with green eyes. When I was stationed in Tokyo(usaf), I got more nip poon than I can remember. They FUCKING LOVE white guys(especially ones with blue or green eyes) just as much as Jow Forums weebs love them.
Big if real
it's not racist, but its rape so it should be illegal
lol even a sperg like me has to beat off blacks and SEA girls hitting on me. They want that citizenship + white cock.
This is in the West right?
If we wrecked you "PoC" so easily maybe we are superior. All I'm hearing is the muling of a butthurt loser.
And black women must stop sleeping with black men.
I think it has something to do with alcoholism or crack cocaine. I can't remember but one of the two cause blacks to get yellow glassy eyes
I hate every ape I seeeee, from chimpan-A to chimpanzeeeeeeee.
Dr. Zaius, Dr. Zaius!
Not yet but it will be in the future.
And white women age horribly esp over 35. Married to one.
they are nasty creatures all around.
I know it's Jow Forums, but I don't lie, even on here, because I'm not a jew.
Wow sorry user, I believe you.
>Why do black people have these gross yellow eyesballs?
Monkey genes still in their genome.
>64 percent are most attracted to white men
We gotta bump those numbers up
No 64% will exclusively date white Men. 85% of white women think white Men are the most attractive.
As a girl, black men are just superior to birdshitskins, sorry
M8 you said "niggers are jew pets" what else am I suppose to think?
Someone else posted that.
You're an idiot.
I'm a black woman, and white women don't realize how good they have it. White men don't leave in the middle of the night to go hook up with some nasty ass ho down the street with the clap.
Take off the mask at your next Antifa rally, would you?
Shitty livers at birth. They all get jaundice.
>as a girl
bullshit, post tits or gtfo
Can someone link the article I cant find it
Can't imagine why...
The ships were owned by jews, manned by jews as well.
Read New World Jewry 1492-1825
Sorry pal you're full of fucking shit.
That poor woman
And you even admit in the fucking Image that they played a role, how big do you think that role was when they dominated the fucking shipping of slaves itself?
I'm sure that's a reliable source yeah.
you can blame the jews for that. theyve already completely subverted black men. they're trying desperately to do it to white men.
>when they dominated the fucking shipping of slaves itself?
They didn't.
I wonder who funds his site.
Fucked an egyptian, an african and a turk. All girls ofc. And the two latter were by far the easiest lays I've ever come across.
Don't worry, I'm going for the white children ultimately.
Isaac Da costa of charleston in the 1750's, David Franks of Philadelphia in the 1760's, Aaron Lopez of Newport in the late 1760's and early 1770's dominated Jewish slave trading on the American continent.
You're so fucking stupid, the slave auctions themselves were literally closed on Jewish holidays but not Jewish ran at all are they, the Jews have played a huge part of Slavery since the fucking Roman times and you're here saying it's not true, you're simply illiterate my friend.
What sources do you have you dumb fucking kike lmfao.