Now you have someone to vote that will protect our borders. Spread this video everywhere.

Uncontrolled and illegal immigration has to stop in Spain. [Open]

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Other urls found in this thread: we slap


>repeat * 100

I always loved you Spain. All Italians love you.
Nothing would give me more pleasure than see your country stop being a communist nest.
Well, also France, but I have almost lost hope for France.

Calla fascista, Europa es de los moros de nuevo, no podéis hacer nada, sólo esperar el nuevo ataque de los soldados de allah, cerdo infiel

Who is this bearded guy and is he /ourguy/?

A recoger algodón puto esclavo sudaca

No onions esclavo de nadie, cerdo fascista hijo de puta, onions blanco y tus gallegas les encanta la verga negra africana, a tomar por culo, viva allah y el islam

We served them an epocal assist by diverting our illegals to them.
It's now the time for them to grow a nationalist political party or die as nation.

Santiago Abascal leader of Vox, the truly conservative party of Spain.

Im honestly going to vote them after 12 years without going to vote. Hoping for a seat in the congress at least

Narcoislam when my fellow mexicano

France is lost. Africa of Europe. But that is not that bad. We can send push all niggers to west France and Muslims to Englans. If something like real ressistance against horde hapen. But Islam ruled Europe for centuries and europeans managed to kick them out eventualy. We have this war for few decades. They had for centuries.

Nunca. Esos simios no son cristianos. México es 90% cristiano, de los más altos del mundo. Nuestras mujeres van casi desnudas y se les trata por igual, eso es inaceptable en el islam.

Nice, last I heard there weren't any serious conservative/right-wing parties in Spain. Is he legitimizing it? How far does he go? Be careful he isnt another zionist stooge like many of the "leaders" of the "right wing opposition"

Is tom robinson in jail?

His party is a meme and won’t get more than 2-3 seats topsz

>México es 90% cristiano
>Nuestras mujeres van casi desnudas

Something is wrong here

>His party is a meme
Podemos was a meme two some years ago. If he would have the same publicity and presence in television that Podemos had you will see how they will get many more seats.

Vete a postrate ante los narcos para que quemen y te corten la cabeza sudaca comepollas

>We can send push all niggers to west France and Muslims to Englans.
I know bongland is dead, but that last part was still slightly stunning to read.
>something something something shall be slaves

As said, with podemos tier shilling.
Which they don’t have, they are slow but steady.

No, commies get what they deserve

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Illegal immigrants violating our borders in a The Fast and the Furious style.

Luckily these illegal immigrants were deported according to this news.

Sadly, this is the only sane solution for Europe
I consider UK, France, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Belgium lost territory, land claimed by Islamic invaders & African barbarians.

Once the EU falls, all right-wing nationalistic states of E.Europe, Balkans & Med should team up against this threat.

> read newspaper
> german goverment made a deal with spain to send all registered refugees back to spain
> spain just doesn't register refugees

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When will you cucks execute this traitorous, childless bitch?

Attached: germany1.png (690x645, 544K) we slap

Will the people wake up before it is too late?

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Take a little of Picaresca. Take out mother of refugees of your country first.

Where's your army?
Your government is doing this to you.
Call ii treason and start the beheadings.

Why arent the locals mobilizing if the government doesnt do it?

A Spaniard is a good cuckold, the best goy and loyal servant of the state!

Then you deserve the hell that's coming.

>locals mobilizing
We have to mobilize to elect someone that would command the police or the army to defend our borders.

What do you suggest? People going to the fence with sticks or something? The police won't left you get there.

If they cant stop the immigrants they cant stop the locals either, which means either that they are not having enough manpower or they got orders to not intervene.Also this could jump start a nationalistic fire in the hearts of the people.

>which means either that they are not having enough manpower or they got orders to not intervene.

But we are a civilized country. Also, only a little minority of skinheads would go to the defend the fence and risk their life or be thrown in jail.

You dont have to kill or defend the border all you need to do is just show strength and use water and maybe even some weapons to scare them away and if what you say its true regarding the police then that means they will not try to stop you due to fear of escalation.

>use water
Do you mean the people or the police?

The people since the police will not do anything to intervene and stop the madness.

Using water how?

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Yeah, that would be very effective against this.

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You could make one with a lot more pressure since the people dont have access to military equipment or a fire truck.But the whole point is to at least try something, because this will only grow stronger if the citizens see that they arent alone in their views.

This is what the police should use. Before they climb the fence, we don't want that they can fall and die from a hit on the head and then we are condemned by international organizations. We just don't want that anyone cross our border illegally and uncontrolled.

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Is that World War Z?

Its your fault if they fall down while they are climbing a fence to enter illegally its just their fault for taking this risk and at the end of the day the survival of your people is more important than what the UN says.

*Its not your fault


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Yeah, very similar.

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I wish we had a wall like that though.

yeah, let's spend several billions to protect a rock full of moors

Sorry mate, it's on us. Time to find your balls now, and save your country.

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Regresa al paro hijo de puta.

No one loves France.

>All Italians love you
Yeah, no. Maybe the north. But there is simply no fucking way southerners like me could love spain after they stripped us of our freedom and made Sicily their colony, turning us into slaves for almost 300 years.

>Gets beheaded in Spanish

I don't think it was much different in Spain, with their governors.
Always enlarging armies and useless spending while keeping the economy feudal.
The Spanish people must be very much like us.

They also agreed to take back all the ones coming from Spain to Germany. This is going to end well for a country with high unemployment.

Not going to happen

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que tienes contra los fascistas?

>a rock full of moors
What rock is that?

Better protect beacheads then give concessions to africans and get conquered by them again, catalonia needs to stop being divisive they are the same people.

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>Better protect beacheads then

Talking about beachheads. Imagine if these are people with AK47 and mortars, how far they will go until they are stopped?

They can massacre entire spanish towns and establish a terrorist cell.

East Germans got illegal immigration under control by having their guards shoot anyone who crosses illegally

Attached: The Berlin Wall.jpg (1280x720, 160K)

Just have the military stationed across the ocean and fortify the beaches.

Have ceuta and mellia military fortified by 20k troops, with shoot on site instructions, have military in the coast line.

Only way to stop this madness. Still can't believe that Spain is unwilling to protect its citizens from INVADERS

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Set up machine gun nests and gun them down D-Day style.

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World War Z.