Right wingers are such hypocrites

Right wingers are such hypocrites.

If you talk about banning guns, they throw a fit and say, "That's not fair!" Suddenly they're concerned about the rights of the individual? Since when?

They're okay with drugs being banned.... because "it's good for society". Someone could make the same argument about guns.

They're such faggot ass hypocrites.

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>If you talk about banning guns, they throw a fit and say, "That's not fair!" Suddenly they're concerned about the rights of the individual? Since when?
>people who argue for gun rights care about rights
wew lad, that's such a intellectual strech I couldn't even come up with that one

kek, being called hypocrite by someone who claims to be for women rights and against islamophobia.nice try kike

>If you talk about banning guns, they throw a fit and say, "That's not fair!"
Literally never happens. Here's the real response we typically give you: If you want our guns, come and take them.

Reminder to bulk purchase plenty of ammo. Have enough ammo on hand to take care of the entire estimated population of gun grabbing Communist in your area.

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Gtfo OP. Not your blog
Moooooods, perma ban please

Nice generalization faggot, some people actually value liberty.

No, you're wrong. Right wingers say, "It's not fair to ban guns because plenty of people own guns responsibly!"

That's sooooo. fucking. hypocritical. The same thing could be said about drugs. Plenty of people are capable of using drugs responsibly without getting addicted.

Yet you faggot ass right-wingers think drugs should be illegal for some reason. You pick and choose when the rights of the individual are important.

How about we compromise and legalize all drugs for and ban all guns from nonwhites?

Guns are specifically mentioned in the Constitution the founding document of this nation. Drugs are not, therefor it's not hipocracy. The proper response for any consitutionalist regarding drugs is "The states should decide" since it's not mentioned in the constitution it defaults too being a right of the state.

and really OP, most people don't care what other people do. They just don't want things glorified and "out of control" we don't want drugs, fags, global warming degeneracy shoved down our throat. If druggies kept too themselves practically no one would care what they did. It's only because of the crime fueled by drugs that people care, drugs directly cause crime too occur. Guns do not, they are merely a tool sometimes employed in a crime.

I never ever see gun owners talking about how "unfair" it is that you animals want to ban guns. It's not about fairness, it's about the fact that the right to keep and bear arms is a fundamental human right. Also, you leftist "men" are just too effeminate to come and take them anyway. How much more do you have to lose on this issue before you starts to sink in? Gun control is your worst issue. If you had an strategic sense whatsoever you'd abandon it entirely.

The Constitution can be changed.

It doesn't make sense to quote the Constitution. Guns can be banned.

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What are you babbling about? This is lunacy too think the second amendment could be repealed. Gun's cannot be banned in the USA, end of.

Self Defense

Yeah, if you get 3/4ths of the states or 2/3rds of both houses of Congress to agree. Good luck with that. The south alone could block any and all attempts to repeal the 2nd Amendment.

>That's not fair
It isn't. Pretty good argument actually, faggot.

How is the gun ban doing in Chicago?

I agree with you OP. Guns and drugs should be legal :-)

Same for drugs. It's not fair to say, "Every user of that drug should be labeled a criminal."

It's funny how you right-wingers support the rights of the individual one second, and they next you're rambling about "family values" and "what's good for society".

You guys have no consistency in your beliefs.

You mean the bill of rights?
I'm not even a mutt and I know you're an idiot.

tits or gtfo

Yes, but the right to drugs was never written into your constitution.
Maybe you should write to your senator and not Jow Forums...?

You can't get addicted to guns.

Why do you assume right-wingers all think alike? Is it because you're all dudeweed and think anyone that disagrees with you is a literal Nazi? I personally think they should all be legalized so natural selection can take place and all of you druggie faggots OD.

Guns, Drugs, Boobs and Beer

The right to smoke pot isn't in the Constitution.

>drug-addled retard
what a surprise

If someone thinks illegal drugs are poison then it's not hypocritical. It isn't legal to use a gun to harm someone wrongfully including yourself. Guns have a purpose beyond directly harming bad people. If drugs are poison then whoever ingests them would only be harming themselves. Nobody buys drugs for any other purpose than to use them or sell them to someone who will use them.

People like OP should be put on fucking pikes

>They're okay with drugs being banned.... because "it's good for society". Someone could make the same argument about guns.

It's easy. Just make Drugs legal for anyone who goes and gets a drug permit. Then make sure that everyone with a drug permit doesn't get a gun permit. Everybody's happy.

Why not have both?
Well, you wouldn't want that because you're a shitposter that has no actual beliefs, but it's not impossible that someone who is super pro gun would also be down to smoke a josmt. The problem is that he likely can't vote for both considering the way things work when it comes to voting.

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