>"A bakery should be allowed to refuse customers because it's a private company but a website should not be allowed to control the content on them despite them also being a private company!"
>"Shutting down the InfoWars youtube is censorship but letting Trump shut down media that hurts his feelings would not be censorship"
>"waving flags of Americans enemies does not disrespect the flag but exercising your right as an American to protest does"
>"This political group should be allowed to speak freely but any other group I disagree with should not because freedom of speech only applies to me"
Technically a bakery in the USA has no right to refuse people based on their political affiliation. However they can refuse people based on their offensive smell.
Should an eatery be able to throw customers out of a food court?
Landon Torres
They receive protection against user generated content from the law. They are not a private company but a public forum. The only thing they should be removing is illegal content.
Aiden Wilson
if the eatery owns the entire food court then yes.
Youtube is ONE business under the google umbrella, If Youtube wants you out they can toss you out. Same with Facebook. Youtube is not a food court, it's more like a restaurant, the users have no say in what the business does they just use it.
Private companies don't fall under freedom of speech. hell even InfoWars will censor you if you post stuff they don't like and they are within their rights to do so.
>the bakery wasn't refusing them, it was refusing to make a custom faggot cake
>Google, Apple, etc are monopolies. There is no viable alternative, compared to the bakery where the faggots went to 10 different bakeries to find one who would refuse and make a case about it
>the only people waving swasitka flags are Feds
>freedom of speech applies to everyone
>idk what the last one means
Jackson Kelly
the rule that these are all private companies doesn't count when they possess the monopol on spreading the word over the internet
Brody Smith
i dont think you can compare the two. It's not like the bakery has a monopoly on cakes
Adrian Reed
My entire point. Jewgle and Jewtube don’t own the entire internet.
Ryan Reyes
It's hilarious seeing capitalists suddenly upset with the excess power of capital. Oh I'm sorry did you just realize that undemocratic, hegemonic, control of resources was bad? Maybe you need to reconsider your ideology a bit
Zachary Gray
Guess I'll just go to other YouTube down the street
Asher Wood
I fucking hate this private company argument. We need to break the fuckers up and regulate them. Cunts act like god damn monopolies, they're practically public utilities at this point.
This shit needs to end.
Ayden Bell
Actually, political affiliation is not a federally protected class. Unless a given state constitution has something to say about it, it's totally legal.
If you want to learn more about which groups of people it's illegal to fuck with, just look up "Constitutionally protected class" on google. It includes stuff like race, religion, national origin, etc. So you could put up a sign that says "no Democrats", but you couldn't put up a sign that says "No Portuguese".
Leo Allen
It can't be a monopoly if Alex Jones has his own site to show his videos, which he does.
Asher Gray
And what about the DailyStormer?
Benjamin Lewis
It's not actually part of the constitution. It's just a law.
Chase Bailey
You are right OP, the bakery should be able to refuse without getting executed as punishment and google should be able to remove whatever they want from their website.
But I dont know why you bring that up, nobody cares about Alex Jones content. When he talks about reptilian people and shit like that its funny at most. What you fail to recognize is the problem that we have a free speech issue in the western world and people are not able to express their opinions about their problems and we turn into a tyranical, unjust world at bigger risk of civil war.
Now if this is exactly what you want and you are a shill then of course you are doing the right thing. But keep in mind that you have no way of protecting yourself.
Tyler Smith
Retard-tier logic, fuck off with shitty b8 like this.
>dailystormer wtf does that have to do with Alex jones? I go there to laugh my ass off while drunk of high because of how ridiculously stupid it is.
Gabriel Lopez
The funniest part is this is why i never went full libertarian.
Maybe a little antitrust will sort this out.
Logan Hall
What about it? If I have a product, and not store wants to sell it. I can open up my own store. The Daily Stormer is free to host their own website. If the government shuts it down for something not illegal, then I have an issue.
Brayden Allen
I've literally only been on there twice. I'm no fan. But godaddy and google both shut down their website frequently. They aren't allowed to have a website. But it's not a monopoly, r-right guys?
Austin Martin
And the cake shop hasn't cornered the entire baked goods market. They probably aren't even the only one selling cakes in their small area. And there are probably plenty of places to get food outside the eatery.
Nicholas Sullivan
nah that is a normal tos. yt lied and made shit up to oust AJ.
Also multiple major tech companies colluded to shut down AJ in a single fucking day. OP is eier retarded or a shill, like you.
the small bakery is protected by his religious beliefs. there was no bad faith involved, unlike the progressive tech giants conspiring together in concert with dnc plans to soon enact draconian law stifling freedom
Ryder Bailey
>Refusing cake is the exact same as threatening to literally murder someone
here we go again
John Perry
When they have articles with blatant racism and hate speech and pure biased opinions, I still wonder how they haven't just been shut down completely. The person who runs the site even admitted they target kids. Fucked up.
Cameron Thompson
It's not so much that any one site banned him, it's that they all acted in lockstep with one another and let lefties who violate their terms and conditions go all the time.
>get the fuck off my platform Okay, disagree, but they're their own platform >my cabal of social media sites has decided you don't fucking exist anymore Little more fuckin' concerning.
yes they control the vast majority of the market. what you are saying is like omeone complaining about cable providers, and you tell them to buy a fucking antenna. what happened to lefties? fuck
Thomas Edwards
Cool, so any time a black person tries to enter, say "sorry no, cause you're a democrat"
Asher Long
>blatant hate speech (not illegal) racism (not illegal) and biased opinions (not illegal) but aren't allowed to have a website >but it's not a monopoly
Ethan Miller
If a bakery doesn’t want to make a cake for fags then those fags can get a cake from another shop. There are no other platforms other than YouTube or Apple because fucking kikes monopolised them .
Josiah Gomez
ok but the law only supports one side, its a one way street pretending to be a two way street. memeflag jew once again with a shit thread
Robert Evans
There is a legal distinction between a publisher and a platform. A publisher has editorial rights, a platform does not. Social media can't decide which they are.
Isaiah Thompson
Sounds like an awesome way to turn black people into socialists instead of Dems. I love it.
Benjamin Butler
they also never, ever answer how multiple tech companies conspiring to oust a small outfit with "hateful rhetoric" all on the same day is legal or ethical
Dylan Gomez
>>"A bakery should be allowed to refuse customers because it's a private company but a website should not be allowed to control the content on them despite them also being a private company!" The bakery was allowed to refuse service because the client requested for a costume product which sent a message which the owner didn't want to offer for personal reasons. Pretty valid. Had it been that they didn't want to sell them any cake for being gay, that would have been a no-no. YouTube and facebook cannot discriminate either, however since they host content, they are perfectly in their right to decide what kind of content they host. In this there is some gray area: are your content prohibitions clearly stated in your terms of service? did you change your terms of service and notified the user with enough time to make the necessary changes if they want to remain on your platform? Of course the allowable content must stem from some sort of code of morals, but who defines those morals? Are they very objective and impartial or opinionated? All in all, they cannot look completely "in the clear", they should always expect some heat for shutting someone down. But again, they're ultimately entitled; if viewers don't agree, they must act accordingly. >>"Shutting down the InfoWars youtube is censorship but letting Trump shut down media that hurts his feelings would not be censorship" hasn't happened faggot >>"waving flags of Americans enemies does not disrespect the flag but exercising your right as an American to protest does" indeed Trump and everyone game to much attention to those kneeling self righteous faggots >>"This political group should be allowed to speak freely but any other group I disagree with should not because freedom of speech only applies to me" the right is the side less guilty of this >>"what do you mean ancestry isn't a dating site? oh so the whole post is a joke. ok
Christopher Perry
Well until the courts actually do something about it, they get to have it both ways. They need to clarify how the law (Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act) applies.
Asher Reyes
You don't even know what a monopoly is how can you call google one? If google was a monopoly they would have bought out or made every website they host pay them for their services. Standard oil was a monopoly, google is not.
Xavier Green
If AT&T was a monopoly google and apple certainly are as well
Lincoln Sullivan
>neet thinks internet is a human right toplol Put down your phone and get a job you faggot.
Ayden Morgan
Ita not the censorship that bothers me. It’s more a case of what has youtube become? They have moved away from user created content and are just another MSM platform now. If I wanted to see videos from CNN, BBC, FOX or any of the other corporate news orgs, I would seek out more traditional platforms.
Charles Gonzalez
google actually does that that's why they were fined for over a billion dollars
Connor Price
>>"what do you mean ancestry isn't a dating site?"
some of my distant cousins I never knew existed are hot af
Jacob Nguyen
Fuck em right in the pussy.
Ethan Baker
Let me list the arguments presented in your post:
Jaxon Foster
Americans are absolute hypocrites, they can't even comprehend what is wrong witht them
Chase Evans
wow, so why hasn't CNN shut down?
Owen Brooks
Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson issued his findings of fact on November 5, 1999, which stated that Microsoft's dominance of the x86-based personal computer operating systems market constituted a monopoly, and that Microsoft had taken actions to crush threats to that monopoly, including Apple, Java, Netscape, Lotus Software, RealNetworks, Linux, and others.
Google's dominance over video sharing over the internet constitutes a monopoly.
Leo Bell
Lol a disgusting kraut with an opinion. It's like fucking finding a rainbow unicorn.
Your analogy would be better if the bakery produced ~95% of all cakes in the country.
Aiden Adams
Alex Jones is a paragon of libertarianism. He wants to you be free to do what Trump says!
Nathaniel Turner
There are a shitload of video sites.
Elijah Wilson
No gives a shit if youtube shut them down, the problem is that ALL the big tech companies shut them down for Hate Speech which are not explaining where they did it, so we are saying its a political propaganda to hurt the american conservative. Also didnt twitter shut down some conservative acc (if im not mistaken that black conservative woman)
Nathaniel Cox
Popularity doesn't mean monopoly
Ian Rivera
Anti-American speech and idealism should not be tolerated, ever.
Cooper Gomez
Your dumb and conflating Libertarianism / Free Speech with retarded Jesus Freaks.
Feel free to continue to conflate the two.
Daniel Martin
there is no purpose in choosing a plattform which is not the most popular
Fuck your standards. The time for your principled bullshit has come and gone. The hour is late, and change is coming. We must seize power in any way possible, and hold onto it as if our lives depended on it.
Bentley Foster
mf give me your argument, not the others argument
Connor Peterson
You're right, but there's no good reason religious beliefs should be protected but secular beliefs, like politics shouldn't be Scratch that, there's one (((big))) reason that will never happen
Nicholas Allen
Screen cap this. FOX is trying to iron out contract for a 1 hr weekend only gig with AJ. Contract language is pretty tight about certain rantings.
Adam Foster
>you're forced to shop at Wal-Mart because other box stores aren't as popular Idiot.
Samuel Carter
Normally, I'd agree with you on that, but our government has funded these platforms to become what they are today. It's more than popularity that make their platforms succeed.
Camden Perez
Prove the government funded them. Do you have proof other than some nonsense Alex Jones rant claiming it to be true?
>Multiple companies conspired to shut down an information source that challenges political veiws that they feel benefit there profits and thar they deem undesirable. These companies engage in making money through hosting public discourse and news coverage. This is violation of anti trust laws >These companies tell their customers that they are social media. Social explicitly implies that it is public and open. Buy deplatforming users because they don't want their users to hear certain types of public discourse is in violation of the advertising and the trade description of these services. >of course these websites have the right to police content that is in violation of their terms and content which breaks the law This is not what has happened though. The companies have just violated their own terms by blanket banning a popular user of these services based on their own political whims. This again violates the trade description of these services and violates the principles of fair and regulated business and violates the contract they made with users and advertisers
Jonathan Martinez
Every person who shall monopolize, or attempt to monopolize, or combine or conspire with any other person or persons, to monopolize any part of the trade or commerce among the several States, or with foreign nations, shall be deemed guilty of a felony
The fact that all these sites kicked him off at the same exact time is highly suggestive of collusion. Conspiring to shut aj up is in fact a violation of the Sherman act
Zachary Morales
other box stores are equally as good as wal-mart
but other platforms next to youtube are just shit
Jose Martinez
Why not just force american businesses to abide by the american constitution? Freedom of speech muffugah
>compares competitive market like baking to winner take all tech companies with enormous control over discourse and perception Off to a good start. >hurr durr incest Nice finish as well. Original and witty.
Anyway, I don’t want to censor anyone, which is why I’m here
Jack Ramirez
I love the white people are inbred meme. Europeans are THE best breeding stock on Earth, it's the kikes and muslims who are functionally inbred to shit
Jeremiah James
That’s the main reason why libertarians, especially ANCAPs are full-stop retards.
Connor Brooks
That's just your opinion. There are alternatives.
Mason Sanders
Service wasn’t refused. Baker would’ve made any regular cake and sold it. They wanted to gay it up to make some Christian retard uncomfortable. Literally told them he’d be happy to make any of the wedding cakes he had. The customization was where he refused.
Mason Martinez
>One bakes bread >The other doesn't do jack
Cameron Scott
>2018 >being this dumb
Wew lad. Read a book. Private companies can do what they want on their own platform. Private citizens can express their religious freedom as long as it doesn't infringe upon the freedoms of others. Some classes are federally protected and if you're still dumb enough to have a discriminatory religion against a protected class in 2018 then kick rocks but I won't be bothered explaining why it's necessary that your 'freedom' doesn't leave enough room for the rest of the world.
Leo Ward
alex jones is so full of shit it's not even funny
He's threaten to actually kill people live on his show and he expected everyone would be ok with it? Yeah I'm glad this dumbass was taken down because I know this is a special case.
This. On top of these big social media "influencers" having complete control of the info market, means we're one more step for lefties to start demanding anything right of centre should be shut down. It's a slippery slope because these degenerates don't know when to stop.
Lucas Flores
>Technically a bakery in the USA has no right to refuse people based on their political affiliation.
u tarded m8?
Anthony Brooks
No that is not just my opinion it is a fact these alternatives became irrelevant when the primus gets to big
we're talking here of a platform for self-expression not some retailers and on the internet especially
Thank you, user! That's exactly what I was looking for.
Jonathan Nelson
I've been listening every week day for two years. When the fuck did he every threaten violence upon anyone?
He's said he wants to kill pedophiles but never anyone in particular.
Chase Thompson
The IRS adjusting tax rates doesn't equate to the government conspiring to put the competition of those companies out of business.
Jose Bailey
>a cake shop isn't the public square, social media is
>asking someone to make something isn't the same as distributing something yourself on someone else's infrastructure
>social media can't hide behind safe harbor laws if they're going to police legal content. you can't be a publisher one day and a neutral content distribution mechanism the next.
Gavin Roberts
Cakes and Information are not the same thing, dumbass
this is a false equivilency
Jeremiah Smith
this would be like Walmart/Amazon/Publix/Costco/etc all refusing to sell gay wedding cakes within 12 hours of each other
Matthew Jones
Bakeries and social media providers both provide goods and/or services. They're the same.