did blizard turn this pro imigration sjw traitor into a trump voter ? can someone explain to a stupid gypsy what happened here?
Reformation of a roastie?
its what happens to all sjw
we will see a rise of tradthots in the coming years
She reached the conclusion Arthas reached years ago, took the ultimate red pill.
Some SJWs grow up.
Jaina was an sjw that eventually got red pilled. She finally realized orc niggers aren't human and as such don't have the same thought process as we do
iirc... she was a peace advocate, tried to calm the conflict between horde and alliance, until of course horde dropped a nuke on her city/town or w/e, and gets red pilled
that's all in the past
Stop caring about video games
>can someone explain to a stupid gypsy what happened here?
A Orc dropped the WOW equivalent of a nuke on Theramore. She is now going full 1488 and wants to remove the Orcs.
t. Garithos
Anyone else find the Theramore theme to be shit? You know, all the anchors, boats, etc?
Would have been better with a medieval style, but different to Stormwind.
凸 Garithos was right, elf cannot be trusted too...
She's in Jaina's purge list three times. God I hope she gets nuked.
Ohh you are goddamn right, bllizzard went full fcking SJW (Der Jude)
the ZoG and they Ovy Vey lobbies got blizz by the balls. But Blizz have no idea what will happen to them if they don't STOP promoting such a degenerocity immediately
Sucks that you cant enter Lordaeron anymore
But at least we get Gilneas back
Fuck up ya nerds.
>crosspost in /v/ for shits and giggles
>now a bunch of /v/irgins crosspost about their childish videogames on Jow Forums
How tragic.
She realized her father was right after the bombing of theramore. Now she's redpilled as fuck
How do you know that? I played the pre-event (Horde side), I saw that Sylvanas burned this shitty tree, and that's it. How can I see more ingame?
they are even worse than actual thots, at least thots are honest about their intentions
sorry mate i do not visit /v/.
I just wanted to know what Jow Forums's opinion on the way this game's story goes
Ooga booga Orc nuked her city, so she got upset but forgave them until some elves on the Orcs side tried to steal stuff from her other city in which she went full "fuck Orcs" mode and it's been uphill from there.
She burned the orc coal and paid the toll.
When did you realize the horde is only based side?
They have the tauren and trolls living in sync with nature. Noone like those would ever join the bad side
Why do you say they are tradthots
>“vol jin is dead“
>“who wants to help me avenge him“
*cries manly* FOR THE HORDE
That was several expansions ago.
ITT: people pretending they weren't faggot liberals at one point of their lives.
If you grew up in America, then you most likely had to break the conditioning at some point. Stop pretending. Schools teach us that we're all one race, but a few days in a playground will teach you the opposite. It's no surprise to me that rich white kids that never deal with niggers or mexicans in their lives are the only ones that grow into adults thinking all races are equal, and generally believing all the bologna they teach in (((school))).
>orcs drink demon blood, massacre everyone else on their planet and then invade
>commit countless atrocities and nearly wipe out humanity
>get their collective asses handed to them and wind up as slaves until they escape to Kalimdor on stolen ships
>convince a dumb human bitch that orcs dindu nuffin and they bout to get they race back on track just need more land for dem hovels
>dumb human bitch betrays her own father because she wants some of dat green dick
>a few years later orcs go on a genocidal rampage again and nuke Theramore
>get defeated again, at the cost of countless lives
>orcs dindu nuffin, it was dat demon blood
>travel back in time to prevent orcs from drinking blood
>orcs try to genocide everyone... again, even without drinking the blood.
Admiral Proudmoore did nothing wrong and they need to build a massive statue in his honour in the middle of Stormwind. He knew. Why didn't she listen?
wow is one of the few gaming spheres that hasn't been completely destroyed by anti-white shit
you could argue the female warchief angle is pretty faggy but lets be honest sylvanas is more based than vol'jin, thrall, etc.
sylvanas did nothing wrong. gas the alliance, faction war now
also anduin literally looks like the golden one
She was orced by Thrall
Jaina is a fel burner who has her panties in a knot that Sylvannas is getting more attention than her from the Virile Saurfang
Hail Conquest, Hail Garrosh.
>All SJWs turn into hot milfs when they get older.
Yeah I don't believe you.
So what is this all about? Some elf thot was taking miles of Orcs cock and now had a change of heart and other elves are shamed into marrying her or what?
does warcraft have any black human characters? i can't even think of a single one
I LOVE jaina
she went from being naive and kind and good hearted and tried desperately to unite the world in peace and in turn killed her own father because he hated horde
(this first half i dislike but its character building part for after)
THEN the important part, horde act like niggers and eventually cause so much damage to everyone and her city theramore that SHE GOES FULL REDPILL, eventually realizing how wrong she was and how horde need to be put in gas chambers, so she leaves for an xpac to grow in power and make allies in her original homeland to kill horde, then comes back to save the alliance in the lordaeron fight and kills the fuck out of the horde.
If she were alive today she would browse Jow Forums 200%
Good thing anduin realizes horde are nogs too now.
She wanted peace but realized that the only way to achieve it was to exterminate the warmonger races
>Why didn't SHE listen?
Does that answer your question?
The Sam Jackson insert is black
That's an interesting thing coming from Blizzard. There's no way they'll leave it at that, cause they're cultural marxist commies themselves.
I can see you're new to wow, anyway google bombing of theramore
I don't know if you can see it in game anymore because it was a MOP thing, but you can go to theramore and talk to nozormi and toggle old and destroyed theramore, just to see what it used to be like etc
What did Blizzard mean by this?
This is after taking miles of orc cock
She's a fucking fel burner who got rejected by Thrall. She's literally just a butthurt normie who had her fee fees hurt when she tried to play war.
wrathion and then shitty background npcs like agent smith
Blizzard is pozzed beyond belief. They will have women ruling bothing factions by the end of this expansion.
There are but they are all literally who characters from novels and past expansions
Still salty
Reminded that blizzard removed the black humanskin option quite a while ago. Humans can only be white or latino
imagine actually making this thread
this is why shithole countries should just be rangebanned
Yeah you're in for it.
>orcs are the original chosen race of the beer, titties, and orcs dev crowd
>orcs are the "most wokest" which aligns perfectly with the current #notmywarchief SJW tranny takeover of wow
>the alliance is currently run by the most aryan of newbie white privilege princes
>they have lost control of the plot completely, have too many races and factions and subplots that no one cares about
>D4 cash cow is due for invocation
>The alliance will be completely destroyed and there will only be the horde by the end of the expansion
>All the goofy races fit under the Horde's banner, because it's a fucking Horde OF WOKE UNITY
>The new enemy will be D4 demons breaking in from Sancturary world (which is also conveniently run by humans - more white privilege to smash!) All spearheaded by a big orange demon
Screenshot me and save for the end of the current expansion. There's too much potential cash in this plan for their marketeers to ignore.
They already are starting with the destruction of the world tree so Sanctuary can start breaking in, mark my words.
No one really gives a fuck about Anduin, he's disposable. Everyone wants Slutty Slyvanas and there will either be some redemption arc with her and Genn or he's replaced, Worgen are a natural fit with the horde anyway. Maybe she finally gets her life back along with the forsaken and they unify, who knows.
Horde vs. D4 demon world will happen though, the alliance has no real draw for the mass market in that role. The SJW shit conveniently will fit right in.
she is about to get thralled boi
wtf i love thots now
Sylvanas is currently the most hated warchief since Garry, I don't think they're achieving their agenda
Not that I care, I play Ally
If she were real sure but in the story the only one she gave a shit about was arthas and never got over that, the orc dick shit is just degenerates wanting to wank over it, canonically that never happened.
Now she wants to rectify her mistakes by genociding horde like hitler 2.0
suck my 300k pvp kills faggot
i always thought wrathion was presented as a wandering sand nigg. personally i always liked the merchant desert mystic with a turban trope. i guess he's a dragon, though
wait really?
>i play ally
You're probably a void elf shitter
sylvanas is also the most hated character in game so this is either accidentally making sjws hated subconsciously, or is a sneaky redpill by someone at blizz
>they never remember Dun Garok
I've never been liberal but there was still conditioning to break. The race narrative and the weapon of being called a racist was effective enough to get wasp Christian conservatives to give ground in the culture war for decades. Just giving up civilization because they want to come off as nice. Man, they even called vanilla as fuck Mit "I'm shocked I remembered his name this time" Romney a racist during the election. They're never not going to pull that because the whole premise of the attack is bullshit. A 1964 90% European descended country had every right to exist. Fuck the Kennedy brothers and fuck the democraft forever.
The media's two-year long defamation of Trump is going to be a problem in November. Anyone who has continued to listen to them has such a skewed concept of reality and what the White House has been up to it is unreal and dangerous.
Kek, you never played WC3 did you?
The love relation with Thrall was HEAVILY implied. She literally betrayed her own father to help her green lover control Kalimdor
All previousblack dragons have been white when using a humanform. Wrathion sets himself apart. He's closer to how the humans of tanaris are supposed to be represented which is strange because he's never actually been on kalimdor
Are you retarded?
It was with Arthas, they even expanded it in the
LK novel
holy shit the look awful
i need to stop giving the MMORPJew my sheckles but i love raiding too much. never really got into the extended lore
He'd have been salivating at the burning of Teldrassil.
>genocide of elves
>excuse to genocide the horde races in retaliation
>finally spurred the alliance to retake Lordaeron.
That glorious bastard is smiling down on us.
You are projecting.
You saw what you want to see, because you're a hardcore orc fanboy.
I know for a fact you cried when you killed general nazgrim in SoO
Sylvanas is hated because majority of players and fans are braindead retards with no critical thinking skills. They have no ability to see beyond "good and evil"
>hur dur alliance is good horde is evil XD am smart
However arguing for sylvanas's motivation anywhere gets the equivalent of "jewish shill"from mouthbreathing knuckledragging degenerates
You're looking in a mirror, mate..
There is literally an entire campaign dedicated to Thrall and Jaina mucking around in Kalimdor.
Jaina is seen crying at Thrall wedding you dummy
Man general nazgrims death was pretty emotional. He was a character in a lot of story content. Still a better death than admiral taylor
>alliance wants peace, has a pansy leader who is willing to be a faggot in peace with horde
>new warchief, fought together with alliance for the good of the world
>lmao lets kill the elves for no reason and burn down their tree thus starting a war with them and leading to horrendous losses on both sides with no actual winner, just thousands dead.
>lmao i protected the horde!
it's a fucking videogame you imbeciles
wod was an abysmal xpac
>women cry at weddings
WOW WHAT A REVELATION, you really fucking BTFO'd me desu senpai
women protagonists on both side=cucked
muh stron wamen!
I genuinely love the fact that Blizzard's writers didn't fall to the sjw bullshit by making orcs the good guys.
The Alliance/Human's villains are always in the right, while the Horde/Orc's villains are always in the wrong.
Was written by the roastie known as christie golden. Dont take every word from supplemental material as gospel because you have the bias of the writer interfering
No shit faggot, but they have subversive and subconscious propaganda and agendas, much like hollywood movies.
we're immune to gas now we have a jaina again
we got manduin leader of the alliance now
autistic fantasy epics are implicitly white
begone, abbo
No contest from me, not even my alleged critical thinking skills can salvage WoD
>timelord dragon gets wild hair up his ass to somehow save the world
>sends a crazy orc back in time to save his people from chimping out
>fails so hard
Jaina went from being a dumbocrat to becoming a oligarch
Anduin is a homo and fucks void elves
Reminder PVE shitters ruined WoW.
>wahh we have to many spells!!!!
>its too hard!!!
lost at character creation, reroll
They meet at the oracle, beat up grom and then kill Archimonde, after that they part ways
>w-women are pure
>it was a p-plantonic friendship that made her weep like a child and kill her own father
Mental gynamstics of the cucked man
>implying you wouldn't
My 56 pvp keybinds in WotLK was a thing of beauty.
Play Frozen thrones
Enjoying that scripted gameplay?
mythic is 1500 rated at best lmao
anduin seems weak and passive
no i think you're just too retarded to remove your own cognitive bias lens from anything you consume
Videogames are for degenerates
>t. 1000 world raider
>world raider
Yeah, she betrays her father and then the Horde fucks off until Garry
Read a book
First snippet
Sylvanas doesnt believe there will ever be a peace
>fought together with alliance for the good of the world
Except she didnt, we never saw her after stormheim. The other horde leaders aided in suramar and tomb and antorus, notably lady liadrin and baine big guy bloodhoof. Genn -hates- her and genn has the ear of anduin. Genn was never punished for wrecking a skyship
jesus, you really don't even know anything about pve
the absolute state of pvp players
More my style
>muh raids
Normies ruined WoW.
>things take too long
>its too hard
>i don't want to walk everywhere
>i don't want to wait for people
>i am bad at video games, but i still want to experience all dungeon and raid content
>blizzard, you OWE IT TO ME to make the game fast and easy enough for me to see everything in it!