Don't you think we need to build our own platform ?

it's really unstable to let our media float on the Enemy's territory

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Speak english

i am speaking

you retard islam shit fuck off

Yeah, we are currently fucked.

I'm not a Muslim

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Facebook is in a death spiral, so it's definitely possible to take down the social Giants.

you just want to build some racist platform that spews hatred, most likely. Good luck finding people who have money and aren't total losers to get that operation going. Most racists and intolerant types are basically poor rejects of society..who are angry because of their personal failures.

I agree. All of these big social media outlets are run by the left.

Instagram is currently #1 & owned by faceberg, genius

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there is nothing wrong with my english

fix your fucked up english faggot and go Kidnap kids. you fucking shitskinned black hair black eyed albanian shit scum !
you are not european fuckin scum !

Thank you Dr. fucking Phil.

>you just want to build some racist platform that spews hatred, most likely.
Like Jow Forums?

that's some weak b8 m8

>>you just want to build some racist platform that spews hatred
That exists, it's called twitter.

Sure there is a good bit of that. But there are also very many who do not hate but who also do not pretend. Solutions are really simple in the pretend world because they are based on bad assumptions.

Everyone's goal should be to strive the make our society the best possible for everyone given the vast diversity of those who make it up. It is a really complex matter with trade offs and no simple easy solution. But we honestly cannot ever get to the point of discussing trade offs and best policies because of the simple minded approaches on the extremes.

Op it's more a case of choosing a solution and transferring the userbase. It's a marketing problem.

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Pol can’t even build a torch. Maybe you can buy a platform at wallmart beside the tikis.....

we already did gook, its called Jow Forums


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For microblogging: (essentially uncensorable)
For videos: Anything that leverages IPFS
For social networks: someone else chime in here
There are alternatives, it's just a matter of getting norman to use them., it's getting a rush of new users after InfoWars got shut down

It feels hopeless because it would be monitored, and likely unsuccessful anyway. The Alex Jones thing got me to realize what trajectory the internet is on.
I think what is more productive here, is to change how we talk. Subtle innuendo and nods, and purposefully omitting things in such a way that when a person of likemindedness reads it, he gets it.
Like if you sketch out rough contours of something, you can infer the substance.