This is Britannia

How do we fix it?

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Yeah because Rotherham and Birmingham are London. Fucking Northerners.

Wall it off and let it burn.

>It's only the capital of our country!

>tfw basically 99% white area while you live in a shit hole
We should wall of your shit hole and contain the rot there.

London is completely different to England in every conceivable way, couldn't care less about it.

Attached: 1494604267899.jpg (1000x545, 141K)

Those trump balloon people could have "accidentally" or by FF sabotage release it and let it go flying around in London airspace jamming aeroplane corridors for hours. Caused a real media sensation, terrific memetic material, flying baby Trump over London. Why they didn't do this - lack of imagination? saving it for later? Usually these (((people))) have the necessary imagination.

Fuck London.
Britain is Midlands and up.

>London is completely different to England in every conceivable way

We also happen to subsidise the rest of the country both economically and tax wise. Remove London and Britain is a Spain tier economy.