Does anyone else feel it?

The last two weeks a large scale realization among the public that the MSM lies aren't really working any more, that the narrative is breaking down, leftist/globalist agenda is in a state of freefall?

The public redpill is actually working.. Is the public is waking up? Are the pedos actually losing and appreciation traditional values are actually returning? That degeneracy is actually being shunned?

It feels.. good.

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We gotta keep the war effort up!!
Join us today!!

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solar eclipse on saturday

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have you checked the ratings?

nobody actually watches the news

I've definitely felt a change in the atmosphere lately. It's hard to describe that sort of psychic change in attitude that everyone on the planet gets at once, but most people know exactly what I'm talking about.

Why is the media still holding out? Is the ‘lower the earth vibrations’ theory actually true? It’s the only thing I can think of that explains all the hate and division they are stirring up. It seems separate to the trump hate

We are only at the starting steps of what will hopefully be the shifting of the Overton window back in our direction. The backlash from the left from each millimeter of ground they lose only accelerates sentiment against them from centrists.
What will determine whether we can pull back from the abyss is whether they are smart enough to reign themselves in temporarily, however, I think they cannot help themselves anymore.

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I just hope for freedom on the internet, and not this censorship!!
And fuck the EU for the steps into enforcing it!!

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When we win, do not forget that these people want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it's funny

ja kamerad, the fire rises.

b a s e d

the media lives in the reality they have constructed

they actually believe all the retarded shit they spew

no i really don't feel it
last night you almost lost ohio during a meme special election
trump is in for a rough ride in 2020 that is if he isn't impeached by a majority blue midterm

checked. lunar / solar events are underrated here.
There is ALWAYS huge happenings during them.

Get as many of your friends and other EU citizens to do this:
Buy guns from Switzerland, make your way to Brussels, and overthrow the city.

At least we stopped the copyright reform's article 13 dead in its tracks when our government flat out told the EU to stick it up their ass because we weren't ratifying it.
Based costituzione.

(For our burger readers, Art. 21 of our constitution grants freedom of speech and press, like your 1st amendment, and art. 13 of the reform was in blatant violation of it.)

i think they ll try again in september. We gotta be ready.

What makes you say that? What have you observed?

How do you sense the zeitgeist in the US from France? Why do you think the election matters. Why do you think an hmm peaches will help you.