What would he think of r/AsianMasculinity ?
Genghis Khan
Mongols are significantly more muscular than east and southeast Asians, which is the demographic r/AsianMasculinity caters to.
Genghis Khan was an alpha, not a shitty East-Asian manlet DYEL subhuman.
This. There's something about Mongols that let them kill and conquer like they did.
>inb4 genghis khan was a white aryan
dumb r*dditor
he would probably rape them in the ass (and they would love it)
He was described by a persian scholar to have red hair and green eyes, but he never let any portraits of hinself to be done while he was alive so we will never know
He'd tell them to get back to plowing their fields while he plows their wives.
asians are beta's compare to caucasians semites and even negro men
the onions fucked them hard