Make Romania eat dogs again?

Romanians are the scum of the earth. They eat dogs. I do not care that it is a long lasting tradition. Roasting poor puppies over a campfire is not what civilized people do. We do not devour dogs!

These brown skinned, black haired Romanians are abusing our loyal companions that helped us to survive the harsh environment in prehistory and they are still our lovable cute friends.

Romanians, you need to stop with this barbarism. You use your incredible running speed to catch these poor dogs. Use it for something productive, like delivering mail.

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Other urls found in this thread: de caine paste

What is this? Are you sure you don't confuse romanians with phillipinos?
As far as I know you are bullshitting right now.

Look in what terrible conditions these canines must live.

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You sure?

Well, it sure isn't a tradition. Our countries share a lot of history together, most of the traditions as well and I can tell you for sure that eating dogs aint one of them. There always will be shitty people doing bad things to animals or other people. Not trying to defend them, just calling it a tradition isnt right.

all romanians love dogs faggot
the ones who don't are probably some of the gypsies

sage & cage this trash

You can clearly tell that this picture is old when poverty was a lot more common, even here you can see that even the owners have terrible living conditions, not like the dogs live there while she lives in a nice house.

Of course. The native romani population is more civilized then romanians.

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So you are saying they do not even allow the dogs to go inside with them?!

So you say it is happening but it is not an ancient tradition but more of a recent thing.

how's wien ahmed?

Well, probably,but by not means is every romanian doing it. Hell, it would be more right to say that a very small part of population with some mental disorder does it.

Well, if they have an apartment then they do, if they have a house then usually there is a smaller house for the dog since they easily get dirty because its country side.

I think the Ahmeds, Ibrahims and Muhammands actually share this tradition with your kind, Ioan.

omg i hate romania now

They used to sell dogs instead of lamb for Easter.

I see. That is good to know. Thx for telling me. Do you thin this small mentally ill part of population is brown?

>The virgin dog eater vs. The Chad dog spinner

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Well yeah, probably gypsies since they are the main plight of Romania.

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>not wanting to enjoy dat succulent and delicious dog meat

Fucking westerners don't know what they're missing

How can I tell Gypsies and Romanians apart. On the internet people say there is not difference.

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They sold DOG MEAT on the Easter holiday. de caine paste

Some have lighter skin but they all act the same way.

Some Swiss farmers eat dogs, but you don’t complain because they are rich.

They're not even human I'm an Hungarian stuck here and I'm terrified of being cannibalized

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They do? I heard that Swiss eat cats though. They are barbaric too.

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Then go home...
In Mongolia, kek

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This is bullshit, I've never heard of anyone doing this, and this is definitely not a tradition, but a mental illness. The gypsies may do this, but no sane romanian would be such a barbarian.

she's cute lol and I don't wanna I love your women more than you do

My sides.

See images of romanians and then of gypsies and you will now.

What is wrong with eating cats? You eat cows and pigs, both smarter than cats.

We know romanians are white but they are russian white which means non human white they are animals inside

Regardless of what the EU poster above is saying you can easily tell them apart by skin color and/or behavior. Shills will try to convince you that they are subhuman, but it isnt true. Its just that our whole post sovetic space (dont know about the western part, mostly talking about us, Ukraine, Russia, etc) had to suffer from our best and brightest people being sent to gulag. While low iq subhumans were kept as farmers and such. This is why right now you can see so many of them. Also, the fact that the decent people right noe are grtting tired of it and leave for better countries doesnt help either, which leaves us with what we have right now.

I've seen you post this exact same thread one month ago.
I don't know what kind of crusade you think that you are waging against Romanians but it's cringy
You're probably a dirty bozgor who moved to Austria in order to escape his shithole of a country, not that Austria will not follow suit soon. Eat shit and get off this board

You will be annexed

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these fags pay a lot of money for "natural" food, kek
We just go to our grandparents or local markets
I think they have not even tasted zimbru or bear meat
>why live

Bad pasta again

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If you say I am hungarian, why post an image of a burning roach flag?

100% agree.

Reality says otherwise
And these are bozgors:
>not even white

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It's a nice image, makes me feel warm inside

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So you do not even deny eating dog meat.

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If you eat pigs why can't I eat dogs.
I can keep a pet pig just as easily I can a dog. Who's gonna stop me?

My brothers tell me why are you against it so much? You know deep down it will bring decency and order back something we dont have for a long time.

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My dog is 15. The fuck am I supposed to eat on it. It's all skin and bones now.

You're mistaking my nationality, Florin.

>not knowing who his ally is
Hungarians ARE the Turks
Btw Bucovina here if you ever think about taking us back... you know

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That does not even make sense. Modern Hungarians have the same genes as the countries around them.

Oh please, I eat donkey yearly, had the opportunity to eat bear and zimbru
But(and you know this) no one eats dogs in Romania, fag just kys
Now that's a good name ;)

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please fill the related form correctly and we can continue

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forgot to give op a (you)

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Yes, it is a very common name in Romania.

>Romanians are the scum of the earth.
not an argument>They eat dogs.
>I do not care that it is a long lasting tradition.
>Roasting poor puppies over a campfire is not what civilized people do. We do not devour dogs!
i'm confident i can find new austrians eating a bowl of dog soup
>These brown skinned, black haired Romanians are abusing our loyal companions that helped us to survive the harsh environment in prehistory and they are still our lovable cute friends.
i personally hate all dog owners and wish tar were to be poured in their eyes.
>Romanians, you need to stop with this barbarism. You use your incredible running speed to catch these poor dogs. Use it for something productive, like delivering mail.
i'll deliver a bag of dog shit at your location.

who dat? MUST S M A S H

>i personally hate all dog owners and wish tar were to be poured in their eyes.

Gyp- I mean Romanian animal abuser detected.

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You don't have Asian restaurants in Austria or what?

can you tell the difference?

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>Romanian animal abuser detected.
i don't have a desire to look for dogs and brutally and methodically take their life.
i have a problem with their retarded owners thinking the sidewalk is an extension of their property and that they can do whatever the fuck they want just because they have a dog.
nowadays they go for the nigger breeds. shitbulls, rottniggers etc.

>i have a problem with their retarded owners thinking the sidewalk is an extension of their property and that they can do whatever the fuck they want just because they have a dog.
>nowadays they go for the nigger breeds. shitbulls, rottniggers etc.
This man is right.

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Eat shit and die nigger

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And the reality in that pic??
You know that bozgors, poles and Russians attacked Moldova and Wallachia while we were fighting the Ottomans, this is one of the reason why we made peace with turks, those fags didn't deserved our blood, and be sure that our help will never come if something.

That isn't even the true face of Vlad, kek

Kek, oh and the army he commanded was also made of bozgors, right?
Let me tell you something, if he didn't ruled over vlachs but bozgors.. No more "remuv kebab" for you

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