BASED Italian

>No!!! How dare you goy! Take your (((vaccine))) with (((adjuvants))))!!!

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>measles outbreak
Maybe we should stop importing savages from places that still have these '800s tier diseases.
Just a thought.

Although I'm not opposed to vaccines and neither is the health minister.
The new government just thinks that forcing people to get their kids vaccinated will make them even more adverse to the vaccinations, they want to use information campaigns instead.
That's all there is to it.

excellent newz

why is our movement full of nut jobs who believe shit like vaccines are dangerous and the flat earth? jesus christ we can't have anything nice can we


This spaghetti be eatin' 'cines!

So what's exactly wrong with modern medicine?

current vaccines DO have neurodegenerative agents in them for some (((mysterious reason)))

dont even fucking try it, kike

Some vaccines are fine, they combat diseases that are so dangerous that it's better to take a risk with what is in the vaccine than the disease itself.

Forcing people to take vaccines for stupid shit that 50 years ago was seen as a "must do" for kids and young adults is fucking retarded, also a slippery slope towards mandatory flu vaccines (I can already see the campaigns saying how many the flu kills every year and how old people are at risk), enjoy getting all that shit injected twice or more a year.

And there's the eternal Anglo shilling for vaccines.

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Flat earth is clearly a psyop to make us all look retarded.
It's such an absurdly ludicrous concept that makes anyone who hears it dismiss you in 15 milliseconds.
It's incredibly retarded, because unlike the other conspiracy theories, it can be debunked in just by looking at shadows. And if you still believe that crap, a $100 telescope will relieve any doubt.

This conspiracy theory literally didn't exist until 3 or 4 years ago. Then it suddenly exploded with a massive popularity.
Ever notice how intruding supposed flat earthers are? They always latch on to any other conspiracy thread, be it here or on youtube.
This way normies see the flattard and automatically discard everything else in the thread as trash too.
I'm sure a good number of people now actually believe this shit, but it didn't come to be on its own. It was manufactured.