Who the fuck still votes for the Green party in the fucking year of 2018? These are Russian agents who handed fucking DRUMPF another victory how long can the Green Party be allowed to fucking exist when we have a fucking Russian shill in the white house and Republishits in gerrymandered districts?
How do we stop the treasonous Green party Dembros?
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Neoliberals are so reprehensible.
Why would I vote Dem when they keep putting climate change on the backburner? You retards keep promising me shit in my platform and then immediately dropping it to rage on about irrelevant garbage like giving burger flippers 15$/hr and making sure every little colored boy and girl gets as much money as possible to squander on an """education""" as you take lobbyist $$$ to let fracking and strip mining continue to rape the one earth we have
>we ran a shitty neoliberal shill for president
>blumpf is YOUR fault
If you can't beat em, join em.
We need to #walkaway and vote Green.
>they still dont realize people would rather vote for VERMIN SURPREME than the stale id pol faggots in the democratic party
Democrats who've walked away
>Implying Green voters otherwise would have voted for Democrats
>Implying there weren't more Trump Democrats than Greens
Remind people that the green party is against vaccines and for adult-child sexual relations.
If dems are so scared of republicans maybe they should drop out instead and let green win.