
OH NO NO NO . . . .

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Fake and gay.

>t. reincarnated Chinese, California Senator

And nothing will happen because everyone is in on some form of corruption and trying to cover each other’s asses.

True and big.

“I sometimes say that in my last life maybe I was Chinese.”—Sen. Dianne Feinstein

>Devin Nunes rips FBI for treating Trump campaign probe 'drastically' different from alleged Feinstein spy situation

So, now that Feinstein has been shown to have a yellow weakness, how has this influenced her Senate career over the last 26 years? It seems like one conflict of interest scandal after another, but she assures her voting base and the general American public there is no conflict between what she does, and what business her husband, Richard C. Blum, invested a good bit of money in China and made pretty good money. Well, appears that's getting the cart before the horse. There are also several business dealings interstate where her husband seemed to make amazing piles of money buying and selling federal property. Why wouldn't we take Feinstein as an example of political corruption, and make her the poster woman of political justice? I look forward to seeing many more corrupt politicians going down, both Democrat and Republican alike. Chris Collins, get your fucking shit together asshole.

same state that produced Leeland Yee. look his ass up

Why is she not arrested? Why has Debbie washerman Schultz not been arrested? But some republican can do something and within four months he’s arrested.

>Why is she going to remain in the Senate until the end of her term? Why has Debbie washerman Schultz been able to return to the House after the DNC hacking scandal and telling the FBI to fuck off?

fucking kike bitch

She even looks like a lizard-chink hybrid

In old day, they hanged the traitors until dead. Why not we doing it anymore? We need to set an example.


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Oh shit i just realized this also

wtf we sanzheng frisco now

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She is about 10 years past her expiration date

我人住SAN JOSE, 最近手提电话和工作电话都收到那个冒充领事馆的诈骗电话,电话直接是显示领事馆的电话号码,,不止我,我身边的人都收到,无论是家人还是同事 或者其他朋友,虽然没有财产损失,但是总觉得不安心,打电话去领事馆说这事,那个工作人员没听完就说那是假的,就直接挂线了,我是想说既然领事馆的电话给入侵了,他们工作人员是不是要积极解决问题,我上网搜索了一些,这事从去年就从SF 开始了,然后到MONTEREY PARK, 最近就到了SAN JOSE。

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Holy shit it really was the Communist Chinese all along

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hey guys, is this bank FDIC insured. oh fuck yeah it is!

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>imblyign stars aren't just the new leafs or aussies

butthurt mohammed is butthurt

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is she a grey alien or what?

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Why hasn't anyone named the spy?

>somewhere, in a cold, dark, and humidity controlled room, a tear comes to Diane Feinstein's eye
>"I helped build that," she cries.
>“I sometimes say that in my last life maybe I was Chinese.”

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>Her longtime staffer, Russell Lowe, fits the description of the reported spy.

Reminder that this cunt has been doing everything in her power to fuck america over and get rid of guns to limit the power of the people. Her manipulation and treason will be long remembered. May her family hang their heads in shame for generations.

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it's a mystery

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Is this why the jews are hating Glmpofds TARIFFS on china?

>1 post by this ID
sad low energy JIDF shills are sad and low energy and obviously can't afford a VPN which is just fucking bizarre

>“I sometimes say that in my last life maybe I was Chinese.”—Sen. Dianne Feinstein
came here to quote this

Throw a coin in to a can and you will have the spy's name.

*chink chink chink*

Few American officials could have been as potentially exposed to the PRC’s skilled intelligence service as Feinstein. Here we have not only proof of a spy, but real evidence of consistently pro-Chinese policy that at very best created the appearance of a financial conflict of interest.
>Few American officials could have been as potentially exposed to the PRC’s skilled intelligence service as Feinstein. Here we have not only proof of a spy, but real evidence of consistently pro-Chinese policy that at very best created the appearance of a financial conflict of interest.
Few American officials could have been as potentially exposed to the PRC’s skilled intelligence service as Feinstein. Here we have not only proof of a spy, but real evidence of consistently pro-Chinese policy that at very best created the appearance of a financial conflict of interest.
Few American officials could have been as potentially exposed to the PRC’s skilled intelligence service as Feinstein. Here we have not only proof of a spy, but real evidence of consistently pro-Chinese policy that at very best created the appearance of a financial conflict of interest.

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Somethings fishy in the timing of all this. California gun bro here, I'd love to see Feinstein strung up but im wondering why this is finally dropping now that Feinstein is finally facing competition for the first time come November when she goes up against the even further left Deleon. The lib wing of the dems and the resisters hate her and want to move even further left so they're trying to sink ber, and while Deleon probably didn't have a chance before if they can string this out for long enough he might pull off a victory. He's even worse on gun rights and absolutely horrible on immigration. Only benefit would be increased accelerationism to this states collapse.

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so, trump trolls dianne feinstein on twitter
dianne feinstein hits back
reveals her connection to a chinese spy that was a long term employee of hers
>the jew cries out in pain as he strikes you

Anyone remember when China bought the whole Democrat Party back in the 1990s?


Its all so tiresome

ok then

>Flashback: Bill Clinton gave China missile technology
>With all this talk of Russians allegedly interfering in U.S. elections, it is worth recalling that it wasn’t too long ago that the previous Democrat in the White House betrayed America by working hand in hand with our Communist enemies in mainland China.

>China Was Bill Clinton’s Russia
>In 1996, a foreign government didn’t just meddle, it donated.

>Clinton Foundation scandal echoes Clinton-China controversy from 1998
>Hillary Clinton has been accused of giving donors to her family's foundation special access to the government when she led the State Department — charges that echo a similar scandal from nearly 20 years ago, when President Bill Clinton was accused of ignoring U.S. national security to please a Democratic donor.

Remember if Feinstein wins re-election and dies or resigns during her term Governor Newsom will appoint Schiff to fill the seat.

we'll see, look like Feinstein will be paying for this campaign using her own reputation, which has taken a little bit of a hit the past week. and also, her husband told me he aint gonna giver her SHIT, NONE OF THE MONEY. firewalled.

>California Dems endorse Feinstein's rival
>Leaders of the California Democratic Party voted to endorse Kevin de León for the US Senate over incumbent Sen. Dianne Feinstein.

Of course you'd defend ((( Feinstein ))) and ((( treason )))

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You don't need to give me a link. I was there.


Man, I enjoyed my time in Vietnam. District 5 of Ho Chi Minh had some banging food that was dirt cheap. Hot as hell though. Went to Tay Ninh for a few days and got dehydrated twice.

It's no wonder ground forces did poorly in every invasion attempt there.

That said, you guys make some of the best roast duck I have ever had. Use too much organs for your your soups though.

no, you fool, "ching chang ding dong ging gong fing flong", you maroon.

china should offer comment, if only their damned country allowed them to say shit. someone tell Jow Forums, don't they have chongs over there? i know the chinese are quite an investment heavy society.

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