What evidence is there sandy hook was a hoax

what evidence is there sandy hook was a hoax

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>what evidence is there god did not create universe

from everything that i have seen the real question is show me the evidence that sandy hook was not a hoax

what about all the grieving parents on tv

are they all fake too

He didn't leave any proof of himself.

When asked for evidence, you simply say that you've seen evidence?

It's one of the few incidents where the media didn't constantly spam images of the bloody aftermath. I've never seen actual photos/footage of the victims. Conflicting witness reports not just about the apearence of the shooter, but the number of shooters. They demolished the school afterwards instead of repairing it, eating millions of dollars. The parent of a victim going from smiling and joking to super genuinely sad once he saw the cameras for the press conference. The guy that saved all those kids just happened to have an actors guild membership. That's all I can recall off hand.


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I have a cousin who attended Sandy Hook Elementary School and I can assure you it really happened.

>look at dis sad nigga it haf to b realz!

opinion disregarded

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You can download a variety of files on "dealing with the tragedy" and also find some websites that are all dated to before the event, sometimes days to months beforehand.

>grieving parents

That's not how you spell 'crisis actors'.

The crisis actors are the biggest giveaway, you have to wonder why the same people always seem to end up at every terror attack/mass shooting. There is one mormon missionary that pops up at many happenings, the dude is probably a shabbos agent of mossad.

good one, thanks

Why would the government go through all the trouble of faking a shooting when they could just actually kill a class full of kids? I don't think government is above that

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You can’t prove it happened there is no evidence. Unless you can post a picture of the dead kids

>This fucking user.
Yeah bud. What is Stoneman Douglas High School shooting.

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it wasn't a hoax, my cousin died there.

Of course Sandy Hook wasn't a hoax, that's just idiotic. However, what wasn't reported was that Adam Lanza targeted special needs children. Most of the class rooms had 2 or 3 teacher's assistents / aids which is common for classrooms with special needs children. Also, if you google the names of the victims with "special needs" or similar terms you will find at least half of the children were confirmed special needs. Some schools have classrooms with normal kids and a few special needs children who have their own aids, but there are too many victims with special needs for that to be likel and it's pretty obvious these were dedicated special needs classes. Photos of children that 'looked' normal were published, some published photos were photoshopped to make the kids look less retarded and/or siblings were used. The media also did their absolute best to not create any sort of public debate that could harm the pharmaceutical industry.

The published FBI research is worthless and uninteresting, the CSP reports however are quite interesting and worth a read. I can go through my notes if people are interested but most people only want to talk about muh hoax.

I used to work as a background actor and even I could tell that the whole thing was ran like a movie set

Those children aren't dead. They've been taken to a underground elite dungeon. The shooter was also a product of the molloch cult

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I believe this more than official story - albeit I never looked into Sandy Hook, all I know is some shit about "Sandy Hook" appearing in some faggot Batman movie (not watching that shit lmao) and I overheard Eddie Bravo mentioning something about bodies not being shown or whatever.

Is there a "dancing Israelis" or "Ryder van parked at the military camp day before" angle to Sandy Hook, something that can TLDR wrap up the entire case?

>Sandy Hook was a hoax, Alex Jones is telling the truth!

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fuck you faggot my wife's son's cousin's father's wife's son's cousin went to sandy hook.

So he just went to kill retards? Unironically doing god's work.

" Benghazi was caused by a video"
" Iraq has WMD's"
"we totally didn't attempt to assassinate castro"
" the gulf of Tonkin incident was legit"
" I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
" forever shattered my faith in polygraphs"

Holy shit looks like we have all of the extended family of the victims right here. That's it, I can't believe it's a hoax anymore. Pack it up, pack it all up

What evidence is there that it was real?

You fucking mutt, you forgetting about the grand daddy of PNAC "New Pearl Harbor" era, the first PUSH and "a real good chance, at the new (jew?) world order"...




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Jesus fuck, I have so much conspiracy shit reading material in my backlog and now this.


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"The USS Liberty was an accident."

You forgot
"priests aren't pedos"
"the tuskegee experiment didn't happen"
"the parites flipped sides"
"they took the babies out of the incubators"
"Uncle Joe"

I don't believe Sandy Hook was real, but even if it was I don't fucking care. I don't care how many kids die. I will never give up my gun rights.

Boom. Only response needed.

Using that logic the only things that you can know ever actually happened are things that you have physically seen in person.

So you would prefer I believe lies based on no evidence whatsoever?

There's a thing called burden of proof. The prevalent claim is that Sandy Hoax happened. Where is the proof that it did?

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He got butthurt because his mom wanted him to stop NEETing and get a job. I guess he found that hypocritical because she was living lavishly off her ex-husband's money. She was also fucking some dude who was tired of meeting at resorts and hotels so he convinced her that she should tell him to GTFO. His dad hated his guts and ignored him and he had no contact with his older brother. he had been fucked over by psychiatrists and there were indications that he'd been a victim of sexual child-abuse. In his own mind he probably thought he'd be doing those kids a favour.

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Good points. The investigation was shady as fuck and a lot of unanswered questions remain. This is why the hoax thing started. Also add the fact that the DNC politicized it heavily and used fake information to do so. Another reason the hoax thing started.

Maybe (((they))) used retards, because retards are too retarded to dispute the official narrative and no one would believe them if they did?

FBI crime stats say no one was murdered in Newtown during 2012. See for yourself: ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2012/crime-in-the-u.s.-2012/tables/8tabledatadecpdf/table-8-state-cuts/table_8_offenses_known_to_law_enforcement_by_connecticut_by_city_2012.xls

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>thinking shills on an anime board have time for "burden of proof"

Oh Estonianon, never change.

Jow Forums has posted major crime scene photos for hundreds of crimes throughout the years.

We even have the vegas shooters opened head.

Never once seen sandy hook pics. Anons get to work.

>He thinks this type of shit hasn't been going on for the last 60 years
>Pages 7-9 faggots who think the gubmint won't lie to us.

dawn had short pixie hair on dec, 14th 2012. those photos with long hair from 2010

If we assume there is a (((they))) it would make sense for them to use retards because it's easier on the conscience to sacrifice children that would end up having shitty lives anyway.

Next they'll be telling us Vegas really happened.

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No, AJ really fucked up with this one.


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This is baseless. No one has come up with a source for either images shown. governmentsecrets.com/same-person-dies-in-boston-bombing-and-sandy-hook/#


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its anodaa shoa

remember when Dawn Hochsprung called into the newtown bee to give the latest update on the happening, but then later apologized because it turned out it was TOTALLY just someone pretending to be dawn hochsprung

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They are alive!

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I dont understand every photo they use of Dawn Hochsprung is from 2010 when she had long hair. did you know she became principal of sandy hook in 2010, replacing Donna Page & then Donna Page came back as principal in jan, 2013. less than a month after the shooting

if you only knew how bad things really are

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This seems like it was written by someone who does not speak English as a first language.

Why does anyone care?
Sandy hook movement achieved nothing in the end.

>there were no kids at Sandy Hook

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>some conspiracy theories are true
>therefor all conspiracy theories are true

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Is there no limit to the US government's treachery???

Surely there's a bloody, violent overthrow planned in the near future? Right?

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Bev Bjorklund left sandy hook in 2010 to work at head o' mead school, but she is at the shooting here
>Library specialist Bev Bjorklund heard the noises and hustled about 15 students toward a storage closet in the library, which was filled with computer servers. “Hold hands. Be quiet,” she told the kids. They looked back at her, confused. One child wondered if pots and pans were clanging. Another thought he heard firecrackers. Another worried an animal was coming to the door.
Bev is accompanied by Mary Anne Jacobs
>One of her colleagues, a library clerk named Mary Anne Jacobs, did it for her. “It’s a drill,” she told the students.

Yvonne Cech also has the same exact story, but no mention of Bev
>When the 24 year-old shooter, Adam Lanza, entered the elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut on Friday morning, Yvonne Cech realized that something bad was about to happen and started thinking of ways to protect her students.
>When Cech, a Greek-American librarian, heard the first gunshots she locked herself, an assistant, and 18 fourth-graders in a closet behind file cabinets in the library.
“We spent 45 minutes locked in a closet during the shootings,” she said to local media in Connecticut after she made it out of the school building.

Here we have Mary Anne Jacobs with no mention of Bev Bjorkland or Yvonne Cach. she is the star
>Inside the library at Sandy Hook Elementary School, silence became a matter of life and death.
>A gutsy worker at the Connecticut school rescued 18 kids from the demented gunman by hiding them in a library supply closet as gunshots popped in the hallway outside.
>"I shouted, 'Lockdown!' " recalled Mary Ann Jacob on Saturday. "I tried to remain calm. I didn't want the kids to panic. . . . I just kept thinking, 'Stay calm.' "
>The library clerk said a peculiar crackling over the school's public-address system was the first sign that the quiet December morning had turned deadly about 9:30 a.m.

>" some conspiracy theories aren't true"
>" lets ban the talk about it everywhere and banish people who bring it up on social media"

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11yo thai boy here, can confirm it happened


0:23 seconds

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Info pic fag comes and shills stop bumping.

I can’t wait till this website is banned, my girlfriends neice was murdered by that psychopath. It definitely happened you retards, she left the USA because of your inane gun laws. Conspiritards.

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Imagine dying and people pass around a horrible, old, fading picture of you. I mean she worked at a school. Couldn't they use a yearbook pic?

you're under arrest for being a nigger

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No one believes you, or cares. Glad you're gone.

Fuck off kike

We save the bloody, violent overthrows for other governments.
Here we just vote and half the country buys more guns.

If any overthrowing did occur the people win nearly overnight.

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>I mean she worked at a school. Couldn't they use a yearbook pic

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I’ve always lived in Canada thankfully where we don’t let schizos have guns. You people are sick. I don’t care if you believe me or not, history will not be kind to you lunatics.

Nice. Go outside. Dork.

Again, no one cares. Faggot. It's amazing how everyone on pol was there or knew someone who was there. Kys. Please, and take your gf with you.


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You are a small lonely man, I can tell. Nerd. Surprised YOU didn’t shoot up YOUR school. Bet you thought about it.

Not in school. Not a man. not lonely at all.

Try again faggot.

>drop out
>Shilling AJ nonsense on Jow Forums
>not lonely

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Graduated. Completely not trans. Happily married for over a decade. Never watch more than ten minutes of Alex Jones.

I'll admit this shit is pretty weird, a debunking would be welcome.

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Perhaps they are real if it was simply a controlled event and kids did really get slaughtered by multiple agents. Or they could be actors.

>250+ lbs


>My GF


Report include all weapons and magazines Lanza allegedly carried in the school. Lauren Rousseau's DNA found on pistol grip of rifle, shoulder stock of rifle,
feed area inside of mag, Glock magazine, 9mm magazine, P-mag magazine, and 13 cartridges. Of the 27 results found in this report all but three are mixtures.
The only unredacted DNA source that is listed alone is that of principle Dawn Hochsprung. Result #18. The results are consistent with D. Hochsprung (Item 01 02)
being the source profile from Item #59-S1 (swabbing - 10mm Auto cartridge). Adam Lanza’s DNA was eliminated as a contributor to 59-S1. He was also eliminated as
a contributor to DNA found on stock area and forearm of shotgun as well as the shotgun shells and various magazines/cartridges.

The shotgun was found in the trunk of the Honda Civic. The Honda Civics interior and exterior door handles were swabbed but once again Lanza’s DNA was not found.mead

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