>Lives in a continent during 12,000 years
>Has 90% of its people killed in less than 200 years after the White Devil has arrived
>Lives in a continent during 12,000 years
>Has 90% of its people killed in less than 200 years after the White Devil has arrived
The right of conquest is literally and unironically the only right that actually exists.
So you admit that illegal immigration is bad for America? Tell me OP, what happened to those progressive, intellectual, open-minded, rational Natives that believed in open borders?
>inb4 muh blankets
Blame smallpox
It doesn't matter because Whites will be extinct in the USA by 2080 or so.
After Whites are gone how do you think the niggers are going to treat the Amerindians?
Globalism will destroy the white race in a few hundred years.