WHITE Individualism VS Collectivism; Identity Politics vs JESUS; PETERSON & washed lobster penis

Identity politics are bad, they lead to Stalin-sized disasters- but as a white person, I see the left organizing to do me violence. I grew up an Ayn Rand individualist, and I remain an individualist, so I’m in a quandary of what to do in the face of the violent mob being assembled. Related to this group behavior, I want to talk about the Jesus myth. Your thoughts on the reality or mythology of Jesus doesn’t matter for this, it is just walkthrough of the thinking.

Jesus, per the myth, didn’t actually die because he is still around. What he did was endure death and tremendous suffering before death, the key is the willingly enduring suffering. It wasn’t for ALL of humanity, he endured the suffering to extend the invitation to all of humanity. If you believe in the myth, you have the option to accept the invitation and join the Jesus group. What is the Jesus group?

To join the Jesus group you have to, like Jesus, willingly endure pain and suffering for the good of the group. It is a self-defining thing, everybody in the group has to submit to “I will suffer for others”- now not every human, the other humans in the group that has agreed to do this.

Identity politics lead to mass murders, hundreds of millions of deaths- and I don’t want to play identity politics.
I am white- they’re coming for me, what am I supposed to do? I’m going to make everyone the same offer as Jesus made- I’m not going to suffer quite as much as Jesus- but if you will join the INDIVIDUAL identity group, then I will endure suffering for you. We all will, and it is going to be great.

Take a team of pure Rand style individualists- who have a common agenda and are a team working toward a common goal- against them I will take my Jesus inspired team, who will willingly endure suffering without an immediate payback, but with a group and social sense of ‘We will all take one for the team when needed’- this team who gets this bond will outperform the team of individuals.

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I’d have to ask those people who say that all collectivism and identity politics are terrible, and they are, what am I talking about here? When I am talking about a group of people who will sacrifice for the group, am I engaging in identity politics or is it something different? Is the only IdPo group that is okay is the one that says “We don’t practice any other form of identity politics- other than everyone in the group must be willing to play by the rules”? Those rules being: don’t go out and do violence to innocent people and respect property rights, free speech, and each other.

The bad identity politics involve things you cannot change, like your race or gender. The good kind filter by the values that we choose.

In my group, you might move into my territory- and I’d be wondering if you’re in my group or not. If you brought with you the flag of your origins and display it in your home, that might be nostalgia and respect for tradition- and I respect that, that’s really cool. But if you hang it outside for the community to see, then I can only take it as a statement “I am not part of your group, I am not willing to do the shared suffering thing- not for you”. Similarly, if you say Black Lives Matter, you can claim that you don’t mean that white lives don’t matter- but you are deliberately saying that “I am not part of your team of shared suffering”. You are saying “I’m not with you” and if you’re not with me, then I’m not with you.

My offer stands to anybody who wants to join my team. This is what white people invented and anyone is welcome to culturally appropriate this shared endurance for the greater good. It is voluntary, but if you don’t join, you don’t join.

JP is simply a dumb man's smart person.

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yes, hence why we are shitting upon his anti white collective stance

bevelled glass on the French doors, classy

womp womp

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this kike was in a Toyota ad or something and I just had to screen shot that fuckin hook


Jesus fuck just let him entry level guy, going 1488 off the bat isn't going to work. The left got to where is was with the slow march, we have to slow march back. Plus his advice helps white males gain more self confidence, and gets white women out of the university career woman trap.

none of that is the point though. the goal was to start a convo on identity politics.
I actually find Peterson's mythological analysis very beneficial- I do not begrudge him staying PC

What makes more sense: politics rooted in biological identity or politics rooted in abstract idealism? Identity politics is reality, idealist politics is mental masturbation for parasitic bourgeois faggots disconnected from reality.

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>The bad identity politics involve things you cannot change, like your race or gender
ie real things that actually matter.
I suppose good identity is stuff you can change, ie consumerist choices, ie what merchandise you buy and consumerist subcultures you identify with, ie bullshit that doesn't matter.

>I actually find Peterson's mythological analysis very beneficial
Read Joseph Cambell's mythological analyses, it's infinitely better than Peterson's poorly educated pseudo-intellectual takes.

*Joseph Campbell

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Give detailed explanation of peterson in your words.

dude im all about archetypes and have ascended beyond Campbell but thanks you are great

yes yes I know. culture is the behavioral window resulting in millennia of selection pressures in specific environments. im just trying to get the concepts straight.
I do not want white people in my community who are unwilling to sacrifice for the greater good of the community

>ascended beyond Campbell
To Peterson, a guy who never even fucking read the Old Testament and was fucking giving lectures on comparative mythology and Christianity?


What did you smoke to come to that conclusion?

>I do not want white people in my community who are unwilling to sacrifice for the greater good of the community
Unwilling to sacrifice what? Anything and everything?

lol... hm. Peterson is somehow still apart of the academic establishment despite the fact that he constantly trashes everything that our materialistic "modernity" espouses. His biblical lectures are some of the best out there. He is unable to break his character without being tossed out of society, so I cut him a huge break.

no I never said I valued Peterson as much as Campbell. whats your deal?

his "no collectivism left or right" tweet this morning? which conclusion are you referring to

whatever is needed to create a cohesive productive successful community that is a great place to live

that was a lot of words to say "men are defined by their actions."

sure, i'd like to believe it, but people will always adhere first to people more similar to them. race, language, nationality, career, hobbies, in that order generally. and the truth is that this is natural. you can breed a horse and a donkey, but you will get a mule, an ugly infertile creature that straddles the fence between the best qualities of either animal. there are many many different subspecies of finch, with different evolutionary traits that allow them to specialize in finding food in their environments and attracting mates. why would two different subspecies want to breed and put effort into rearing yound that don't look like them and don't carry their evolutionary adaptations and will not be able to attract mates as easily?

humans have subspecies. you can go on about how a ideological bond is more honorable and can be stronger than a racial one, and it can. but you would not marry an aboriginal. you would not have children with a subsaharan african nomad woman. you should want your children to be successful, to be attractive and intelligent. you would not purposely muddy your own genetics for the sake of ideology.

and in the same vein, a nation grows out of this bond to be stronger than an amalgamation of balkanized states, each with different cultures and racial characteristics and languages. there are exceptions, but by and large a nation of homogenous people with a single language will be more secure, more stable, and stronger.

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>his anti white collective stance
that one.

I don't follow his twitter, but I've read his books.

>stalin-sized disasters
>implying the tatar genocide was uncalled for
I don't understand Jow Forums's hatred for a turk-killing strong leader of a nuclear superpower

It's not abstract idealism if your own group is against you and you suffer or can even die at their hands. Let's say you are an Afghan in the Taliban era and you're a non-Muslim man or a woman who hates Sharia and are persecuted for it. Why do you side with the group who is persecuting you instead of people who share your values?

well pay attention to what he says on video- he has stated multiple times as well as on twitter that white people should not collectivize- and he refuses to accept that we are being increasingly targeted and we must do something

I believe in a homogenous state for whites only. but I do not want people who do not understand this Jesus concept in my tribe

You could not possibly exist without the culture and race which created you. You are a race more than you are an individual. Your self is less real than your race.

lol it was just an adjective. would you have preferred a holohoax reference?

thats a good answer.

What are the things /ourpeople/ should do to save themselves from this ongoing doom.

Also, this question is open to anyone.

THIS is my main reason for allowing cultural appropriation of this sort.
as Molyneux has stated "Smart people are my tribe"

word. again, I do not want whites who do not understand this Jesus concept thing in my guild

im glad you liked it, it was rather half-assed imo.

>what should we do to save ourselves from this ongoing doom

create "pockets of light" in the sea of chaos. we need to build our stronk communities and defend our bunkers until we can establish our own country again

By that logic you're a life form more than you're human. And you're a human more than you're a race. And a race more than an individual.


we could play semantics all day... im more concerned with saving ourselves and preserving our culture :(

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Collectivism in virtue is good.

Can we get serious here for a moment

MKUltra is very real.

It has to do with bloodlines.

Why are Jordan Peterson and John Podesta involved in the UN with Soros?

There are humans who aren't your race. There are lifeforms that aren't your species.
Once you go above or below a certain scale, things lose meaning. Race is the scale where things are real.

the great realization we all must make for ourselves. I spent years washing the tolerance and diversity out of my hair- I now believe we desperately need strictly enforced values and punishments against those who refuse to abide

which style of MK are you referring to? Barnes & Noble has a great book of patents now.
bloodlines how?
JP and JP, coincidence im sure.
im totally fine with this thread getting freakkky

social isolation has always been a motivating punishment

>Race is the scale where things are real.
because you say so?

Jack Parsons and the UN logo over Antarctica - Project Paperclip and the email to Podesta regarding Werner Von Braun.

Trauma based mind control like from the Egyptian Book of the Dead.

what did I say bout semantics
brothers, can we focus for the betterment of our tribe?

Because that is the scale where all real decisions are made.

How can whites be collectivist when over half of whites are a subconsciously anti-white and suicidal, and a hindrance to whites who aren't?

You would need a massive purge of over 50% of your own race just for collectivism to work. I would love collectivism. But whites are suicidal and will fuck you over along with them.

Why don't you try to win them over? Love your own people, they are just mislead.

did you see that New Mexico compound news today?
another JP and braun both aerospace- haven't heard of the email yet though

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this is my issue. no whites who aren't right in the head.
nature has always had a way of permanently taking care of those who are unable or unwilling to save themselves....
it's just getting really close to the line of no return. I'd love it if my race could pull its collective head out of its ass, but it is time to be building alternate structures that protect US who want to fight for survival

Real decisions are made in the heart of every individual :)

Now is bedtime. Stay safe bruddas. I mean... fellow white tribesmen.

You cannot make a decision in a vacuum. If you had no cultural values you would not be capable of making value judgements. You would just be an animal.

lol thanks for participating in this humble bread

I think the future is segregation into traditional communities like the amish do. You can't fight the tiger, the wave, you have to ride it. Don't confront. When christians were being persecuted in Rome they did not revolt and turn to violence, they went underground and the lived through it, eventually seeing Rome turn Christian without conflict.

exactly. pockets of light, weather the storm

No iI did not

here is the email

email for John Podesta c/o Eryn re Space Treaty (attached)

From:[email protected]
To: [email protected]
CC: [email protected], [email protected]
Date: 2015-08-18 10:30
Subject: email for John Podesta c/o Eryn re Space Treaty (attached)
Dear John,
Because the War in Space race is heating up, I felt you should be aware of several factors as you and I schedule our Skype talk.
Remember, our nonviolent ETI from the contiguous universe are helping us bring zero point energy to Earth.

They will not tolerate any forms of military violence on Earth or in space.
The following information in italics was shared with me by my colleague Carol Rosin, who worked closely for several years with Wernher von Braun before his death.

Carol and I have worked on the Treaty on the Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space, attached for your convenience.

Attached: Britain-Wikileaks-Ass_Druk-2-700x420.jpg (700x420, 45K)

>Take a team of pure Rand style individualists- who have a common agenda and are a team working toward a common goal

what common goal?

you may have a common agenda but you you have common interests?

Aliens obviously.

>Carol Rosin
w...t....f hah this is nuts. they play by rules? I thought they worshipped their own egos

any- it was an example. try communal living in your head

No they are highly moral.

interests would be living in a peaceful and prosperous society where social capital is traded as often as economic. interests would be not harming innocents and abiding by our communally developed standards of living- standards which provide the best community to live in

highly moral? you mean understanding the physics equation that is "karma"?

>I'd love it if my race could pull its collective head out of its ass,

the only reason white people have their heads up their ass is because of D&C propaganda like we see here on Jow Forums every day. how can you blame someone whose entire adolescence consisted of forced leftist propaganda for having leftist tendencies?

How big is a family allowed to be until it becomes collectivism? Do I have to tell my parents to fuck off at chrismas where they want to celebrate our collective heritage because I'm an individual?

shouldn't this be the goal of any civilized people? this isn't some crazy idea, it's how most white people try to live.

this was my entire childhood and enough of us pulled out. maybe we can only save those who already saved themselves. which ever way, we must build our own compounds and ride the tiger

Well Werner called it The Golden Rule in relation to Physical Philosophy

did you miss the entire point of the essay germanbro?

thats hilarious. so many whites are fucking mental right now. obviously not MAGA, but look at ANTIFA. they're on the solipsistic moral relativism koolaid. we need, once again, to establish an agreement that these are our top priorities

I believe in laws of nature that govern every aspect of existence, observed by our senses or not (mental and evergy wise).
it makes sense that they just program us to hurt ourselves and each other and keep their hands clean.
or are you talking about a group of "white hats"

You mean like preventing white people from sharing a common identity because that's fucking dangerous bucko!?


Well I am discussing the Martian Government

>we need, once again, to establish an agreement that these are our top priorities

maintaining civilization is indeed a top priority, yes.

don't make me go Vonnegut on you
beware the sirens of titan

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How about now, my time is more valuable than that.

gtfo faggot

>try communal living in your head

i don't get what you mean.

wasnt Mars a moon of jewpeter? I thought the remains of the AI base was on the moon

try it as an example of a common goal, sorry for the rushed wording

The moon is an artificial object in that it's a cgi

again, what you're describing is the basis of any functional civilization.

This. Also his opinion differs from you, you don't need to persecute him for it.
So much for the "tolerant right" and "muh free speech".

Is John Podesta a human being dude?

and i find it hard to believe you're in any way above identity politics when Jow Forums is perpetually inundated with race-baiting identity politics.

yes, and AGAIN- the US no longer lives by it and we are fucked until we reestablish our principles and priorities

So is he a human being?

how should i know what he is? an actor? a fake character? a criminal mastermind? i have no way of knowing this.

stfu dude he says white people cant collectivize while we are being collectively branded as the devil and need extermination.
the right should never have been tolerant.

we need identity politics for white people NOW