Redpill me on marijuana

they are shilling it hard here in Romania, what is the truth behind it?

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A drug like alcohol but that does less damage to your body.

It's bad for NEETs but good for everyone else

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You can also use the plant to make plastic, clothes, paper and probably much more

>less damage than alcohol

hahaha even salt and sugar do less damage than alcohol

Marijuana is a psychedelic. It makes you complacent and also more inclined to degenerate habits.
It’s affects are two fold
>industry and money
>poisoning the goyim

Just because it doesn't correlate to direct and immediate health damage doesn't mean it's inoffensive.

Get right

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can be great, can be abused, has a terrible subculture associated with it

if you're thinking of trying it for the first time, then be careful to not overdo it - might be right that nobody has died from it, but if you smoke too much, then you can have panic attack and really bad time
don't try edibles unless you already know how you handle it, edibles take long time to kick in, but when they do then the effects are much deeper and last longer
also not a party drug, suits more for introspective time alone or with a good friend in nature

If you're healthy, there's nothing wrong with smoking once in a while. If you're sick, there's nothing wrong with smoking daily. If you want to be rich and successful, you do coke like the big boys.

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>doesn't cause immediate damage
>what is acne

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its not as bad as people make it out to be. just dont abuse it of course

I used to do business with a hemp company that grew all their crops in Romania, hasn’t your nation allowed hemp growing for decades?

I'm not even a dude weed lmao faggot but that's a pretty weak argument
All smoking fucks up with your skin, the least being probably cigars because you don't inhale.
Again, weed is aids but simply smoking cigs is as bad for you when it comes to immediate effects, mainly on skin

I like it, but hvent touched it since high school. Just because it’s illegal and can fuck your life

I personally find it more addictive than alcohol and nicotine but most would disagree with me on that. Genetics plays a big role in how strongly it affects you (based on your body’s ability to metabolize it). Some can handle it well but it leads to a lot of brain and gut issues for me. Yet I’ve still smoked a lot of it.
I think it has some medicinal qualities (it’s a potent anti inflammatory) but all medicines have side effects and weed is certainly no exception.

It makes you high man... Also makes you see Jesus.

Does it have any psychological effects on the long run? Like frying your brain out.

I know 2 guys in my town who grow and sell it and have sudden outbursts of anger like throwing stuff and yelling, being very aggresive


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fuck off you drunk eurotrash

imagine timeline where these were your breakfast every morning

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Psychedelics do the exact opposite of what you just described they make you less likely to conform to societal norms and when the societal norm is fuck whitie that can only be a good thing.

It burns your brain plasticity.

it makes you dumb and lazy but its fun and relaxing

Depends on the legislation looking to be passed where you are. I believe it has many benefits for society:

1. Will generate a lot of legitimate revenue for the economy (possibly for the state depending upon taxation).

2. It may be a practical and cheap alternative to those who are ill. Later, better alternatives may be found, why not use it if it works?

3. A point on a matter of principle. Liberty. I should be able to choose what substances I ingest/smoke how I wish.

4. Logical argument is that it's no worse than alcohol. Virtually every study shows this.

tldr; If you agree with capitalism, liberty, and the moral argument of helping people in dire straights you should support the legality of marijuana.

These threads never end because they are divisive
weed is a potent drug in it's current form. It has many excellent medical applications but can also cause anxiety and lack of motivation. It is clearly addictive. Just because something is well tolerated and legal, or should be legal, didn't mean you should drown yourself in it.
It's a personal decision but don't act like it's some miracle jah medicine with no downsides. It makes you lazy and ditzy. It takes away physical and emotional pain. It helps you eat and sleep. It causes panic attacks and depression.

If you're going to use it, get wax and a vape pen for the wax. I use it and theres no smell, and a tiny hit gives a good high throughout the day.

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your brain is plastic bro?

or just eat the wax is better for your lungs

I had a friend who did a lot of mushrooms over a short period of time, and shortly after he started saying things like "Hitler wasn't so bad" in normal every day conversations. It was a total shock and made everyone feel awkward, and this was long before I'd ever heard of Jow Forums or had any idea that this was a valid belief. Totally surreal at the time, but now after coming here for so long, it really makes me think when I look back on it. As far as I know he had no exposure to any groups or ideology that would make him think this, only psychedelics. He was a total hippy before as well.

Marijuana is a psychedelic stimulant AND it makes you more complacent. These are the two sides of the leaf. While stoned I have found it far easier and clearer conceptualizing God, as well as I have stuffed my face with junk food and gotten sick and passed out. I also find it highly addictive and a way to bypass boredom which degrades your character. There are better, more effective, and less sedative psychedelics out there that are harder to find but much better for mind expansion.

my preacher taught me that Hitler could have gotten saved and could be in heaven one day, you never know. Vengence in mine sayeth the Lord.

Your friend's retardation has nothing to do with the fungus he swallowed bro.

The truth is it's a waste of money to prosecute victim-less crimes. In addition, it encourages people to seek out even more degenerate substances. Jews were the ones who wanted it banned in the first place.
Jews are starting to want it unbanned because they're pushing for sole manufacturing rights of the product. If you legalize don't let the state say or give out licences for legal monopolies on it.

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would you trade guns for drugs?

>He was a total hippy before as well.
He must have realized only white people really care about the environment. Just look at all of the third world countries.

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I didn't even mention this inAnother reason. Relieves a burden on the criminal justice system.

Cannabis threads on Jow Forums are always fucking shit threads.
Not because Cannabis is shit, but because nazi anons are retards who think Cannabis is a drug for niggers.
Completely ignoring the fact that George Washington and Abraham Lincoln smoked pot and that Cannabis was used as medicide for thousand of years.


i-is that a typo user?

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What positive/negative implications would this action have on your society?

Why not buy a firearm legitimately?

In Romania, what is the overall position considering the legality of marijuana in your country?

I never get picked for jury

It's so obvious you don't know what your talking about. Weed isn't a psychedelic. Also, psychedelics make you do the opposite of conform. Dumbass leaf

Good post

Harmless. Although it makes you kinda stupid.
Weed zero deaths
Alcohol 88,000 deaths

The government brainwashes you to think its a degenerate people drug. All it does is expand your mind

Yup. I lol'd. You cannot die from weed, so medicide with weed is impossible.

Also thousands of medicinal uses
CBD is great! Look it up

It cures HIV and the reason this isn't publicised is because it's a billion dollar industry and also absolute capitalisation over public perception.

an incurable disease has a lot of mileage, Quentin Crisp what spot on in his assertion which saw him ostracised.

The truth behind it is that it makes you lazy and stupid if you over do it. Everything in moderation.

That said, ive smoked weed erryday for the past 3 months(took a tolerance break), and i made $85k last year.

Overhyped nigger plant when used recreationally

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I have gout, and whenever I smoke weed I can actually walk without contemplating suicide or wanting to take an axe to my leg. Great stuff, but I don't like to smoke it anymore than I have to.

cherry cures gout

you need the dark ruby phytonutrients as anti-inflammatories for the joints.

In that study, drinking Montmorency tart juice reduced blood levels of gout-causing uric acid and increased specific anthocyanin compounds in the bloodstream. Another study in the same journal found that eating whole cherries led to a similar increase in anthocyanins.

Together with this board, it has made me a nazi hippie. Feelsgoodman.jpeg

Frozen cherries are quite cheap and handy to store, although you can get concentrated juice from health food shops.

Cherries don't cure gout, but they do suppress the attacks from occurring as much.
But when it's full-blown inflamed, walking or standing without weed is awful.

Then just buy edibles? Why pay 40-50 for a 1g cart when you can just buy 500mg edibles for like 10. baka

It only makes you lazy when you're stoned.
>go to work sober
>smoke weed after work
>sleep like a baby
>rinse and repeat

Even lsd does less damage than alcohol. In a physical sense at least.

Well I would recommend ingesting wheatgrass to lower the PH of your blood which is the source of your inflammation and also, cut out white bread and sugar which are highly acidic.

Unironically this

Nah I am lazy when I suffer from depression and weed stops me wanting to die.

When I am not depressed, I can use weed as an enhancement to my mental state rather than a medicine.

Right now I'm pretty depressed but I don't have cognitive problems, it's a deep lethargy and feeling of stagnation in the moment.

I like to have multiple things going on and working on projects but I don't have the capacity to think of the future right now, I am very conscious of my physical presence as being heavy.

Get derealization and anxiety, good goy!

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because I don't live in legal state, I usually buy a bunch of oil and bring it back. I hid some oil at my grandmas lake house and it been there for 2 years and still good. I take couple drops on weekends on a cracker.

weed = low vibration substance

literally worse than s.o.y


grow up loser

I enjoy thinking a lot so it's making me feel happier to do that but as for plans well it's not really possible.

I think the mental realm is really like another life for me which I can live when I am stuck in mental anguish.

Ahh, mb. Sometimes I forget how nice it is to be in degenerate Cali. Sounds like a nice way to relax on weekends user.

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How about you grow up

it's not even funny anymore to pretend you are against it. People have died because of this and you know we are outraged by war but how is this not a war upon people?

I'm seriously sick of it

I've been exercising/eating better, seems to help quite a bit.
Stopped drinking soft drinks as well, that seemed to be the major cause of my gout. I do take tart cherry extract, used to drink a glass of cherry juice everyday, but was just too expensive to buy regularly.
Thankfully my last gout attack was in April, before I cut out soda. Spring and fall seem to be the worst seasons for attacks.
I appreciate the info, bro. A year ago I wasn't taking anything and just suffering through the pain.

>Masters in Chemical Engineering
>Six figure job in Yuropoor
>Own my house
>Smoked every day when I lived in my old country.

There is nothing wrong with it, depending on how it is used. I had a friend who used it to fight off nausea and maintain an appetite when going through cancer treatments. Doctors wanted to prescribe him synthetic opiates as that is the standard for cancer patients apparently. As long as you are a productive person in general, it won't slow you down. People who say it makes you lazy or unmotivated don't realize how lazy or unmotivated most people are without it. While I was studying hard, making good grades and improving my life, my room mates would watch reality television and barely make it to class. I know anecdotal evidence is meaningless, but it really is no more dangerous than a ton of substances that already exist on the market (and are socially acceptable).

The other side of it is that I absolutely loath stoner culture. The people who make it all about their lives and mold their identity based on it are as bad as people who choose to mold their lives based on any character trait they have (homosexuals, feminists, leftists, environmentalists). If your entire life can be boiled down to one aspect, chances are you're a faggot to begin with.

Diet and exercise are the key to a happy and healthy life.

Beat the fuck out of booze. I frankly prefer vaping it over smoking it so it isnt as taxing on my lungs. Needless to say though, while I do enjoy coming home from a long days and unwinding with a bowl, everything in moderation. If I sat around like "DUDEWEEDLMAO" all day getting stoned, I would never get anything done.

God awful to be in pain, no way to live and I am glad the cutting out of soda has improved your condition. Definitely give wheatgrass a try and if you are game, purchase a juicer for £30 and significantly improve your general condition with juices specific to inflammation.

>If your entire life can be boiled down to one aspect, chances are you're a faggot to begin with.
>mentions making six figure as an engineer


>Mentions accomplishments to solidify the fact that not all people who smoke marijuana are failures at life.
>Doesn't take the time to list out his other accomplishments in life because he isn't autistic.

Do you really want that level of detail on my life? Fuck some of you guys really are autistic.

Why would you dislike environmentalists?

We must take care of God's garden.

I don't dislike environmentalists. I dislike people who base their entire being around one aspect of their character. You can smoke weed without being a 420 blaze it faggot. You can care about the environment without being a full on granola eating hippy. People who make one aspect of their lives their entire persona are faggots, is what I was getting at.

My tutor called the left muesli munchers lol


It's used to pacify populations by keeping them stupid and near dormant, plus reducing the oxygen intake will cause brain damage with time.

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I see what you are getting at but it's still better than apathy.

can confirm it cures my autism. love taking large doses of it via edibles. mostly high cbd stuff so you get that nice body high. awesome for
>watching movies or playing vidya

>Nah I am lazy when I suffer from depression and weed stops me wanting to die.

I know the feeling, but what's strange with weed is that it actually makes me more energetic and positive during the 8-10 hours of sobriety because i know when i'm done being a work drone i have weed to look forward to forget this bizarro world.

Yes when I am not depressed, weed is very energising.

Though you can't really physically overdose, too much will send your mind far out into schizoland or fry your Neuro-circuits.

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