‘I’m a white, clean girl’: DUI suspect is the picture of entitlement
‘I’m a white, clean girl’: DUI suspect is the picture of entitlement
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fuck off (((FOX))) marketing shill
shes qt, I say she dindu nuttin
holy shit, would wife 9/10
she looks like she could raise proper white children
>white girl
>undoubtedly coalburner
>goes to prison
Eh, good riddance.
White privilege doesnt exist you dumb whore.
See and this is why white nationalism is a cuck ideology and is destroying the west.
You have to go back.
Ex cheer leader, ex sorority girl, real estate "agent". She is a textbook stacy.
I want to slam her therefore she is innocent
but it's Fox News not CNN...we all know fox > cnn
>thoroughbred white girl
kinda hot
bet she'd let a white stud like me cum on her face
What’s that picture about?
liberals said white people can get away with anything
of course some retards will believe them
kids parents od'd on heroine with him in the car
Fox - Tucker = cnn
White genocide: Opium edition.
Daily reminder that White degeneracy is only prevalent due to the non-White invaders in our country. If we weren't babysitting sub-humans that can never pay us back(in gratitude or money) we would have time to focus on our children.
Fucking sad anons. Another broken kid from a broken family. You fucking UK fags really need to fix your shit island fast.
>no experience with cops
>constantly hear in the media that it's whites who get away with anything and everything for being white
>try to appeal to officer's whiteness
>doesn't work
should have offered him a blowie, stacy
steve hilton is also good
Also fox and friends is peak /comfy/ despite being barely political
Okay. But she IS a clean, thoroughbred white girl, and she should be having a litter of clean, thoroughbred white children.
doesn't look like she's lying
Only subhumans hate entitlement, filthy jealous mongrel. I hope one day I will shit in your children mouth.
Hail sister!
back where nigger?
Grandma and some unrelated dude, actually.
And they OD'd but it wasn't fatal. They could easily be dead today though since that photo is 2 years old.
hang yourself for me coon
It was actually East Liverpool, Ohio.
Well fuck me then, sorry UK you’re still fucked but I hear that you’re finally getting rid of the shitskins! So well done there! Next step... real dental care. Burgers what the hell are we gonna do?
>‘I’m a clean, thoroughbred, white girl’
Wouldn't mind seeing her thoroughly bred by a big black cock.
she's 32?
sad to see she's not married and has kids yet.
it was in america you stupid nigger
Sure leaf. Suuuurrreeee
She is probably a liberal cunt, I mean she is 32 with no man or kids and is entitled as fuck. Shia Ledouche pretty much started saying something similar and as stupid as this bitch.
You can see the crazy in her eyes... I had a girl like that once...
She's going to get a harsher sentence because of her statement. The media is going to run wild with it and ruin her life.
Then again, that's what you get for driving drunk.
yes, her family for generations contributed to what made western civilisation great.
shes qt but mental
>'I'm a white, clean girl,'" the officer wrote in his report.
>"I asked what that had to do with anything?" wrote the officer, who also is white.
>She replied, "You're a cop, you should know what that means," and, "You're a cop, you should know based on the people that come in this room."
What's the female version of Bubba?
Because this poor girl will get fisted by her.
this is an egregious miscarriage of justice
1/32 to England, 7/64 to Germany, 8/16 to Italy, 3/9 to Irelandand the rest to McDonald's frying machines.
Arent they all mental?
t. tradcuck waiting to pay mr shekelberg for child support/alimony
>keep your bitch in line you are a beta male
reality: not even Brad Pitt or Johnny Depp can keep their bitches in line
the absolute state of nazi tradcucks
She kinda looks like drug addict desu
DUI? Then she's probably just a typical thot piece of shit with an unwarranted sense of self-importance.
She looks like an unnaturally aged drug addict.
>we all know fox > cnn
No, Fox Jews = CNN, both push the same globalist agenda from different sides of the kosher sandwich.
I'd make sure she's thoroughly bred.
possibly what her pimp told her she was. Thinking her pussy solves all of lives problems. Truthfully, this girl and her lemmings are a major problem.
yeah fuck you jewish nigger abomination.
She looks cute.
She was obviously so drunk that she forgot she wasn't on Jow Forums anymore.
Are you rich?
If only you knew. Back when trump was running for president they talked shit about his supporters behind their backs. Behind their backs. I was watching fox one day. Back when trump was running. My parents were at work everyone in the country was at work. But not me. I saw their true colors. Once you go off to work in the morning their mask comes off. They start talking ahit aboutyou. Calling you stupid and insane. Then when you come home its back to the sweet talk.
You talk shit about needs. Id rather be a well informed neet than a fucking idiot with money.
Mom and dad fell asleep with needles in their arms, and never woke up.
im clean, my legs, my legs are smooth, i am smell good please dont send me to prison, i am a good clean girl, im a thoroughbred girl
While the slaves are off slaving away the master is at home dehumanizing you.
Jow Forums wants me to marry this
This is how a clean guy looks
how is this national news? Every fucking thing anyone says nowadays is (((news)))
Current DUI laws are a fucking joke and the result of the screechings of post-menopausal women with nothing else to do.
This is a druggie
That's some astronomical leaps of logic there, bud.