

You heard about this ligma thing? Sounds pretty dangerous, like some sort of disease or somethin'.

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you dont understand you youngfag. when monster energy drinks came out in the early 2000s they were like the coolest things ever. they got you fuckin jacked. now there's energy drinks everywhere. but monster was fuckin' awesome. you piss on its legacy. fuck you, bitch. at least i take pride knowing your faggot generation has no future.

you should drink a Monster Energy to calm down, old fag.




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the fuck is that premature thing? is that like that game you fap to? flonit?

Reminds me, my grass is getting long

>ligma mentioned
>boomer meme


Monster was always the gayest and least drinkable of the energy drinks. The boomer/sip meme is well deserved. Any moron who has gone out and bought a can of Monster Zero Ultra to try it as a result of the meme is a weak willed mark who deserves every bit of the cancer they're going to get from consuming that poisonous occult symbolism drink.

Go get a gf and settle down, bucko. And go get somethin' to sip on.

>remember when Jow Forums did cool stuff like keep up with dorner and zim zam? now THAT was Jow Forums

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My aunts step son literally got a pallet of monster back in like 2004-2005 and a bunch of posters and shit from the company, he was sponsored by them.

Yeah. Bout' to go fire up the ol John Deere.

Oh, I've heard about ligma, nasty stuff.
Still, it's not as bad as uptoug

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Yeah, yeah. Good times, man. Goooood times. *sip*


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ligma? that's nothing try sugondese,*siiiiip* yep now that's a deadly disease

Uptoug? Yuck, what're kids gettin into these days?

Yeah, heard 'bout it. Mah boy's been browsing this here website. *sip*

A thread died for these memelabbers

Do teens not drink Monster or something? It's just a drink. The energy feels pretty nice.

Heard about this "Jow Forums" from one of my buddies at the local bar. I headed on down to the library so I could use a computer to see what all the commotion was about. *Siiiiip*

I should have gone with supptoug, ay

Yeah, I still use Windows XP, mah boy keeps bitchin' at me to get Windows 7 or 10 or somethin' and I tell him "Boy, if you don't stop yer bitchin' yer gonna be working at your uncle's!", kids these days, no manners. *sip* Mah boy told me that he's been browsing this site since '08 or somethin.

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