Why can't pol understand pic related?

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Talk about projection.

why can't OP into Jow Forums

Because racial interests are a thing too

>racists are retarded
Wow nice observation


>democratic socialist
you mean disgusting commies?
yeah they know so much about economics.
pic related.

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because we don't have the liberty to consider what's economically best for us. We have to vote for whatever party is the best for white preservation.

Important video

how does being wage-slaves to the bankers help whites?
>democratic socialism
>having anything to do with communism
nice meme
but not every racist is dumb, just the ones being bamboozled by rich cunts

Don’t touch my fucking tail, commie.
That’s assault, you dumb dick.

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The left cant meme


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Right. Because Canada, France, Norway and japan are all left wing autocracies. Fuck reactionaries are dumb.

>Complains about minimum wage
>Supports imported labor
Pick 1

communism doesn't have to be autocratic, dumbass.

The Left can't Meme.

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le 57% and plummeting dog suckers
market economy with oil
3 degrees from Nat Soc

you got 1/3 right

I cannot WAIT to watch Socialism crumble in smaller countries under the weight of rape-happy mudskin immigrants

>politicians say we can't afford two fire fighting planes for 100 million sek
>fucking poland has to help us out when huge forest fires happen
>meanwhile tax payers spend 140 million sek PER DAY on the "asylum seekers"
>"HURR HURR you fucking moron! why are you not voting for us!? It's in your best economic interests!"

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>economic interests
>not realizing that there's things more important than materialism and profligacy

I'll take safety for my family, social and community cohesion over your subjective view of "voting against my economic interests".

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Because it isnt true and the arrogance of people like you who think they know better and can decide what someone elses interests are better then they can is completely antithetical to the foundational ideals of the U.S.

This mentality always leads to tyranny. Nice meme flag.

you dont have any of these while wage-slaving at day and going back to your slum at night
the founding fathers disagree

>the founding fathers disagree
wow haha gg because the USA is a bastion of freedom

Democrats are overtly anti white. There is no retreat now. Abandoning working class whites ( and blacks ) for foreign peoples, races was a great crime. The power of the jewish donors forced it on a party formed and shaped by Jefferson and Jackson for working men and small farmers. Endless mass immigration is a disaster for our nation, peoples, race. Reap what you sow. This will end in tears you can be certain...

why can't the Left meme?

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socialism is the predecessor of communism. marx said it himself. read the communist manifesto you cuck

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>Hillary and Obama advocates of neoliberalism
>Ever close to socialism
What's wrong frenchman, did american education come to France too?

>economic interests
Fuck off, Marxists.

>hasn’t read or doesn’t understand the Communist Manifesto
What an utter retard. Go buy more grocery’s with your food stamps, Jamal.

Mass immigration lowers wages and major corporations favor globalist policies, not nationalism.


I'm white. Racism IS in my best economic interests.

dare i say it...i will, FPBP

Don’t you mean race realism, Aussie-bro?

Yep. This ones going into my cringe compilation.

Why can't the left/liberals ever elaborate?
>lol, diversity is a net benefit
How? Why? For whom?
>lol racist policies are against economic interests
Of whom? Why? How?

>muh communism

Yes, it does. How do you deal with people with people opposed to communism? The use of force is inevitable.

Nice meme. The definitions of the terms when Lenin said that were such that he was saying the authoritarian state would dissolve and a classless society would form. When people like you post that quote you're usually saying that a Europe-style welfare system or social spending will somehow lead to a communist takeover and the leader becoming someone like Pol Pot. Both interpretations are horse shit.

>Japan is homogenous (97-98% Japanese) and because of this can get things done cause everyone is in agreement
This is literally what he majority of Jow Forums asks for, a homogenous nation where people of similiar backgrounds can live side by side in peace.

>Yes, voting against hordes of third-world invaders flooding into your country is voting against your economic interests, goyim

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isn't trumps economy doing better than anything democrats have come up with in the last 10 years?

Also, everyone pays taxes.


because they obviously hold race above economy and the fact you can’t grasp that is indicative of a Jewish ancestry

>Blames Jewish bankers for problems
>hates racism

Wew cunt

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>he doesn't know what democratic socialism means

imagine my shock

The economic interests argument has no merit. The economy is finally rolling again.
>Inb4 Obama did that
No. Businesses are better positioned without heavy taxes and over regulation that only served the beauracrats and investors have more confidence in a business tycoon than a Fucking community organizer.
Why can't dems give credit where it is due?

>(((FREE))) GIBS
>(((FREE))) GIBS

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Socially right wing policies are great, and left wing economic policies (similar to the Nordic models) are also great... when you have a homogenous society.

Until we have that security and self-determination back, we're going to keep standing by "racist" right wing economic policies. It's not our people who end up being helped when those policies are enacted. It's our people, the working middle class, who get fucked over when the third worlders leech off us, move into/shit up our neighborhoods, take our jobs, and kill our unions.

Get it now? There's a reason why Europe used to be so left wing economically, they had a society which cared about each other because they were all the same kin. You won't create such a near utopia by continuing to import people of other tribes who hate us and never want to integrate, you're going to create a society of contempt. You're the ones working against your own interests with your Europhobic racism. Just get over your shitskin fetish already and let us get back to making real progress.

>memeflag, retard

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Why can't the left understand that voting solely for ones own economic interest is both greedy and selfish. Imagine, 50.1 percent of the population on gibs. Their economic interest would always be to increase gibs, every time. Until the 49.9 percent of the population get paid nothing, get survival grub, only enough so they can survive and WORK-WORK-WORK. Because it is in the economical self-interest of the 50.1 percent gibs receivers.

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>norway is totally socialist, reddit told me so!

Why are some of you burgers so retarded?

Being " racist " goes against your economic interests.

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>meme flag
>reddit spacing
>using semantics to validate a murderous and failed ideology.
wew lad

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>when you have a homogenous society

This is something both the left and the (mainstream) right don't want to admit. All this talk of which economic system is best is just distraction without first having a homogenous nation.

Please elaborate on how shipping critically parts of our economy over seas is in our intrest.

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>the goal of socialism is communism
What in this statement did I misinterpret, you pseudo-intellectual?

It's really fucking rich that the party that keeps requesting the end of white males claims white males are voting against their interests if they go Republican.

>the founding fathers disagree
The founding fathers believed that one individual knew best for all and should dictate for the masses?

pleas provide a source for this.

>ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country
The fuck happened to that statement being an universally accepted truth, friend?

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>will somehow lead to a communist takeover and the leader becoming someone like Pol Pot. Both interpretations are horse shit.
Literally cites one of the examples, calls it horseshit!
Wew lawd, I can't stop laughing

my economic interest is in getting rid of niggers and spics, though.

Who the fuck are you to tell me my economic interests? Even if Trump was taking more of my income through taxes(hes not), what if i want to be paying more just to piss faggots like you off?

ill take electoral college for 1000 alex

Pedocrat be gone

A democratically elected socialist (let alone social democratic) government has never turned into communism.
>inb4 Venezuela
not communist

It's easier to open a business in Canada than the US. This is an overwhelmingly capitalist system with some healthcare.

I never get why the left doesn't understand this. I want tax cuts because I want less government regulation and money going to the gov. The super rich pay the majority of percentage of taxes. I'm glad that money isn't going to the gov.

How is that Airport atill open ?

homogeneity is an impossible goal in today's globalized, neoliberal capitalist society. moneyed interests operate under the raw macroeconomic theory that importation of labor from developing countries leads to peak GDP growth because the 3rd worlders would be more accepting of smaller wages, worse living conditions and nonexistent workers rights. this of course will only work for the first and maybe second generation of immigrants, later generations will be naturalized - economically, not necessarily culturally - and won't put up with the rock bottom standards offered to imported labor. so the cycle of demographic exploitation repeats itself as older immigrants are replaced by newer ones. the irony is in a century from now (provided the US still exists by then) the children of mexican illegal immigrants will be the ones perpetuating reactionary ideologies, claiming they are being replaced by the next nation capitalists choose to exploit.

with africa and the middle east basically being permanently "developing," and south america perpetually kept economically strangled by the anglo-franco hegemon, all imported labor is guaranteed to be nonwhite. your ethnic displacement is entirely economic. there is no hebraic conspiracy to genocide whites, it's simply a byproduct of whites refusing to accept the feudal standards imposed by corporate elites. advocating for this status quo is precisely what's enabling your replacement.

you aren't going to vote this problem away. democracy is bought and paid for by the very powers that consider your existence as a working class white man to be an economic liability. if you hate niggers, fine - they're a problem to be dealt with only after the capitalists have released their strangling grip on this country.

Literally cites another example!
dude you're going to kill me with keks!!!!!

>kill our unions
nice meme

and yes, keep doing what you've been doing for years and expect different resultskeep

you'll just keep living in a diverse society, but wage-slaving at the same time

and yet it's still failing.

case in point democrats are only slightly better
you've already been btfo by another user

There is more to the human condition, and to a society's health, than statistical indicators of economic success.

someone post the original

>saving my life
>equal to
>voting dem
i was promised i could keep my doctor and i wouldn't lose coverage.

how is open borders and an endless flood of migrants to suppress my wages and increase housing costs, in my economic interest



It literally does lol.


Meme flags were the worst thing to ever happen to this site.

Even if pic was actually true
>economic interests are all that matter
You sound like a right fucking Kike m8.

correct, only capitalist countries replace their people with mass immigration, but these right-wing retards keep falling for the racism and capitalism memes

running on a 21 trillion loan

Yeah, it means an economic system that relies on taxing billionaire oligarchs who in turn are the de facto rulers, or who leave the country within a generation and collapse your shit economic system. It's a modified Chinese model.

Commies realized communism was an economic contradiction in terms, decided to introduce some markety stuff into it, and BAM.

You allow the market to generate wealth, which you redistribute to the people you have made poor with your previous economic policies, therefore incentivizing them to vote to give you more and more power, thus furthering a totalitarian globalist agenda that will inevitably end in collapse or centralized world government.

You faggots are so fucking retarded.

Yet more evidence the left can't meme.

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Lol noice

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Total nonsense.

Kicking out illegals and slapping tariffs on chinks is in our best economic interests you pitiful doofus

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>Because having a fairly liberal economy with conservative social model is not an option

>if you don't want Jamal to fuck your wife for you how will you possibly be able to buy a Nintendo Switch?

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Pic related is garbage. Fuck off, commie.


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