Serbia BTFO

>According to Kosovo President Hashim Thaci "there will be no partition of Kosovo and no autonomy for Serbs."

>Thaci told a press conference on Wednesday that he "only meant adding the Presevo valley to Kosovo" when he spoke about "correcting the borders."

>According to him, "the correction of the border" implies adding Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja - three municipalities in the southern part of central Serbia to Kosovo "completely" - and this should be "a transparent and peaceful process between Serbia and Kosovo."

The ETERNAL ALBO strikes yet again.

Attached: kosovo cucks serbia yet again.png (644x802, 316K)

Well serbs are cucks.

shameless self bump

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Can't wait to have the same thing happen to the Southwest in 100 years

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>actually believing Thaci
>self bumping
dum dum

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>balkan countries who say something and follow through

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Can't we all just get along?


So will Yugoslavia ever be a thing again or are we just going to see a bunch more brother wars in the Balkans? Tbh always been rooting for the serbs though.

>The ETERNAL ALBO strikes yet again.
just clean my toilet first and then you can shitpost