Most Unpopular opinion you hold

What's the most Unpopular opinion you hold?

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Homeless and mentally I'll should be final solutioned.
*Veterans given an option to get off their addictions and be housed. But if the lapse they are thrown on the fire.

I think that infants and small children should be classed as free game, and then anyone would be allowed to delet a broken one. if your kid is broken just keep it indoors I guess

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Swedes are based. Migration is a human right.

Woman should not vote. America was a better place before feminism.

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That Russians and Americans should be genocided for their sins against traditional Europe

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Giving women the vote was a way for politicians to drive a wedge between the family unit

immigration causes homelessness, theres a surplus of housing without the third world hordes

Tards should be euthanized for the good of society.

We are all just meat popsicles braying into the wind.

Europe, North America, Australia, and New Zealand should've never passed immigration acts that let in non whites.

social-progressive ethnofascism

Hitler did nothing wrong

If there's a kid at home, one parent should be legally forbidden from working.

Following the light of God leads to salvation.

You should have to take intelligence tests (tacit, cognitive, etc.) before being allowed to have a child. If you fail, you also lose the right to vote.

Money is not happiness therefore countries and people should not be compared by this metric
Maybe i dont want to live in a big city with constant loud noises due to the industry. Maybe i want to live in a quiet village. What would i do with lots of money anyway? Just buy new things and then new things and then new things and it won't stop

I no longer believe in reality

The arab regimes calls for Israel's death although they have good relations with them

Abortion is a necessary evil in today's world

I've seen this argument a few times, and I have never understood it. Women are more likely to be associated with the family. If you want the family to vote, shouldn't only women be able to vote?

Socialist policy like shorter work week and higher minimum wage are good. But. The republic and the conservation of it must fight tooth and nail to stop progressives. So we go slowly. Very slowly. To the socialist ideals they have.

Then Jow Forums would lose 90% of it's activity.

Trap music is the only good modern music

We tried that. It was mostly racism.

Maybe you want to. But maybe you don't have a choice.

I'm a libertarian, so pretty much each one.

The poor, homeless, welfare recipients, and low iq should all be exterminated.

And Germans

The bums in my town should be euthanized due to their complete and utter lack of ability to care for themselves

Hitler did everything wrong

Expanding Earth - Prove me wrong!

The thread's "unpopular opinion" not "rainbow sunshine land"

I'm a walking unpopular opinion.

There are chads on Jow Forums

Anarchocapitalism is compatible with being racially aware and it would actually help secure the existence of our race.

i want to make enough money to be able to take care of as many homeless people as i can with food and water while still remaining comfortable myself

god is an extraterrestrial being called consciousness

The only way to save Europeans is to contribute to the collapse of civilization & goverments.
Legally, of course.

That's fine. People can have unpopular, and stupid, opinions.

The illegal immigrant deportation centers should be death camps

Depends on where I am and who I'm talking to.
In my classes it's probably Race and IQ, but that's not so much an opinion, it's just reality.
Here, it's probably that I'm not a national socialist. All socialists must burn.

The darker your skin, the dumber you are.

Have you considered some races are just naturally dumber than others and that racism had nothing to do with that?

women almost always vote with their emoitions and are therefore more likely to be leftists.

I’ve had a fart fetish for over a decade before BRAAAP posting

You should look into a proper religion


The biggest threat to the white race is weak white people

I have. But for the most part, it has been discounted by science. So I will throw it over my shoulder.

Men vote with their emotions too. Anger is an emotion. Go look at your local police blotter and compare the male assaults to the female assaults.

>It was mostly racism.
Eh, it was mostly showing nogs are illiterate

Hitler was a piece of shit for not gassing the Jews.

I like to believe, with no real proof, that Every single world leader is completely aware of the JQ, from Trump all the way down to whoever rules over micronesia. Sometimes I wonder if the talk and saber rattling between Trump, Rouihani, Putin, Kim, Jinping and Assad is all just a show, and that they all know that if the opportunity ever rises to take out Israel, they'd all take it at once and damn the consequences.

Women are the property of their fathers and should not be free to go out partying or be in the same schools as boys. They should be married around 16 to the best available suitor.

This would solve the roastie problem and the incel problem in one fell swoop. But people on here keep calling me a Muslim for saying it (despite the fact that Europe was like that not even two hundred years ago)

anarchocapitalism rejects as many collectivized spooks as possible. gtfo gaslighting faggots

Jews are destroying western civilization just by using money, fake press and financial schemes..

Yes, because it was designed to show that nogs are illiterate. You must have a lot of faith in the powers that be's capacity to find you worthy.

Women are property and are only useful for making children and tending to them

Hitler did nothing wrong, Musollini did nothing wrong, and the entire world we live in is a phony Matrix style illusion built upon the ashes of WW2

White's should be the sole race population the planet, there may be enough room for some Asians but that's very debatable

Segregation should be re-inforced and be so extreme that Niggers and other non-whites are forbidden from using ANY white invention, not just drinking fountains.

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So far everyone hates the proof that Jesus Christ was a character made up by the Flavian family with the help of Josephus the jew and the destructive power of the Roman army

Monarchy is the best form of government.

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So close to a 1776. Maybe one day

i to be fair, i don't care if women vote. i think democracy is one of the most disgusting inventions by humans ever created. i'm just telling you, that more often than not - women will make decisions based on emotions and are therefore more likely to be associated with leftist movements which are driven by emotion

Maybe the part where he kill a fuckton of white to get some jews.

You don't understand Hoppe's doctrine of Natural Order and therefore the faggot is you.

No sex before marriage

>implying my opinions are stupid
>posting as commie
Is that a state-owned glass house?

Tards are harmless
Niggers, on the other hand...

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Hitler’s socialism would work

Women should not be allowed the workplace or should be given secluded menial jobs not fucking HR jobs. HR is the worst thing to happen to the workplace imo

That and I'm white

Of course a Bulgarian posted this

It was mostly correct. Literally go look up one of those tests and take it.

Anyone who can't complete one of these "impossible" tests shouldn't get to vote.

Anger is an emotion. Testosterone has a strong correlation with anger. Men have more testosterone than women. All of these facts are objective and empirically proven. You just don't like women, so you are tarring them with a brush that doesn't make sense.

Social media should be abolished.
Phones should be Available to 18+ only

If downies could have kids that would be one hell of a genetic nightmare child


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Coldplay is decent music, far better than most pop shit.

Also anyone who isn't genetically pure European should be thrown into the ovens.

How can you equate voting with committing assaults? Your logic escapes me...are you actually a woman?

Your opinions are dumb. I post with this flag because it exposes who can and cannot make arguments based on logic as opposed to specious reasoning. Protip: you failed.

Cool. Are you one of those dudes who believe in the deep state and believe that there is a massive conspiracy to marginalize white people?

Are you suggesting women don't get angry?

Said the fucking commie

cortisol is the hormone that causes anger and rage, higher testosterone actually promotes communal tendencies in men.
Your response is that of a typical of a boy who knows nothing

Assaults are for the most part driven by anger. Saying that men don't use emotion to make decisions is fallacious. That also applies to the voting both, where it has far more disastrous consequences.

Birth control methods should be taxed so greatly that a box of condoms or a box of birth pills costs 3k.

Black people are trying way too hard to stay relevant.

Monarchy is the best form of government.

women are whores

Red is best girl

In memory of the hardest you've ever gotten btfo?

I don't need to hivemind with muhWhiterace to know nigs are gonna nig and kikes are gonna subvert
avoiding such hiveminding noticeably allows me to admit the vast majority of scum in France are White commies

Degeneracy should be promoted in a way to minimize it's impact. Instead of free love and slut behavior, we should encourage women to be married and swing instead.

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Only a tortured reading of my posts would lead you to believe that. No, of course everyone has all emotions. But to say that only women make decisions based on emotions is really dumb.

Fukken lawl. Ok, kid, please hit me with a peer reviewed source

My unpopular opinion is that human rights ceased to mean anything when immigration became the norm.

i had this realization rather recently

You said that men commit more assaults because anger is an emotion. Are you implying that women don't get angry?

earth is flat and round. jews hiding truth about flat earth

Don’t you have bread lines to stand in?

I'm not a white but I sympathize with whites and would fight to protect white women and children.

no fucking way is that true