Why so fat?
Black lips?
Better for consuming large amounts of watermelon
And chicken.
...and purple, WTF is that about?
because when i was buying muh slaves back in the day i only picked the thickest lips to service my White rod
as a result, American negresses have thick lips
you are welcome, my based future White children
just remember don't impregnate them, slavery isn't legal anymore so they aren't useful as a farmhand (not the lazy fucks ever really were good for much more than a quick blowie but that's neither here nor there)
There is a theory that Negroes evolved exaggerated lips because because their black skin made facial expressions harder to determine.
To hold in mass quantities of grape flavored kool aid.
Dick suckin lips
>Theory 1
Big lips may release more heat, releasing more heat would make sense in Africa where it is hot. May just be an adaptation to cool the body off.
>Theory 2
They only have big lips because their jaw and maxilla are underdeveloped. Most likely from their mothers stopping breast feeding too early. For example, the lips would be smaller if they developed in the lateral direction more thus pulling the lips sideways stretching them out.
>Theory 3
Blacks have big mouths to help them chew the tough food they would eat in Africa. The big lips are from having big lip muscles that are used to tear through food their ancestors would eat. Whites and asians lost their big mouths in exchange for bigger brains and changing their diet to easily devoured wheat, rice, and cooked meat.
From the grape drank.
I dunno, but I had a half-black gf with nigger lips once and kissing her was somethin' else. Great bjs too.
his fucking lips disgust me- wtf is that even? looks like an apes ass
Because white folks have excessively thin lips, so... contrast.
Nas pointed out his DSL on Ether
Disgusting sand monkeys like you shouldn’t be allowed to breed. Who kisses a nigger?
all those crispy brains filled with tasty adenocrome
Stay mad, virgin. Also, I was born in Europe. Whiter than you, 56% mutt.
I once stole 150$ worth of BUDDA from a fag who look like jayz
>The big lips are from having big lip muscles that are used to tear through food
haha what?
I've always suspected it was an adaptation to protect the teeth from getting knocked out during fights, similar to their thicker skulls. It's a cushion.
there should be a rule only pretty negresses can be posted on Jow Forums
These are all fucking retarded.
its probably to do with the sun. Sun damage kills collogen so nigs have excess fat on their face.
Have you seen old africans they look like skin draped over a skull and they have thin lips.
check out these big bungy nigger lips, if you wanted to kill the bitch all you'd have to do is stick her head out the window at 60mph and those lips would beat her to death
for suckin' dick in prison
diseased, not even joking.
don't insult monkeys by comparing them to niggers