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They attacked you on 9/11. Canada accepted all your planes and housed the passengers.
I won't support anyone medling in a sovern nations domestic affairs
they dont want to lose saudi support of 2026 united cup
Trudeau is a communist and you deserve this misfortune.
Last week you met with the EU to scheme a way to fuck us on trade, and now you want our help?
>They attacked you on 9/11
There's something about this story that is really pissing off the jews because they keep spamming threads about this shit even though nobody knows what the fuck is going on. This must be affecting the global monetary system.
This isn't about Canada, this is about (((The Bank))).
i hope saudi arabia and canada KILL EACHOTHER DEATH
holy fuck, burger.
Canada needs to collectively apologize to Saudi Arabia for disrespecting Muslim culture.
Saudi Arabia crucified a man in Mecca while calling out Canada on human rights. Crucified.
>usa sides with saudis instead of canada
color me surprised
>Back us.
Eat shit.
>They attacked you on 9/11. Canada accepted all your planes and housed the passengers.
The USA is literally the only reason you exist.
Happening since the beginning of time, Canada included.
>Saudi Arabia crucified a man in Mecca while calling out Canada on human rights. Crucified.
Maybe he was a fucking leaf who deserved the rake. Ever think about that, faggot?
nice reply attempt newfag
Canada sucks.
>I won't support anyone medling in a sovern nations domestic affairs
Fuck you syrup niggers I hope youre on the other side of ww3 so I can kill some canucks!
No our evil Jewish politicians have been. Texas is my country not America
Replace trudeu with Harper and we will forgive you
Not our choice.
Good, fuck Christcucks.
Trump visited SA, SA purged some of their shitheads including prince lolweed, we friends now
You guys though? Fuck you guys
include me in the screencap
>A kraut whiteknighting a leaf
Green pantyhose-clad muzzie rescues gayleaf with fagsocks. Story at 11.
>Texas is my country
didn't canada boo when they heard the U. S. national anthem in 2004?
fuck canada
>Trudeau acts like a massive faggot
>KSA buttfucks them for their virtue signaling insolance
>USA pls help
I would but looks like a poodles already got your back m8
Haha lol no fuck you. This is what you get for acting so high and might all the time
Need real men?
I know this is just baiting but fuck I just spilled my drink m8
fake news
Get raked snow Mexican.
Of course you had to go and say something like that to make us look retarded. I'm not with this burger he's not one of us
... no. Be a big country and deal with it yourself.
How bout you explain exactly what the fuck you did that pissed the Saudi's off to this degree...
We're not backing you if all you're doing is going around spreading Canadian faggotry.
Could you imagine a mix between a Canadian and a Jew?
We need don't need to get between to Islamic states.
Before I can make a decision on this, I first need to know Israel's position.
ahahahah fuck ya'll, day of the rake soon
The americans fear their saudi masters.
We can't. We have nothing to threaten with but $40 million of Barley exports.
Every nation belongs to America
This one tweet.
what you didn't know is the arms deal we made with the Saudis included 100,000 leaf rakes.
based and redpilled
It's not bait it's just not something I would support as a new voter
so what exactly did the saudi roasties do
You got baited
>3 years probation
>The americans fear their saudi masters.
said the greasy brown midget as the cartel appointed disciplinarian opens the chainsaw's throttle an inch away from his sweaty fat neck.
Why isn't Canada accepting of other cultures?
that's like laying all the blame on niggers for their behavior when jews work them into a frenzy and set them loose on cities. they don't do well when they don't have a prominent white culture to follow and imitate. muslims are sad disgusting creatures the jews created as a weapon against the west, they don't even know they're being used. have some empathy user.
Right after you elect an actual adult male for PM.
But on a more serious note, you'd have to be a brainlet to believe that the Saudis overreacted this much over a tweet. In reality, they're trying to send a message to all white countries that if you talk about their human rights record, you'll end up like Canada.
If it wasn't for Trump being such a Saudi cocksucker, they would've never try to pull off shit like this, but their dictator feels emboldened having a puppet in the white house.
You're no longer immunized against all dangers, leaf. You've been found out
She's your citizen! You should care.
>tfw the day of the rake will actually come in your lifetime
I like this timeline.
wow how incredibly racist of them. stupid leafs need to learn to be accepting of other cultures. fucking shitlords
they don't want another 9/11, 23trillion debt, and 17 years of proxy wars
>Canada starts some crap by sticking its nose where it shouldn't
>doesn't apologize
>doesn't attempt to de-escalate the situation
>acts surprised that the rest of the west isn't enthusiastic about ruining their relationship with the Saudis because it could cost billions abd gain absolutely nothing
>Tries to paint the US and Europe as bad guys and towelhead lovers for not defending Canadians in something this childish
Your government has made a fool of itself. Unlike the US and Europe, you don't have the luxury of wielding enough military/economic power to convince everyone else to just go along with it either.
you mean like saudi arabia using their 5th column to destabilize canada's economy?
Nice one palerino.
Not going to happen.
You voted these dumbfucks into office now live with the consequences.
You didn't have a Castro as PM back then. Leadership matters.
Hi r/Jow Forums
Idk I side with the leafs on this. Fuck those Saudis.
And this is how you learned that staying out of it doesn't mean "not supporting me"
>Jews are gravely concerned about additional arrests of Jewish saboteurs and spies in #SaudiArabia. We urge the Saudi authorities to immediately release them and all other Marxist infiltrators.
The goodest of goys.
I'm not from plebit
Quit placing tariffs on our goods, assholes.
get this right, I can’t stand these faggot leafs but it pissed me off these Saudi cocksuckers are so brazen with this 9/11 shit. Fuck them, id take another trillion in debt and personally join the first wave if we gave Saudi the Iraq treatment
And I've voted against every politician that supported doing it
>Canada starts some crap by sticking its nose where it shouldn't
Says the fucking mutt. Don't you do this with literally EVERY country that goes against the ZOG?
Iran? Syria? North Korea? Of course, it's okay to criticize their human rights! But do the same with one of the US's masters and then you're going over a red line! You sandnigger-lovers really deserve to be nuked.
I want to die for China!
Back us.
You owe a great debt to Canada. We have come to your defence an innumerable number of times
do it for feminism.
>if we gave Saudi the Iraq treatment
No, bad goy! You cannot do that!
Pretty funny when you think about it.
Cry more, leaf.
Only a Jew would mass tag like this.
answer me bitch
Yeah, pretty Jewey behavior.
This shitpost works on so many levels, bravo
Consider it a return on investment for 1812.
Jow Forums is unironically defending muslims over western civilization
what went wrong?
Why did you burn the White House?
It was Dancing Israelis not Dancing Saudis.
Canada's idea of western civilization is pretty wrong desu. the kind of civilization that has forced gender equality in government
Women are property. Property can't be citizens.