Could Trump theoretically fast track the wall being built by starting a Kickstarter/GoFundMe for it...

Could Trump theoretically fast track the wall being built by starting a Kickstarter/GoFundMe for it? If every Trump voter donated $50 we could have the $18 billion tomorrow.

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If they legalized cannabis in every state they would pay for it in no time, but wouldn't taking back some troops from other countries ad placing them along the border be a better idea, and it could be done within a week.

I Don't see why not!!!
Start it up.

He said Mexico would pay for it. Why isn't Trump able to keep his main promise?

Trump could get the money any time he wants. He could order the military to build it in a couple weeks. But the issue is too valuable in the abstract as a rhetorical tool to keep his core supporters engaged and enthusiastic. Trump is from the future, we're barely anticipating his movements, and none of us will know his final form until his second term begins and he is set free to bring the whole planet to heel. At the exact moment the US will leave the Middle East to Israel and the Saudis, who will go to war with or make China their new vassal state. Meanwhile, free and independent for the first time in 60 years, America will just CRUSH our limp-dicked Mexican, Canadian, and European enemies. That big American dick is going to CRUSH you faggots.

>valuable in the abstract
the physical barriers under construction are what protect the border.

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I would donate.

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Imagine the level of sheer autism it takes to type this out.

The New York Times was advertising some bullshit article on Firefox about why old people are filing bankruptcy.

My grandpa made a great wage as a construction worker. My father was forced out of his trade, retired early, and shot himself in the head rather than deal with his financial situation. I couldn't afford to support him.

If young people want someone to blame for our shitty situation, blame the democrats and the libertarian republicans who want open boarders. Blame these fuckers for outsourcing all the entry level customer service and tech support jobs. Then these miserable pricks at these companies claim they can't find qualified workers because they outsourced the jobs that used to train people to move up within a company.

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Who gives a fuck.
Just build it.
I'd donate so long as they accept Crypto.

Did he promise when? :^[}

US Population is 328,305,368
Generous estimate is 30% are Trumptards
98,491,610 * $50 = $4,924,580,520.00
Not quite...

I can only dream. May your timeline please be true.

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Better to end aid to israel and use that money for the wall.

The last great Republican.
How does a 2 Trillion dollar tax giveaway to the rich result in revenue for the government?
They just bought their own stock back from the shareholders like we told you they would.

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I'm pro-wall and even I think this is the dumbest thread ever

Okay but if it was a kickstarter open to world wide donations, plus you factor in crazy rich motherfuckers who would donate $100,000 - $1 million, each person would only have to pay like $15-20.

They could have different tiers as well

>$5 or more: A Thank You letter delivered to your house from President Trump

>$50 or more: A metal commemorative pin saying "We Built The Wall" delivered to your house

>$500 or more: Your name will be etched into a plaque on the wall (you get to pick the state)

>$5000 or more: You will receive an invitation to the official presidential Wall grand opening ceremony

>$50000 or more: A once in a lifetime opportunity to ride along with ICE agents at night to shoot illegal aliens trying to breach the wall.

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I would do the $50, maybe $500 - for the wall plaque.

If I got the pin I would pin it to my MAGA hat.

Can someone make this happen?

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The corporate tax rate was 90% because all those companies had massive debts to the government from WWII and the tax rate was paying off the war bonds which had been spent to build up the American industrial base for war time production.

If you think throwing down an arbitrary 90% corporate tax rate in a world where our corporations are already moving over seas to avoid taxes and regulation is "responsible economics" then you just need to hang it up son. Economics and politics clearly aren't your bag, maybe you should try finger painting?

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corporate taxrates should be 100%
corporations aren't people so they have no business holding profits. if you have too much money floating around to reinvest it or pay it out than you should give it to the government to invest it for you.

>If every Trump voter donated $50 we could have the $18 billion tomorrow.

A bill would need to be passed to allow it like in the link below, and I believe that would have just been in Tennessee. Can't find any info whether it actually went anywhere.

Don't even need a wall, just guns and a radar system

I think it would raise a shit ton of money. People would like to just have the sense that they are contributing to some thing that actually gets done.

1 mill... you get to shag Ivanka raw dog

I can start one if you'd like

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>if you have too much money floating around to reinvest it

the actual tax rate that the rich were paying under eisenhower was closer to 20%. there were insane tax loopholes back then that meant nobody was paying the full tax. the highest rate of taxes paid came under coolidge who cut taxes by unprecedented amounts. as backwards as it sounds, tax cuts for the wealthy have historically caused the rich to pay a greater share of the total government revenue. the growth of private investments out-paces public investments by about 3 times the rate on average.

I'm down for a construction job. Am I gonna get paid in dollars or pesos if I apply?