This guy in the photo is called cabo Daciolo and is a living meme.

> He is certainly the dumbest person or the greatest throll in national politics.

> He is an evangelical fanatic and thinks that the grace of God is upon him so that he can save Brazil.

> He only says stupid things and in a stupid way.

> Completely disassociated from reality.

> He was part of a party that is the most anti-Christian of all and was expelled for being a Christian.

Attached: Cabo Daciolo.jpg (800x800, 342K)

Bolsonaro is a Jew OP. All the (((Brazil))) flags are actually Black Cube mossad shills. Do not vote for Jair Bolsonaro.

Dude, I'm aware of this, but Bolsonaro is the only alternative we have. The other options are much worse than he.

A zionist neocon vs a socialist and some irrelevant candidates.
It's the best choice we currently have.

>He is an evangelical fanatic and thinks that the grace of God is upon him.

At least with Bolsonaro, we are expecting an improvement in public safety. With the other candidates even that and we will still take more socialist measures.
With Bolsonaro the advance of socialism was slower than it would be with others.

those points you made are reasonable. Everyone shills that Trump is a jew puppet as well, but at least he makes leftists piss themselves with rage. That reason alone is good enough to accelerate shit hitting the fan and the possibility of having some actual change. I wish that we would have another choice then different flavors of socialist kikes here. Godspeed Juari!

Attached: bolso.jpg (1200x787, 222K)

This guy seems based as fuck

I bet he'd be brave enough to found an anti-Masonic party

fuck off faggot, It's his turn now

I don't want to vote for a nigger tho.

He openly speak against Masons and Illuminati.
Wish he named the jew.

So get out of Brazil, we ALL have African blood

But he's too socialistic.

He is extremely socialist.

His profile is that of the typical dumb and arrogant evangelical.

Bolsonaro é um lixo racista, machista e homofóbico. Racismo é crime e ele está livre por aí, enquanto Lula está preso sem provas. Presidente Lula 2018, Bolsonaro na cadeia.

>Bolsonaro é um lixo racista, machista e homofóbico.

Quem dera ele fosse isso.

Fuck off FAGGOT!!!!!

Apenas retardados rurais e suburbanos votam no Bolsonaro. Pessoas inteligentes da cidade votam no Ciro Gomes.

Looks Italian

Pessoas inteligentinhas da cidade que vivem de mamar na teta do Estado.

LULA 2018
The only president that brought progress to this country other than Getúlio Vargas, he wasn't a vira lata, he didn't bend his ass to the (((international clique of bankers))), we were the 7th biggest economy, with no loans with the IMF or other (((guys))). I want our pre sal back!!!!!!!!!!!

>mamar na teta do Estado
>Bolsonaro 30 anos de mandato, 2 projetos aprovados
Realmente me fez pensar.

7/10 bait, too obvious.

E daí? Eu não disse que o Bolsonaro também mamou nas tetas do Estado.

Além disso que diferença aprovar 2 ou 2000 projetos de lei neste país de merda?
As leis aprovadas no Brasil são uma bosta. Aprovar menos lei conta positivamente na opinião.
Além disso o papel do deputado não é só legislar. O mais importante na minha opinião é o de fiscalizar e Bolsonaro está muito mais na frente dos outros neste sentido do que os outros que aprovam diversas leis de merda.

Bolsonaro nunca fez nada. A falta de projetos só mostra o quanto ele foi incompetente.

i'm not gonna vote for a non white
If Bolsonaro wins that will be our first white president in over 20 years