>God punishes you by giving you a shit life with no money and Chad genes
>God punishes you by sending you to hell if you decide to end your suffering and commit suicide
What a wonderful, kind and understanding God.
>God punishes you by giving you a shit life with no money and Chad genes
>God punishes you by sending you to hell if you decide to end your suffering and commit suicide
What a wonderful, kind and understanding God.
Other urls found in this thread:
God created us and guides us, he does not hold our hand and live our lives. We were all given unique challenges to give our lives meaning and purpose and what we do when we engage these challenges, ultimately defines who we are. Bitching about what we are challenged with, is childish. Deal with it and live.
abrahamic god is fake.
the real creator is the universe and we exist so that it may experience itself, which is why we all share the same consciousness but differentiate ourselves with identifiers.
Numbers are part of this universe and how it speaks to us, this is why numerology is made fun of because it's quite powerful when you understand HOW to read them.
If God is anywhere it's in the numbers.
good thing he doesn't exist then
That's an eye sore.
>anything good that happens is because god is good
>anything horrific that happens is because god is good
>god is good
Imagine believing this
>victim mentality.
Go to 13:06.
We exist because he does.
We exist because he doesn't.