Why isn't the sale and consumption of "hard drugs" legal...

Why isn't the sale and consumption of "hard drugs" legal? Why should the government dictate which substances you put in your body?

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Because dumbasses get addicted to them and then start stealing from innocent bystanders and running them over with cars and shit.

inb4 if it were legal it would be so cheap they wouldn't have to steal to support their habit

Yeah, when they legalized weed, the price went UP.

Currently my state's drug squad nets around 80 mil per year, 50% from the federal government and 50% from local biker gangs and shipping imports.

making them legal would result in a net loss of income of over 24k/yr for each person currently involved in these two industries.

real answer

Why is it illegal to enslave drug addicts in prison

I thought I covered it pretty well.

And if you want a real discussion, name me one part of the world that punished more harshly for owning a living cannabis plant than owning a living tobacco plant.

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Who do you sue when you die?.

if you're unhappy with the west, you could always move to a more advanced society where doing drugs is normal. for example, afghanistan, north korea, colombia, uruguay.


Post rc and drugs sources clearnet and otherwise

Consumption of hard drugs is totally legal. They're called safe injection sites

Why sales are illegal

Drugs in noko?


and this is for a population of 500k, so you could extrapolate to LA and say that their "illegal" drugs industry there is netting around 3~4 billion ยข - enough to build a scrooge pool

shit I'm dumb.
*30~40 billion pennies

I was in Glasgow about a year ago and some guy took something and then proceeded to cut a random blokes throat.

I'd rather not get killed by some high idiot thanks.

But you AnCaps are truly more retarded than commies so i don't blame you for even thinking about such a retarded thing.

Go to bed, Devin.

If heroin was legalized and easy to access guarantee I would be dead. And I'm circumsized.

Most important thing is that they wreck their health and WE have to pay for their treatment. Should only be allowed to use drugs if you have enough money to cover your own expenses.

Is that just shit dry weed, Oregano or some other more exotic herb ?

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>addiction is a disease
I hate that meme, it's basically saying these people are like those with MS, ALS, and HIV they need assistance (gibs) because they're unable to function properly.

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The sole purpose of the state is to ensure the survival, preservation, and prosperity of a people. Government is the method by which the state materializes. As drugs jeopardize the well-being of a people and a society, the government has every right to tell you that you can't use "hard drugs"