What was the bush era like

What was living bush era America like?

Attached: 220px-George-W-Bush.jpg (220x290, 20K)

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Tell me?

Pretty much like Trump except no social media so you had to go outside to see how retarded and childish liberals were

Liberalism is based on Marxism, Fascism, National Socialism, and Communism...
Liberalism in the early 20th century was based on Innovation and Technology and not so much about these other National Socialist things. Germany and Britain were the great National Socialist Countries because that is where European Marxism originated from.

Yet somehow, even then, the writing was on the wall.

check out somethingawful for the latest funny cat meme and play world of warcrafts

Attached: macho man Ronald Savage.jpg (400x400, 30K)

bush jr is a fucking goddamned moron. it was embarassing to have him as president. he was as deep state is they come. did nothing but what he was told by all the demonic war mongers and globalist business leaders around him. the saddest part is he thought he was being a good boy and doing well by Murica

It was pretty comfy.

Well let's see. A lot of nothing happened at first. We had the Cole bombing in August of 2000 (It could have been september. IDK I was like 14 and indifferent.) But shit was nice. School at the time was less technology intensive because the most advanced phone we had at the time was the fucking Nokia (I traded crash bandicoot for a nokia once. It was nice) The early internet before 2003 was fun as well because it was more new and people were just pumping out websites left and right. I'd download a bunch of music off Morpheus and Kazaa and burn them to CDs. Which was nice because the first more modern japanese songs began filtering in from Japan. So it became something of a refuge from what I saw at the time as dull old Ohio.
2001 for the most part was fun. You could get away with trespassing onto government land and not be shot.
Even after 9/11 not a lot really changed. But occasionally you began hearing about feminists and shit. 2002-2006 was actually really nice too. I graduated in 04, dicked around until 2005 then Joined the army right after Katrina. That sucked. That period also marked the slow change of the news from actually being informative and began to become infotainment where a specific ideology informed the news of the day. 2007 was a wild ride right up to Lehman brothers collapsing.
So it was generally chill, but dipshits like Michael moore liked to fuck it up for everyone.
Oh, and Iraq happened but nobody really cared.
Not seriously at least. It was a shit show and once we got out of there it devolved into absolute anarchy.
Back then we didn't care for politics as much.

lots of Rage Against the Machine

The Matrix


Emo music

good times