>tfw Ameribros abandon you for mudslims and (((opposition to Iran)))
Tfw Ameribros abandon you for mudslims and (((opposition to Iran)))
I don't blame them, and I also don't give a flying fuck.
you fucked us hard in trade. get fucked.
>I don't blame them, and I also don't give a flying fuck.
Don't act like you didn't like that hard fucking sailor.
Serves you right. You trusted an (((American)))
Anyone notice poe's law in full force with this whole saudi shit?
leaf posting was pretty harmless, but it seems to have attracted people who genuinely believe those retarded memes are true
the Americans are, indisposed at the moment, they should be back to normal in a few years
can anyone explain to me what canada lost exactly by pissing of saudis
>in b4 the world's respect
we haven't had that in a long time, be real