
I may not be from America. But may have a stupid or good suggestion.

2nd amendment should only apply to muskets and flintlocks. That's what your founding fathers would have wanted.

Attached: 310.jpg (1800x303, 41K)

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They would also advocate for the continuation of slaves as Washington and others owned people.
Why do you think the US should stick only muskets OP?
Do you own any firearms yourself?

They'd commit sudoku immediately. Remember to sage weak bait and slide threads.

Certainly, you cannot be that stupid, void of reason and logic?

Then the first Amendment should only apply to newspapers.

See how stupid you sound?

Fully automatic weapons existed around the time the bill of rights was written

Not an argument, you should have portable, rapid fire, Blitzkrieg weapons. Not some stupid Pucket gun or whatever.

Unironically this

The best muskets are potato canons. One trip to the hardware store and you can put for instance bury a D-Cell battery into a hill.

Or whatever else you want to fire out of it.

>I may not be from America
Stopped reading there, quit complaining about people you don't know and whose culture you don't understand having too many rights you serf.