Well, Jow Forums, what's happening to the hacking scene ?
I always thought that this group of individuals was one of the most "inclusive", as in "we don't care who the fuck you are / think / look like, just show your 1337 skillz and you're included". But since a couple years at least, and most recently at HOPE, some groups of SJWs are pushing a leftists agenda with Codes of Conducts, banning lists and other feminist / pro-LGBT crap.
tl;dr some dude wore a MAGA hat, some people got triggered, staff didn't act exactly like they hoped, therefore everyone is a nazi and we should boycott this conference.
Also, someone wrote "don't ask dumb questions, rtfm", which led to much triggers
What are your thoughts, Jow Forumsacks ? Also, if anyone could recommend some OG hacker texts and manifestos, I'd be glad to read it, stuff like "Line in the sands" phrack.org/issues/68/16.html
oldschool hackers and phreaks were always anti-government first and anti-corporation second
I've never met a skilled hacker that gave a shit about leftie causes until the last decade or so.
The right-wing guys are probably from three-letter agencies and huge infosec companies and have families and stuff.
Digital libertarianism and crypo-anarchism evolved out of hacker culture, Bitcoin is a good example of a technology that came straight from principled hackers.
Hackers are autistic, they like principles and sticking to them, so they're going to eventually piss both sides off depending on the situation.
Thomas Thomas
rtfm is the traditional answer to almost every question. when did that change?
The SJW infestation in tech has grown to a point where there is probably no return.
Eli Ramirez
I don’t think leftie sjws can hack. They usually rehash things that have been around for years, then but them in some super cool bash script to be run on a meme *nix OS.
Most of the community is right wing, racist, sexist, and out to make money and certainly don’t care about sjw cases. This is just a few faggots who’ve gotten together thinking they’re 1337 shit with computers.
I know a few who pretend to be anti government when they get caught just so people don’t think they were being destructive for the sake of being destructive or making some cash. You get less time that way.
t. Ex con ex hacker
Daniel Price
>I don’t think leftie sjws can hack I don't think they can even code, let alone hack.
There was this talk at HOPE this year about how they leaked discord chats from 'fascist' groups, it was technically highly laughable, especially the over-technification of really simple stuff.
Almost every SJW "security researcher" I researched don't have an online presence other than twitter and some articles on medium.
Robert Wilson
the kerning on that poster is triggering me
Zachary Perry
They were pushed out of the hobby when it became cool and mainstream.
Seriously guys, what hacker news sites aren't 100% pozz? I need new places to learn about infosec and similar shit, without the ruination of the modern internet.
Adrian Diaz
Blog post and long responses, but let me hit the main points. Tripping balls so yolo. >oldschool hackers and phreaks were always anti-government first and anti-corporation second I've spent a fuckload of time on old textfile archives, due to not being able to find modern worthwhile websites and places to gather and communicate. You're partially right and also partially falling for rosey tinted glasses. You had a decent mix of don't tread on me libertarians, anti-governmental right wing militia types, and a minority of anarchists. The anarchists tended to be script kiddies and the edgy sort. Anti-corporation, no not always. More like ... anti-monopoly and ... for lack of a better term, anti-locked down. IE, radioshack was fine, but companies purposefully locking out features on their cheaper models was not good at all. Does that make sense?
>The right-wing guys are probably from three-letter agencies and huge infosec companies and have families and stuff. That's more the don't tread on me types and the right wing anti government guys. They have a family, want to be left alone, have no need to prove themselves doing script kiddie shit.
>Digital libertarianism and crypo-anarchism evolved out of hacker culture, Bitcoin is a good example of a technology that came straight from principled hackers. Agreed, but disagree with crypto-anarchism.They're dangerous broken people, the same sorts of "hurr durr" hackers that flock to the left wing causes nowadays. Never forget that those that believe in anarchy believe one of two things: 1. Everyone is going to sing kumbaya and get along happily (without a Non Aggression Pact) LOL NO 2. They know that anarchy means might makes right, and they assume they will be part of the might on the right side of history.
Ayden Evans
------------------------- >rtfm is the traditional answer to almost every question. when did that change? When more and more globalism created a market of more and more complex foreign electronics being introduced with pictogram instructions.
The jewish degredation of our education system didnt help as well. Go read some chemistry books from high school back in the 50's and have your mind blown. What's college level shit nowadays was commoner knowledge then.
--------------------------- >The SJW infestation in tech has grown to a point where there is probably no return.
Disagree. Like all communists, they're going to continuously fail to innovate and fall apart. They're our generations script kiddies, as points out.
---------------- Why do you think they push for such simple languages? Why do you think they circle jerk themselves to death over spouting as much technical jargon as possible? Why do you think the concept of being able to explain things to a three year old.
Also, gibs advice on getting into security research?
Lucas Evans
Don’t bother going into “security research” it’s a bullshit field only non engineers care about. Everything has holes in them if you look hard enough. It just has to be so hard that it’s it worth the gain of breaking in.
Go into real engineering, I work in automotive, I’ve worked for defense companies as well. Always as a software or embedded sys engineer.
If you build something that advances European culture, then you will feel fulfilled.
Ryan Perez
>Why do you think they push for such simple languages? Because they don't understand that reverse engineering a json API is absolutely not on the same level as customizing an exploit with NOP slides and shit. I can do the former, not the latter, because I have a basic understanding of algorithmics and can write node or python scripts, but memory management in C or ASM is waaaay harder.
But since they are snowflakes, they force their way into speaking at infosec conferences because diversity. You're no Barnaby Jack, my love, so GTFO.
>Also, gibs advice on getting into security research? I'm not much higher than a skid myself, I'm no infosec specialist, I just do it as a hobby. My advice would be : RTFM. Seriously. Read, practice, fail, read again, practice more, fail less but still, and repeat ad vitam aeternam.
>Hackers are autistic You need to be "on the spectrum" to be able to piece together all the little bits of knowledge gathered.
Ayden Thompson
I enjoy playing with SDR's and radio shit. Fug no engineering degree. >But since they are snowflakes, they force their way into speaking at infosec conferences because diversity. You're no Barnaby Jack, my love, so GTFO. Yeah, pretty much, pretty much.
Colton Edwards
have you ever been to HOPE? I went in 2016 and it was just as liberal.
Henry Gutierrez
I kinda wanna go to defcon, but ... the liberal smug turns me off.
I just want a place to share ideas that I have and collaborate without shoe horned politics everywhere.
Inb4 Right wing security conference war driving with spark gap transmitters.
Elijah Stewart
last year at defcon, some psycho pulled a gun on me in a parking lot of a casino for saying 'retard' and offending his family. I'm never going back.
Justin Moore
>Also, gibs advice on getting into security research? Just pick something interesting and run with it. Learn as you go. I'm studying backdooring IoT devices in MIPS and ARMv7.
Jonathan Bennett
Say what now? Come again?
Is defcon still horribly anti-gun?
Robert Myers
real hackers don't join groups. you're probably some normie JOCK or a nigger if you think that. by the way, fuck you nigger.
Information still is shared, tricks taught and developed, new features uncovered.
The question is where and how.
William Taylor
It is all about the Shekel. SJWism paired with tax and debt sponsored minority and human rights is a barrel without a bottom for everybody without principles to steal from.
Parker Robinson
>rtfm is that a new gender?
Sebastian Green
Chase Powell
baited for that exact response, newfag
Evan Long
Why have we gone to shit? Why the constant hostility?
Have the commies won in turning everyone so jaded?
Jackson Rivera
You're looking in the wrong place. Redpilled capitalists are easy to find in the decentralization and crypto spheres. They're the ones actually designing new technologies, and not whining about political bullshit.
James Collins
>Have the commies won in turning everyone so jaded? >turning >implying it hasn't been like this since ~2010
Kevin Sanders
SO what else is left?
Where's a digital nomad to go?
Joshua Brown
if you crave approval and pleasantries so much, join some VR circlejerk
Mason Garcia
Nope, I just miss the likes of totse and textfiles, and similar shit.