Dear Lefties: You have only two choices

1. Free Speech for everyone (even it it's hateful, even if it hurts feelings, even if it's bigoted, even if it's a damn dirty lie; no exclusions, no exceptions)

2. I dictate what you are allowed to say

Pragmatically, I am fine with either choice. Ideally, no one gets to censor anyone; this is the option I prefer and my gift to you. I am perfectly comfortable allowing idiots to make themselves look foolish spouting nonsense in public and I feel no need to forcibly stop them. This is the best option for all, as bad ideas reveal themselves. The truth will always prevail and needs no censorship of lies to emerge supreme in any contest. Only falsehoods need force to gain power.

What will never happen, what I will not allow, is for YOU to dictate what I am allowed to say. If you try, if you seek to use force against me, I will use force to STOP you. This force may or may not be lethal, but the result will be the same: I will be the last man standing, free to speak my mind at will, and you will have voluntarily surrendered your right to my peaceful tolerance.

Please understand that I do not want this; I do not seek physical conflict. However, you must also know that I will neither be persuaded nor coerced away from my position. Show me respect and tolerance, and we can coexist without a fight. If you push me, if you threaten my safety in your attempts to assert control over my words, I will feel no remorse in utterly destroying or enslaving you, and using superior force to dictate what you are allowed to say in public. These are your ONLY two options, and this choice is entirely in your hands.

> Choose wisely.

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Other urls found in this thread:

There is a third choice. I mow down every fucking one of these tyrants who openly supports censorship.

Dear lefties, you only have two choices:
1) a bullet to the head
2) a helicopter ride


Something something third way

That would be Option 2

There is no Option 3. I will not allow it.

You don't have a say.

You may ignore this warning if you wish, but that does not change the choices available to you. Your actions will yield my response.

Feel free to test me. Who knows, maybe I'm not serious at all and you won't end up dead. It's a gamble, but if that's a risk you're willing to take, then it's out of my hands. Shall we find out who has the superior force necessary to shape reality to their will? Again, the choice is yours.

I'm not a lefty, it's just obvious that antifa are not going to listen to your whining ultimatum posted on Jow Forums, they're a militant black bloc organization that only knows violence and only understands violence.

so why post this thread? preach to the choir? to feel edgy with your cringy monologues? to incite others into violence because you're a glow-in-the-dark CIAnigger?

>I'm going to fight and die for my Jewish oligarchs against an anti Semitic national revival

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You can't yell FIRE or BOMB out loud without consequences either.

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right into the cringe collection

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>implying ANTIFA don't read Jow Forums
Are you new?

I didn't say they don't read here, I said they're not going to listen.

Option 2, then?

This post satisfies my internal ethical obligation to give fair warning. Once this is done, I am free of the obligation to give such warning prior to responding. You may consider this a formal courtesy, even if such people do not really deserve it. Whether or not they appreciate such civility, I do. I respect their right to disregard my warning, but that will not change the outcome. Fire burns, whether you believe it or not.

>at first we used technology to voice our grievances
>then, we were SILENCED completely
>what will they do without freedom?
>Heavens to Betsy!, they've taken to the streets!
This power trip shit has to end for the greater good. If you attempt to tear down everything this country was founded for. Worldwide dominoes, chaos, war, death & despair. It has to stop

You'd probably have to cut out everyones tongue. That's not going to happen, because pussy's love to be licked.


>still talking like an anime character

Sort yourself out instead of typing vague incoherent threats to neutral foreigners on a Malaysian Skydiving BBS.

Please choose number 3: helicopter rides

Can you imagine the fall of mankind, stoneage, barbaric, apocalyptic shit? It could happen in the blink of an eye. Hell we have provoked mid-east and south-east Asia since the great industrial revolution several times. What do you think it will be like when the shoe is on the other foot?

>2. I dictate what you are allowed to say

One tzarcuck already thought that it will be a good idea, hehehe.

I'm actually looking forward to it.

Free speech does not mean no consequences. It also does not mean you can force private companies, like social media, to host what you want.

So...your only out is to continue oppressing them all?
What about assimilating the world into a decent life. Poverty, hunger and livable wages are possible if the wealthy would stop hording and govt's would legislate accordingly.

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Cause some nobody said some shit is some shit, so thats your sworn solemn creed. I'll bet you believe that you're smart. All your logic aside, how about you live and let live.

Dude, how could you fulfill any of these pathetic threats when you can’t even fit through the door to get out of your patents basement

yeah, no, send them the shit and directions how to do it, if they can't, then it is on them. We have got to start taking care of U.S. too. Judging by S.A., our help is NOT wanted.

Caveman logic. I don't like it, so I'll hit it with a rock.
Congratulations! Nobody has time to drag your ass into the future. Welcome to extinction, Trumptard. You either get smarter or this will be the last generation of morons.

I'm fine with authorities looking the other way when a paid contingent of agitators are bused into a predominantly hostile enclave and attacked by the resident population. In no past multi-ethnic societies would it seem appropriate to allow any rabblerouser to walk into any enclave to aggravate the resident population and if the mass of the public at the moment deems their removal fit then their desire should be acknowledged as this is basically what democracy entails. Although in a less formal and more direct sense.
It's not like the constitution was acknowledged during periods of ethnic segregation and public lynchings. Flag unrelated

I hate this board

Yeah, we can either have an info war or actual war.

However I think strategically it's better to make them lose the info-war and commit actual war and then retaliate in kind.

The only answer to censorship is extreme brutal violence. There can be no doubt the cost of such attempts.

Where did OP go, did he go and have an asthma attack after being called out as as a LARPer?

whatever happened to crucifications and burning people with gasoline and old tires?

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Wait, I'm confused about the movie. So the cops knew that internal affairs were setting them up?

>no exclusions, no exceptions
What about inciting murder?

You can say that obly if you have power to really stop them or hurt. You have neither. But its sad and i wish we have same power for everyone on this piece of dirt.

thats such a bullshit clause
you either have free speech o not, taking any form away=no free speech

It's not really inciting murder. We're all already ready to murder already.

> taking any form away=no free speech
No it's not. You should know that currently in the US, inciting murder is not covered by free speech, nor are things deemed 'obscene'.

I think though, the courts are going to decide that the censorship is illegal. The retaliation with force will be done by the government whose job it is to do that. There will be a ruling backed by force affirming that censorship in a public forum is still illegal. This ruling will be backed by force.

We already know it's illegal. The State needs to act with force now or the people will do it.

There needs to be a lawsuit to get the state to do that. that's how it's done.

No, the government simply enforces the laws on the books. Or the people take justice into their own hands.

you have to give the government an opportunity to work. You're a shill.

The government has zero legitimacy at this point. We're not going to wait while all of our rights are taken away.



>We already know it's illegal.

according to what

*drools* there is going to be a line of people who want to mow down the lefties.

What are you on about faggot? it's an easy question to answer

so convenient that you hide behind the law whenever it is convenient for you, while you berate your opposition for doing the same.
Hypocrisy, dishonesty and narcissism fits perfectly with the petty victim of reality you have made yourself into.

Took a break to do some housework. Now, just lurking and enjoying the commentary.

It always makes me laugh listening to the right wing try to blame the left for the right's own ridiculous mistakes. Pull your head out of your ass and understand that this issue is NOT a free speech problem. This is a CITIZENS UNITED problem. For years now, in order to allow unlimited corporate money in politics, the right wing has pushed the Citizens United idea that corporations are legally PEOPLE and should be accorded the same rights as human beings. They did this out of politically motivated greed with no thought to future consequences. At this point, right wingers are complaining about getting exactly what you wanted. Corporations and companies are now people and have the same rights as people. Remember just a little while back when a judge ruled that a bakery cannot be forced to bake cakes for gay people? Remember how everyone on Jow Forums cheered and celebrated your great victory and how happy it made you all to 'really piss off the libtards'? Well congratulations. Your hatred of the other side drove you to put hurting and harassing others ahead of country and the Constitution. Now all of a sudden, the very issue that YOU cheered for is being used AGAINST you and you're pissed off now? Why? This was the obvious, inevitable direction of this ridiculous law. You are now getting EVERYTHING you ever claimed you wanted from Citizens United. If you don't like it, then vote to change it. But quit whining about the end result of a ruling that you all cheered when it was ONLY hurting the other side. That just exposes you all as hypocrites. This is what happens when a brainwashed segment of the population only cares about rule of law when it suits THEM. This is what YOU supported, this is what YOU voted for, this is what YOU got. So enjoy it, snowflakes. You ordered it, you eat it.

The Citizens United decision did not confer personhood on corporations. This is a fundamental misunderstanding of the ruling. Once you have thoroughly researched the subject, I suggest revisiting some of your other mistaken assertions. There are plenty to choose from in your post.

And once again, still refusing to admit the truth, you will continue to be victimized by your own hate-based policies. So enjoy. You earned every bit of it.