The Victorian police chief is sucking the dick of Lisa Neville (Victoria's police minister) and the dick of Victoria's current communist government in his ass to keep his job.
what does aus/pol/ think of peter norden (current RMIT professor, and former jesuit chaplain for pentridge prison). he was pardoned in the 80s for assisting in the escape of a violent prisoner from pentridge (he actually helped one of the inmates escape, then drove him half an hour across town to a safehouse).
he was well known among criminals of melbourne as a middle man for criminals serving time in pentridge. so many drug dealers were able to run their businesses from inside a cell thanks to him.
he is still very politically active today, sticking his hook nose where it does not belong.
he is literally worse than scumbag helen prejean (his american equivalent).
Well, that's another basket of faggotry all together. He's been coopted too. I wonder if the female gender academics he has to advise him also peg him in the ass with dragon dildos.
Jaxson Bell
fuck off Tasmania, Western Australia is demanding a refund
Austin Taylor
>>Victoria. How you have fallen.
Two gangs of Sudanese Australian youths warring over girlfriends, yelling 'police can't touch us', threw rocks and damaged a police car during an aggressive rumble in Melbourne's north-west. The groups, who police say had "pre-existing tensions", agreed to meet at Watergardens Shopping Centre in Taylors Lakes last night to fight before management called officers who moved on them on. The youths then took public transport to Lonzo Park in Taylors Hill and threw "a number of projectiles believed to be rocks", before riot police were called and moved them on.