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how does not being able to say nigger hurt your gameplay you nigger

you wouldnt know, snownigger

How am I supposed to release my anger when I get oneshotted by a giantdad build or pentakilled?

imagine being this much of a nigger

why can't you say nigger (assuming that's the "n-word" they're referencing)?

you get banned, nigger

how would anyone know?

Video games are a basedboy low iq activity,

back in my day real gamers were yelling or uncontrollably or punching objects around them like their keyboards or mums

scandinavians are snowniggers you roach rapebaby, it's like me calling you a pastanigger

Its about hitting the women

are you talking about single player or something, nigger?

Why should I not be allowed to recite the works of Mark Twain or H.P Lovecraft just because the words in it offend you? Stop being such a literatureaphobe

of course. only faggots play games online with other people


yea, i chop wood all day for entertainment.

The Arrows Should be:

u rite

I never said nigger to begin with but the uproar over it when it's such a prevalent word in online gameplay is ridiculous. Just like people getting upset about fag when it's used so much it lost all meaning.

online games we're destroyed by normies, snowflakes and niggers, nigger.
Damn and I almost forgot girls, they are the worst scum nigger

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t. tradcuck

Nigger is the most taboo of the words so it's the one that feels the best to express once you are angry. Not my fault that the jews, marxists and their pet negroes turned such an inoffensive word as "nigger" (which comes from latin "niger") into an extreme taboo word charged with an emotional background, where anyone should be punished and shamed after saying it.

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ha ha, oh ouf

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Karl Marx was anti black

Humans naturally like to break boundaries.


>calling yourself a gamer
>unironically thinking that it is some kind of an identity/cultural/political statement

Retardation levels of some people never cease to amaze me.

>It may sound like crazy talk
>But when you turn it into a design it's great to worth with
Does this person not understand how to use bullet points?

>I'm not sure I understand
>what you mean

>be communist game
>one texture for all objects
>all the npc's have to behave the same way or are sent to Gulag.Exterminate()
>physics threads are dying because the lack of memory

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how young do you have to be to make an image like this

I don't think that "person" could find it's own ass using both hands, an ass-detector and a sniffing-ass dog.

You know user youre right.

You know user youre right.

Miss post oops

Oops talking to myself

it was mostly destroyed by corporate memes about what "normies want to play". It's mostly about advertisement anyway. These fucks didn't realize that the content of the games have never mattered to normies, only the actual framing of what playing the game entails.

Young enough to not be old enough to post here

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fuck off

> - what
> - do
> - you
> - mean
> - ,
> - that
> - I
> - have
> - low
> - IQ
> - or
> - what
> - ?

It's funny, but I've never called people nigger in a game. I've trolled and talked shit a lot too, but it just always felt lame to just throw out "nigger" as a response.
However, with a the auto banning and fighting against "toxic speech" in gaming, I now use borderline racial insults more than I ever did in the past, because it's funny and it pisses people off more than my old school banter did. Something about walking right up to the "no no line" and not crossing makes these kids lose their shit.
Try it, don't call them "nigger", instead, accuse them of liking basketball.


I want to turn back time when vidya was niche hobby without cucks, females and minorities

Are they trying to make a fake "gamergate" like campaign four years after the fact. Who the fuck is in charge of their ideas?

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based and redpilled

>he says as he namefags some fucking children's show faggotry
I agree with your sentiment, but holy fucking shit, man. Have some self awareness

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Guys I did the sex! Why can't you just surrender your thoughts? Because you get the sex when you do that and I got it! Why are you laughing? I got the sex!

Me no play video games.

It's like I'm playing Red Faction all over again.

Fuck off. "Gamers" are just consumers. Basing your idenity on what you consume is as retarded as faggots who base their identity around their clothing, or vegan-tards on what food they eat, and so on. Play video games (in moderation) if you enjoy it, but calling yourself a Gamer is cringe and weak-minded.
Identity is more than just consumer habits.

womyn shouldn't be allowed to play video games, if you tak to her about video games she tells you about Nintengay

>m u h day
>destroy property
>hit ur mom
>no father
so you were born around 97

I think it's like when the bully victim thinks super long and hard about what he should have said or done in response against his oppressors and then sperges out like a cringelord out of context

>He never shouted nigger into his headset when playing MW2

Found the zoomer.

You stupid niggers are too afraid to even say nigger. This stupid psyop doesn't come from here and is obviously meant to slander us for having morality and distinction hardwired into our minds.

Nigger is a very powerful word, why would you purposely weaken yourself by not giving yourself access to it?
Its pure niggerly behavior to even try that.