Whoops...sorry Republithugs

Whoops...sorry Republithugs.

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oy vey my dead relatives have a right to vote!




>votes found

sure thing schlomo

No prob homo/pedo. Of course the whole thing is a do over in 3 months. Absurd waste of money for all.

>more votes (((found)))
This is why kikes get the oven

Everytime a Republican wins suddenly there were missing votes the whole time


Yall are desperate enough to try anything

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We found 10000 votes that 70% voted D-.

Thats still not enough.

We found 15,000 votes then.



Watch in awe as this good little leftist (he is a good little leftist, isn't he?) kicks and twitches on the end of a rope.

Watch as he dies. Watch his footy-wootsies kick and struggle. Do you suppose in his final moments, he realized that he was a thief? What a good little leftist. A goooood little leftist. He died for nothing. What a pathetic way to die. I want to see his mother's face when she sees her little boy, with his neck all stretched out like a goose.

"Oh son," she would sob, "why did you have to become a thief? Why did you have to become a good little leftist? If you hadn't adopted a religion of theft, you would still be alive!"

But he didn't listen. He became a thief (a leftist) and was hanged like a thief. He got precisely what he deserved. What a good little leftist. What a painful, humiliating way to die. And how many good little leftists (just like him) have died this way in the Ukraine? It could be tens of thousands.

Wait wut...

racist whitey was hiding democrat votes so they could rig another election!

Well they do need to check the cemeteries for ballots the dead left after they voted democrat.

You've gotta kill traitors before the enemies, Jim-Jam

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oh whooops look at that someone dropped a big bag of democrat votes back here


She has a terrible ass what the fuck

We're going to have to send you up the streetlight with the rest of them for making posts that autistic.

>white girl ass

Put me in the same gas chamber as the leftists, I can hold my breath for like eight minutes, at least I'll get to watch all of them die before finally taking my deep, deep lungful of Zyklon B.

I keep telling the dems if they want to win they gotta vote early and often.

Troy Balderson
101,772 50.1%

Danny O’Connor
100,208 49.3

Joe Manchik
1,129 0.6

If only

So theoretically, what would happen if they claim to have found several thousands of votes?
Would people just accept it?


>Would people just accept it?
Yep. Liberals accept anything that the media says as long as it backs their world view. Anything to the contrary and suddenly they're bigger conspiracy theorists than republicans.

I like the way you think.

>Democrats would push for the seat to simply be handed.
>Republicans would refuse and demand an investigation
>Democrats woudl refuse an investigation and proceed to reeee for weeks
>MSM agitates the sheeple
>muh tyranny, muh seat but pls no investigation
>Outbursts of violence in different parts of the country
>Civil war

Hey goy I found a basket of votes again~


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>civil war
I wish

Don't we all user

>Republicans hiding votes
>I-i-it's the democrats they're cheating
Typical republican'ts projecting

>hey guys, we found 1,440 votes
>they all happen to be for O'Connor!

like in a cabinet?
also sage

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haha nah dude you would just have another election

they did that in Austria lol

no big deal

No they would found 5000 votes, with 75% going to O'Connor

>Yes, all of them!
>All 1660!
>Why wouldn't you believe it?
>Listen, only because these 2240 votes we jsut found are dems it doesn't mean this is rigged
>Wow, so you are seriously willing to contest these 3380 citizens their right to democracy because you don't trust us?

>electronic voting machines
>data transferred from all districts
>checksum data transferred from all districts
>all numbers check out
>numbers totalled
>winner published
>24 hours later different data appears from unknown sources

You mutts are a special kind of retards, aren't you?

That happens all the time famalam haven't you ever been to college and have your 15 page midterm not save???


What did they mean by this.

This is exactly what happened with the infamous Christine Gregoire versus Dino Rossi gubernatorial election in Washington state in 2008. This was when the Democrats learned all about postal ballots. The election was so close that every time there was a recount, the Democratic Party kept finding more and more bags of uncounted postal ballots. Surprise, surprise! After the third recount, the Democrats finally found enough bags of postal ballots to push them over the top.

Postal ballots should never be counted. Voter ID would all but eliminate the need for them anyway if a person could vote anywhere and have their name crossed out. Though I'm sure there'd be a work around for that too.

Sorry this was 2004 - I linked to the wrong article

Postal ballots are evil and anti-democratic. It's why Libtards from Seattle to Austria love postal ballots.

Holy shit the green party fucked the democrats hahaha.

(((((((Huffington post))))))))

Found some more dead nigger votes eh?

Relax there Shekelberg, we know how you found those votes.


Kike ass.

They must have found them in the same bottomless container they keep finding holocaust survivors in.

Haha, what they did to bernie is still biting them in the ass two years later.

what does the Russian say?

>As more votes are ((((found))))

Imagine being so retarded that you actually fall for that.


which political party was pushing the electronic voting machines the hardest? they should be tried and executed for treason, no matter what political affiliation.

Found the redditor

Oh shit how lucky. Accidentally they were found stored under the WMD missile launchers that the alphabet agencies confiscated during Iraq war.

Can you believe the luck? I guess Dramptarampamramf blown the fuck out.

If I don't care about an race I just vote for whoever has a funny name. Manchik is a funny name sounds like a tranny

>yfw Washington is 100% postal ballots

its super convenient when working correctly but i see plenty of ways for the system to be gamed when theres that many "ballots" just floating around in the USPS ether.

>how about another recount

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Pulling this trick again.

>they were found stored under the WMD missile launchers that the alphabet agencies confiscated during Iraq war.


>Typical republican'ts projecting

Any time someone uses this Freudian faggotry I know they have no foundation for their claims or denial

Saddest part is that pre-Trump this district was +35 R

No, the saddest part is that you faggot shills think that this is an effective tactic.
YOU LOST and you will continue to lose.
Don't respond to me.

We're going to use something that's actually good at gassing people next time. Good luck holding your breath in a sarin shower dumbass


Google Al Frankin election. They "found" just enough boxes of ballots in the back of a truck to get him over the finish line weeks later.


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>votes found

They should just make a law that once election day is over the election is done unless they can prove there was a conspiracy to hide votes because this is just too obviously exploitable by (((them)))

Good thing we're not pants-on-head retarded and have voter ID laws to prevent this exact proble-

Die, unaware and compliant.

Ignore it, it gets the oven as well.

Let's assume it's legit; that's some 3rd world tier voting practices.
Aren't you ashamed as Americans?

I've been ashamed of our voting system for decades now, and nobody in power wants to do anything to fix it. Those that run on fixing it never make it into office.
Should tell you something.

It's only fair, Republicans have been having to deal with libertarians shaving a couple percent off their vote for decades.

No, we know it will just disappear as more eyes get on it.
Votes don't get "found." Anyone saying they do are either lying on purpose or genuinely don't know how our voting system works.

This will disappear in 24 hours as just another case of the dem who cried wolf. Like all the others.


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I like actually showing up on election day. I normally go to the local election party

America is unironically the most corrupt country in the world, and Americans are too comfortable and afraid to do anything about it despite having the tools.

I'm glad they're bringing this shit to my state, now I won't have to travel to the coasts to shoot a motherfucker. Goddamn, I really hate the world we live in.

Oh so this will probably another case of Dems "finding" another box of ballots in the trunk of (((someone's))) car, and they will all conveniently be Democrat. Fuck this country.

>like in a cabinet

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You know how this works.
>Here quick, fill out this ballot

> democrat district produces box of democrat votes to swing a democrat into office

Why do they hate me so?