>wake up in mustard stained t-shirt >3:00 in the afternoon >phone post about undying love for Saudi Arabia >make sure to call someone a leaf >that’ll show them >go to McDonald’s for breakfast >have to use electric wheelchair >drive by the local mosque >Mexicans offer me oranges >I don’t eat oranges, only hamburgers >drive by 50 homeless veterans >Donald trump ruins trade ties with yet another country >it doesn’t matter as long as a quarter pounder is under five dollars >forgot wallet >jk it’s in fat rolls >Nigger cashier spits in your food >you’re hungry so you still enjoy it >say grace first, since god is real >nigger comments on your rebel flag on wheelchair >get butt hurt and cry about niggers on Jow Forums
I don’t like mustard, so it wouldn’t be staining any of my shirts.
Lucas Cruz
Not our fault you elected a pathetic fool bound by his own emotions so much that you now are at risk of being nuked by the Saudis.
Jack Baker
>drive by the local mosque Lost you there
Ryder Walker
Thanks for the thread. I have always felt contempt for Canadia and Canadadians. The smugness, the puzzling posture of moral superiority, the holier-than-thou attitude that can only be adopted when one's nation is puny and irrelevant and therefore incapable of causing harm to the world. So now Canadia is kicked to the curb and sent to the back of the line behind Mexico with regard to North American trade. And smashed economically and diplomatically by Soggy Arabia because Justin from Canadia felt compelled to play his virtue card and stick his nose into their internal affairs. I derive pleasure from your misfortune.
Parker Adams
Comparison to the day of a leaf >wake up in maple syrup stained fur coat >3:00 in the afternoon >phone post about undying love for Trudeau >make sure to call someone a racist >that'll show them >go to kebab shop for breakfast >have to use sled >drive by the local mosque >triads offer you your cat >you don't want to eat your cat, only poutine >drive by 50 fags having a state funded AIDS orgy >Justin Trudeau bans white marriages >it doesn't matter since you are a cuck anyway >forgot wallet >jk it's in your dilation slit >Pajeet shits on your poutine >you're not racist so you decide to eat it anyway >apologize for being white first since white privilege is real >white man asks what went wrong in your life >you go on Jow Forums and prove that OP is always a faggot
John Mitchell
>This is how we see you.
and that's why your losing. You've been told this before and still haven't learnt.
Xavier Brown
> it's in your dilation slit nice effort Hans
Luis Reyes
>wake up in beer stained Trudeau shirt >3:00 in the afternoon >phone post about undying love for blasphemy >make sure to call someone shitskinned camelfucker >that'll show them >go to tim hortons for breakfast >don't have cash >drive by local mosque, bum money from pious Muslims >Mexicans offer me work >I don't work, just freely ad >drive by 50 homeless veterans >Donald trump lives rent free in my head >nothing matters but tim hortons donuts >take out money bummed from Muslims >ask for over 55 discount even though just a 30 year old boomer >realize at least person behind counter has a job, unlike me >eat donuts, stare at normal people and project racism on them >go home and watch crime tv
>Wake up at 8 am in Toronto >Go for a walk and see a paki >Turn left and see an indian >Enter the shop an I'm greeted by a syrian >Leave the shop, see one Italian, a Portuguese and a UK tourist >Filipino picks me up and takes me to work, 30% of my colleagues are black >Return home after a hard day's work, to find that my appartment complex has been sold to a chinese (((investor))) >Move another 30km farther away from work cause my salary just can't keep up >No community cohesion, no nothing, just another bland day in the bland multicultural paradise >Hey, at least I have my weed and dog blowjobs
> bow to the Chinese family the leaf goverment assigned to the house.
> tuck lady dick between ass cheeks. Put on rainbow skirt and Diversity is our strength shirt.
> get an uber with pajeet driver. Make small talk about how great Indian food is and how they respect cows.
> show up at protest. Make out with the homosexual representative of the first nation peoples.
> give stirring speech on che and the magic of communism.
>crowd cheers. Light the last hetrosexual white male in Canada on fire.
>crowd goes berserk. Diversity achieved.
How we see leafs.
Isaiah Gonzalez
And yet somehow, this is still better than being A FUCKING LEAF
Camden Ward
You've had only a taste of our wrath. Choose your words carefully, leaf. Otherwise, we'll round up all your women, and inject them with the BFC (Big Freedom Cock).
>>wake up in dog cum stained t-shirt :00 in the afternoon >>phone post about undying love for Faggottry >>make sure to call someone a bigot >>that’ll show them >>go to Store for breakfast but can't afford anything >>have to walk, can't afford a car >>drive by the local mosque and stop to pray >>Chinese offer me fake eyebrows >>I don’t eat anything , all food too expensive >>Walk by all fifty of the Canadian army >>Justin Trudeau dances with trannies again ruins relations with yet another country >>it doesn’t matter as long as peanut butter is cheap and there are stray dogs >>forgot wallet , doesn't matter as food is still too expensive >>jk the dog who was licking my ass last night stole it >>Chink landlord kicks me out in the street >>Get caution for not guessing which faggots made up pronoun I was supposed to use. >>say nothing, too hungry to focus >>watch prime minister dancing like a flaming queen on television >>make long whining post on Jow Forums then go looking for stray dogs