Vaccine industry prices your child at less than 1/2 a cent

Attached: vaccine-article.png (619x173, 53K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I value all leafs at 0 cents

Even if they dont cause autism vaccines are a scam for hypochondriacs

Vaccines are terrible and a lie being forced fed to us

Attached: HHS Court Document - Informed Consent Action Network.jpg (806x1024, 184K)

They still do though.
Add in William Thompson, who whistle blowed on the CDC for suppressing data about MMR having a link to autism.

Attached: William-Thompson-Whistleblower.jpg (711x461, 101K)

Attached: Adverse Eventsi n Routine Immunization of Extremely Low-Birth-Weight Infants.jpg (1917x1443, 639K)

The CDC has lied and continues to lie.

The HHS lied and continues to lie.

Pharmaceutical companies continue to lie.

Immunization is a lie.

Herd Immunity is a lie.

Vaccines are a fraud that kill and maim thousands of children and prevent them from ever living a normal life.

I will never vaccinate.

Attached: CDC Knowingly Lied About Mercury in Vaccines.jpg (913x1903, 755K)

Attached: 4250 percent increase in infant death rates reported from pregnant women who recieved the flu shot.j (1920x1920, 545K)

Thankfully you’ll never procreate, either

Attached: Aluminum in Brain Tissue in Autism.jpg (1920x1920, 1.25M)

I only buy vaccines that are specifically made in Israel for the Jews.
I don't use heavy metal china syringes, that's for the goyim.

t. Jewish

What a compelling argument as to why I should vaccinate.

The HHS admitted in a court of law that they haven't been testing vaccine safety since 1987, when they were first mandated by congress to do so.

The NCVIA prevents you from suing a pharmaceutical company if you or your children are damaged by vaccines. There's absolutely no incentive for pharma companies to ensure that the vaccines they give you are safe.

Aluminum adjuvants and thimerisol cause neurological damage.

Attached: Tripedia Vaccination Side Effects Autism.jpg (500x500, 68K)

Attached: Official Canadian Data shows Higher Autism Levels with Vaccines.jpg (869x1184, 473K)

>autists complaining about autism
what's wrong snowflakes? Afraid of a little competition? Or are you just worried they'll revoke your neetbux if your affliction becomes mainstream. /Pol yards are worse than liberals

Pharmaceutical companies don't care if you are injured by their products, legally you cannot touch them.

Attached: Why Big Pharma Doesn't care about Vaccine INjury.jpg (1080x7134, 2.49M)

Great charts man. All I have are these lousy memes of Del.
More like I don't want to have my tax money being used to protect multi billion dollar industries.

Attached: bluepilled.jpg (657x492, 57K)

Come back with an actual argument and I might listen.

Attached: Dissproportionately largethumbsup.jpg (398x500, 33K)

Attached: 86 percent correlation between vaccination and autism.jpg (1267x1920, 745K)

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If risk of vaccination-risk of disease=positive-->abort
Also, fuck the herd.

Most of the infectious diseases that were destroyed are attributed to vaccines but it's funny how the vaccines were introduced after they were already on a downward trend/were no longer a major threat due to improvements in hygiene and cleanliness.

Attached: Mortality Rates vs When Vaccines were Introduced.png (800x497, 231K)

Timeline also coincides with the extremely quick decline in male fertility among vaxxed pop, i.e. the West
>inb4 muh plastics

I am expecting child soon, which vaccines should I get so he wont become like a disgusting goy creation?

Non-vaccinated children are healthier than vaccinated children.

Attached: Journal of Translational Science - Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated.jpg (1378x1911, 664K)

Same here, I did some extensive research (not finished yet) and in terms of risk trade-offs I'd say diphtheria, tetanus and polio.

Except the polio vaccine (even the CDC stated this) causes cancer.

Attached: CDC Covers up the fact the polio vaccine causes cancer.jpg (1080x4822, 2.4M)

Yeah until 1963. Keep it real you childless memeflagged fucker

Herd immunity is a lie.

Attached: Why Herd IMmunity is a Lie.jpg (948x2883, 1.11M)

Okey user, thanks bro, I wish I could give you my email to stay in touch but I dont have one willing to put up here

Attached: Tetanus Vaccine Containing Infertility Drugs.jpg (1079x4045, 1.22M)


Attached: HHS Court Document - Informed Consent Action Network2.jpg (783x1024, 194K)


Attached: HHS Court Document - Informed Consent Action Network3.jpg (808x1024, 154K)

I'm expecting a child soon and my girlfriend is adamant about vaccinating our child, how can I convince her to at least look at the data.

I'm very worried for what may come of my child if she just takes the full course because it's what people do.

I'm educating myself aws and will share in every vaxx thread for quite some time :-)))

Maybe get her to watch Vaxxed? It's not a bad documentary.

Show her some of the studies done as well. You can find a lot of resources on conspiracy forums and alternative health sites (though watch out for the really quack sites) will report on vaccine damages and injuries.

Doctors will bully the crap out of you guys if you choose to not vaccinate. Don't give in.

Also check out the latest HHS scandal. You can find it on the records of the Informed Consent Action Network's Site.

Attached: Insurance Co Pays Massive Bonuses to Doctors for Vaccinating Babies.jpg (1079x5542, 2.54M)

Attached: Micro and Nano Contaminants in vaccinations.jpg (1920x1656, 1.48M)

That's just the thing though, she trusts whatever the doctors tell her and immediately treats anything anti-vax as conspiracy theory bullshit that shouldn't be trusted.

This is what I get for not marrying a qt girl from church desu.

They knew it was in the vaccines and it took them years to get it out, are you saying all of the people who have been injured as a result are meaningless even though they could have retracted it?
Vaxxed is probably a good start,
This bitch is so dumb she cant even answer a question with a yes/no
>Have you studied vaccinated vs unvaccinated?
>We looked at thimerosol and its relation to development disorders/autism
>bitch have you done vaccinated vs unvaccinate
Jesus christ.
>Using epidemiologic and mechanistic evidence, the committee developed 158 causality conclusions and assigned each relationship between a vaccine and an adverse health problem to one of four categories of causation:
>However, for the majority of cases (135 vaccine-adverse event pairs), the evidence was inadequate to accept or reject a causal relationship. Overall, the committee concludes that few health problems are caused by or clearly associated with vaccines.

Attached: G11.2-UK-Deaths-1838-1978.png (1742x1106, 617K)

Ask her if she knows how much her doctor will make if he convinces you guys to get all your vaccinations.

Ask her if she knows about any of the many reputable doctors against vaccinations. (I don't have time right now or I would provide you with a list, sorry)

Ask her if she knows of the CDC's study that was destroyed because it showed that vaccines cause autism, and we only found out about it because a very reputable doctor from within the CDC blew the whistle on the whole ordeal?

Ask her if she knows that vaccines don't even undergo the rigorous testing that normal pharmaceuticals undergo because pharmaceutical companies can't be sued if you are damaged by their vaccines.

Further ask her why the CDC (or was it the FDR? I can't remember) when confronted with the fact that heavy metals were accumulating in the brain and that's why when testing blood residual heavy metals never showed up, but when looking at the brain tissue of animals or humans it shows the heavy metal accumulate and stay in the brain, they replied "we don't need to look into this any further and don't you dare either?"

Attached: Where are the Cumulative Safety Studies.jpg (600x776, 132K)

Attached: Paul Offit - You cant say MMR doesn't cause autism.jpg (1077x2782, 1.14M)

>Show her some of the studies done as well. You can find a lot of resources on conspiracy forums and alternative health sites (though watch out for the really quack sites) will report on vaccine damages and injuries.
This is the worst type of advice, conspiracy forums and alternative health sites are terrible sources and have their own agendas and revenues to care about.
Acquire some basic knowledge of preventative medicine, research the risks of both vax and non-vax, then think for yourself. My father was a doctor and he didn't trust his own field because it's almost entirely captured by pharma, but evidence-based medicine and proper clinical research are still a thing.
Some vaccines are safe and the risk-reward structure is sound. Some are not. As I said DTP seems legit and necessary, whooping cough is a dangerous disease but so are its vaccines. HPV, flu and measles are easily prevented in other ways or not worth the risk. This is what I got so far.
Also Yes, they will often not tell the public about the risks, e.g. in Holland an old WC vaccine containing mercury was given to thousands of children despite a newer one being available, because old stocks had to be use first.
Again, I'm still researching this and will keep everyone posted but remember, many 'conspiracy forums' and 'alternative medicine' websites are as much after your money and have as little consideration for your kid's health as big pharma and, often, government.

"conspiracy forums"
It's not a conspiracy to ask "why hasn't the cdc ever done the gold standard study on a vaccine"
These "conspiracy" forums are not pushing for mandated products, they aren't forcing me to inject whatever alternative medicine they have, I have the option to say "no" and if they injure me if I do end up using it I can sue them unlike with vaccines, where is their incentive to make a safe vaccine? None, they have no reason to because their product is heavily pushed and mandated in some areas and they cant be sued so why bother making a safe vaccine when they can just pump them out and make more money with no risk? Why does the worlds "safest" medicine have to be protected from liability?

get the fuck out of here with your logic and reason, faggot. This forum is for paranoid schizos only. If you're not here to meme and be childish then don't bother posting you rational cuck

That is why I stated specifically to avoid quack sites, though I could have been clearer.

Look for the ones that report on actual studies, actual doctors, and actual court cases.

However anti-vax questions, studies, and other such things are so controversial you will be crucified for even asking about them, but sometimes discussion is accepted on conspiracy forums or alternative health sites.

Attached: Autoimmune-Inflamatory Response Syndrome Induced by Vaccine Adjuvants.jpg (1920x1259, 749K)

1) you don't convince her, you tell her
2) use a delayed schedule if you decide to vaccinate, as inoculations after the age of 2yrs improves efficacy from ~23 to ~80%
3) base all medical decisions on the physical state of the ACTUAL child, not hypothetical constructs. If your living child appears prone to an auto-immune response, assess the risk and adjust

Show her some videos with Suzanne Humphries. She's a doctor who has studied vaccinations and it's effects on the autoimmune system for decades and can explain it in layman's terms.

Stop being reasonable. Contribute to the alt right echochamber goy

Notice how anytime these discussions pop up that the pro-vax side just screams "POLIO, POLIO, POLIO" and then dont offer ANY medical literature and disregard all other literatures, even peer-reviewed ones as "quacky anti-science" since they have never read a scientific study in their life time so they don't understand jack shit.

Attached: vaccines.png (750x750, 256K)

I'm honestly done with this. It's more or less safe. Unless

>done with this
>0 documented evidence
vaccines medically solid
>we know they work because they do

Attached: 1post.png (200x63, 4K)

>vaccines don't cause autism, therefore, vaccines are safe

women's logic, everyone

No, the argument is more
>We haven't done the studies therefore vaccines are safe.

>stop vaccination because some bitch's kids were diagnosed with autism
>masses of third world savages flood in
>mumps, measles, and other shit runs rampant
>shitskins and low IQ whites babies die
I'm for this.

What a compelling, well sourced argument. You have shown me the error of my ways, you saucy bastard.

>Still citing thimerisol as the only thing anti-vaxxers distrust

Attached: Eyyyyyice.png (450x452, 295K)

Did you even read your own link? RDBPC studies are mostly useless for vaccines. They are not in any way a useful 'gold standard' for preventive medicine in healthy individuals.
Big Pharma shill detected~
Adjuvants in vaccines are indeed a risk factor that parents ought to consider by themselves, because most of the literature does not.

No. There are plenty of studies done under proper guidelines. However are all thrown out when found to have no association between vaccine and long term brain chemistry.

BUT because big industry corrupted them. They are suddenly improper. Search it. These scientific studies are being more less dismissed by vaccine opposers.

More like

>stop vaccinating because there's a mountain of compelling evidence that massive pharmaceutical companies and the CDC which is nothing but a puppet for Big Pharma are desperate to hide

> Create theories that don't even make sense and crucify any medical doctor that disagrees with you

> Most of those diseases can be cured without significant effects to human beings and were actually mostly wiped out by widespread improvements in hygiene and cleanliness

> Idiot pro-vaxxers suffer from mental retardation and increased chronic illness

Attached: DTP Vaccine Increases Mortality Rate in Infants 5 to 10-fold compared to Unvaccinated Infants.jpg (1515x1920, 837K)

0 evidence? Oh yeah. Here's sauce.

in fact anything written with "autism""vaccine" in pubmed are virtually in support there's no association.

>we know they work. HMMMMM
Is this bait?
This was also taught in BASIC biology.

>1 post by this ID. HMMMMM
Yer right. Like we never have serbs who post a shit ton of autism strawman. Or that Romanian poster who educates with red herrings. Or even that Spanish poster who believes Europe is being saved by the EU because population decline see Japan. et etc.

Doctors contrUnite bigly to vaccine skepticism. My wife and I never thought about it but our son has had adverse reactions to a couple vaccinations and the doctors just gaslight is about it. He’s a very healthy happy baby but he has been constipated or uncomfortable after vaccinations and docs just say it’s unrelated or that happens to babies all the time for no reason and don’t worry about it. Bullshit, gas the doctors vaccine war now

Also done with this meant these type of threads. I don't care what socio economic debacle is being binged on /pol.

If we give up science. ACTUAL medical science. We are no different from quacks who believe LGBTQEOHID is verifiable medical disorder.

>This was taught in biology.
oh wow, the pharma industry funded schools taught something poaitive about pharma company products? amazing

>in fact anything written with "autism""vaccine" in pubmed are virtually in support there's no association.

Except when a CDC whistleblower let it out that the CDC falsified data to obfuscate findings that showed a relationship between autism/neurological dysfunction and vaccinations.

Attached: Vaccines Cause Autism - What More Evidence is Needed Huffpost.jpg (1437x1211, 276K)

Had to look it up because it's from the time the HuffPo was somewhat of a proper news source, but that shit is real: HPV and MMR vaccinated children have a higher incidence of autism.
None of MMR are fatal for 99% of children - most oldfags like me contracted at least two - and HPV can be prevented by not sucking lots of nigger cock as a teenage girl. This is what I mean by weighing risks and considering other preventive measures.

Attached: Injected Aluminum Causes Brain Damage.jpg (1920x792, 376K)