Stop this degeneracy
>inb4 join lgbtp discord
Stop this degeneracy
>inb4 join lgbtp discord
>teaching kids degeneracy at a young age
>sexualizing children
I dont see how this is going to fuck up our society at all.
Honest answers yes.
Current answers I got more burning problems than this.
i agree.
stop watching disney since disney only sells sex to kids.
I think there should be so we have more ammo to fire at Disney for deliberately trying to influence sociopolitical issues into children and families whilst simultaneously employing multiple multiple people arrested/convicted/charged/etc for sex crimes with minors
Elsa was already hinted to be lesbo. But again more important things in life than a gay cartoon character. I don’t even have a child to worry about this and would rather have a gay kid than none at all like in the current situation since my previous waifus have aborted them without even asking me about it.
Schizofag is already here, sorry OP.
Jow Forums‘s opinion only counts on tabloid media and CNN as well as Fox News are of that tier.
How about an alcoholic princess?
isn't it really damaging to young girls to make them think just because you don't have a boyfriend that means you're gay?
Satire? Frankly it fucks out society up majorly.
Why would somebody pass anti rape child laws if they thought it would not make society better?
Look at all the countries that rape kids and see how fucked up they all re. You just take a look.
I don't think sexuality is important to such a character; and by that I mean:
If they're gay, I don't want to be bashed over the goddamn head with how brave they are for being gay. It's not courageous or noteworthy or worth praise.
Statistics on gays and marriage:
Science on gays as parents:
The benefits of gay marriage:
Genetic Evidence of Homosexuality:
Does conversion therapy work:
HIV information:
Are gays more likely to be pedophiles?
Is being gay a mental illness?
If you rape a kid they are fucked for life
Kill yourself you degenerate faggot
mulan was a lesbo in the disney tv show Once Upon a Time.
damn its good to have salvini
this is a bot right?
Disney is now full-on propaganda aimed mostly at children, and designed to hold indoctrination throughout their lifetimes.
gay ass nigga
What does it say?
No, how is she supposed to continue the royal bloodline?
78% figure is NOT from the cdc, it is from the 1982 gay report
>They want to take the most popular Disney princess a lesbian instead of creating a lesbian Disney princess forced to stand on her own merits and character.
Wew lad
Well never knew this. So might watch it.
Straight looking lesbians are the best looking lesbians.
Smells like 1977 to me.
>Gay princess
>Becomes Queen
>Has no children because fag
>Line dies
>no more Princesses
Kind of defeats the purpose of royalty doesn't it?
Oh ffs on avg there's like 16% of gay men with gonorhea in their ass out of all the tested gay men.
That's even safer than the low quality streetwalkers.
Seriously kill yourself
The absolute state of Mississippi
Obviously she ensures the bloodline with her feminine penis.
I'm pretty sure Elsa from Frozen is a lesbian for her sister. .
Gas all fags
Also hot
And redpilled.
Wait a fucking minute. Why are we not shilling for official Disney hentai?
Frozen is already a gay incest flick.
how long until the first drag trans disney princess?
HAHaha is that real? SLAAAAAAAY
Newfags I guess
i wouldnt mind watching some western yuri once in a while
They adopt a brown baby or Elsa marries a single mother.
They will ruin it with politics. 2D-lesbians aren't about normalization and inclusivity, they are honestly for cuteness, warm and fuzzy feels and/or fanservice.
yeah i dont doubt it, but i'd still watch it if only for the chance to see two cute girls be in love with each other and hold hands and stuff
yagate kimi ni naru up next season, looking forward to it, manga was good
If they are going to have a rug munching princess then it would have to be realistic.
They adopt a nigglet.
Man, you can really tell these are old.