Vote Democrat in 2018.
Drain the swamp
What's in it for me?
Run a good Democrat candidate and I'll vote Democrat. Otherwise fuck off and KYS
Screw you, I'm voting for Barletta and what's his face and the other what's his face.
just commie my shit up, senpai
pick one
is Jow Forums a democrat board now because they are contrarians?
Nope. Siding with president Trump still means going against the old power elite establishment strangely enough.
>Jow Forums is one person
>2 parties comrade
it only gets better this time
I hate the Democratic Party, but if a good independent candidate manages to slip through the cracks and get nominated as a Democrat then why wouldn't I vote for them?
>Implying that the Dems would allow a candidate that posses good qualities to slip through the cracks
I mean this from the bottom of my heart.
Kill yourself.
Idiot confirmed.
Democrats would flood the country with brown people and America would be history. Why would you wish to do this?
Brown people come here for gibs, they are economic migrants. If you let them take over they'll end up in the same squalor they just left.
Name one successful brown or black country. One.
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia?
Republicans are subhuman scum
>(((Saudi Arabia)))
try again