“F—k hope,” because it’s “the lazy way out,” liberal activist filmmaker Michael Moore says in an interview promoting his new anti-Trump film, “Fahrenheit 11/9,” which opens in theaters on September 21.
Legal means and exposing scandals can’t “save the country,” Moore told The Huffington Post in his vulgar attack on “hope”:
“Hope is passive. Hope gives you permission to let someone else do the work. Hope leads people to believe that tax returns, or a pee tape, or the FBI or an adult film star will save the country. Hope, and the passivity that comes with it, is what helped get us here to begin with. It’s the lazy way out.
“We don’t need hope. We need action.”
“There is a real insurgency taking place” – and it’s coming from an extremely surprising source, Moore said:
"The revolution is happening in the most unlikely of places. The resistance ― the true resistance ― is not coming from the Democratic Party or from the liberal establishment. I can’t reveal too much right now, but there is a real insurgency taking place."
“Ladies and gentlemen: the last president of the United States,” the trailer for Moore’s film declares while showing a clip of President Donald Trump.
Moore talks tough shit but if an actual revolution happened he'd stay in his mansion in his safe gated community Do leftists actually believe celebrities will be fighting along side them?
Ian Ward
>"The revolution is happening in the most unlikely of places. The resistance ― the true resistance ― is not coming from the Democratic Party or from the liberal establishment. I can’t reveal too much right now, but there is a real insurgency taking place."
...so is it the Jews and the Russians? And are you so mindfucked that you just admitted to foreign plots against the nation?
Watching this tub of shit fall of the cliff into madness has been depressing. His criticism of corporations in the 90s was pretty BASED. But holy shit, everything afterwards has been a gross insult.
I can't wait till he releases another $100,000,000 documentary on why capitalism is bad. He is literally a fat cuck.
Ethan Myers
It actually looks entertaining from the trailer but im sure it will be boring as fuck in theatres.
Isaiah Gutierrez
Mason Jackson
Hopefully. King Trump has a nice ring to it.
Aaron Turner
That's what I don't get. Who actually is into this fat fuck anymore? He's literally admitting he has radicalized beyond the Democratic Party but he's just some old boomer creep in Hollywood who uses his marks to keep him in his intellectual elite millionaire class. How far gone are his followers to still be into this shit?
Liam Parker
They think George Clooney will give them a rousing speech on the battlefield. Reality he is in Lake Como getting his balls washed by african rapefugee children while Antifa are getting one punch KO'd in the USA.
Daniel Rivera
Did he just admit to being part of a conspiracy to overthrow the nation's lawfully-elected government? Isn't that illegal or something?
These people really are deranged. Trump is just another Republican president. It was not her turn; it was a Republican's turn. The presidency has been cyclical for decades now. What a bunch of whiners.
Kevin Davis
>Did he just admit to being part of a conspiracy to overthrow the nation's lawfully-elected government? Isn't that illegal or something?
Right? That was a really far gone statement to make. I realize he's a desperate creep who'll say anything for attention. I'm not advocating him being bothered in anyway. But what in the fuck is he talking about and who is this even aimed at?
Jack Myers
Implying leftists would actually fight in any revolution.. how would that work? starbucks latte on one hand, hammer and sickle on the other singing Hasta la victoria siempre?