She won.
She won
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No she didn't.
Nice! What did she win?
It's like you think the US isn't a representative democrcy
Whateves Canada
>California refused to provide its voter data, saying that it would provide legitimacy to Trump's claim that millions of illegal immigrants voted in the 2016 election.
Really makes you think
with friendship everyone are winners
America is a bit more advanced than Canada. Our laws are much more thought out and as a result, we don’t count the popular vote as the winning factor. This is so we avoid leaders who destroy the strength of our country similar to north korea, cuba and canada
by all measures that don't matter or count
What do you think the US would look like today if Hillary was president.
Votes from illegal immigrants don't count.
second place
She sure did, leaf. She even had virtually every American institution shilling for her, yet Trump is president.
I hope it hurts.
You morons think the country really changes that much when we elect a new president, democrat or republican. It's all the same shit.
More or less the same with a crappier economy, cordial foreign relations, and lightened security
Umm yes she did sweeite
is that a quote or what?
Sorry leaf, she aint in office. Shouldnt you be sucking muslim dick like your leader?
leaf doesn't understand the electoral college
If she won she would be president.
She and the MSM cheated and still lost. Extremely embarassing desu.
Alex Jones channel would get demonetized because Hillary would make sure he got Vince Foster’s fate.
she is
>a fucking leaf
hey leaf, where's your prime minister at? hasn't been pushing equality bullshit in a while.
and we have a system that keeps retards like you and the nogs in coastal cities from ruining our country based on their gibs desires. fuck them and fuck you. if she had won she'd be in the WH, she didn't.
Waaah I took out more of your pawns so why do I lose when you capture my king?!
These rules oppress women and reinforce hetero normative gender norms! The patriarchy stole my victory!
Close enough
>“California’s participation would only serve to legitimize the false and already debunked claims of massive voter fraud made by the President, Vice President, and [Kansas Secretary of State Kris] Kobach,” Padilla stated.
War with Russia. We’d all be dead by now. Us over run with sand niggers.
Check’d & kek’d
>that face
Pic related
Yesterday I learned that the US has no voter ID, because that's apparently racist to ask about someone's legitimacy as a US citizen. Therefor I do not trust or argue about the results in anyways, because you may as well flip a coin.
Nice graph. So only 18 million people voted?
I hope you're joking. She was our messiah.
dishonest infograph suggesting there's only like 15 million americans
or what if it suggests that's how many illegals voted for her
my god
Even with millions of illegal votes and large scale Dem voter fraud uncovered in Jill Steins recounts, the Dems still couldn’t win. You underestimated the number of Trump voters. You are outnumbered and losing supporters daily.
2016 had historically low turnout. 30% turned out for Obama, but only 26% turned out for Hillary. 28% turned out for Romney, but only 26% turned out for Trump. If Sanders hadn’t been screwed it would be very likely Dems would have been more motivated to vote.
So Trump didn’t win, it’s that Hillary lost more. The 40% of non-voters are just regular people with careers and healthy lives who know that voting is a waste of time anyway since it makes virtually no difference who the President is.
3 heavy left leaning supreme court justices. we would be screwed for decades
>being this schizophrenic
>using a deceptive scale to make 2.9 million votes look massive when it's arguing a point that doesn't matter because that's not the game that was being played
>1 post by thid id
>Two word OP
>Shitty, dishonest picture
>divisive rhetoric
World's most obvious slide-thread you dickheads stop replying.