Only in the west could a former pornstar become a CEO. Would you be able to respect your boss if there were countless videos of her being defiled on camera?
Only in the west could a former pornstar become a CEO...
This is nothing.
I hereby found Vakosametti Microphones and am its CEO.
There, I just did the same thing as this whore.
How many former porn stars have become CEOs?
That has to be some of the most inane advice ever given. What the fuck happened to Forbes?
but is your company generating millions like hers?
Vapid business advice from a vapid whore. LMAO. In the "fashion" industry, no less. Fuck off with this "CEO" bullshit. Her company will fail in the next few years, just like all companies started by vapid whores.
Why the fuck would i willingly work for a company that is run by a woman? Let alone some damaged jewed turbo roastie?
I generate millions everytime I stroke my dick.
women don't belong in the workplace
>Would you be able to respect your boss if there were countless videos of her being defiled on camera?
Yes, as long as she is a competent boss who cares ? Seems you don't havve enough work experience to have your priorities right.
What you should be asking is how many female CEOs have sucked a dick?
I’ll bet all of them.
It just means I wont get fired whenever I tell my boss to suck my dick.
Post proofs
>female CEOs
Sounds finnish the SlitSilk company KEK
lmao found the roastie. don't you think it's a problem that i can type in my CEO's name on google and find videos of her being spit roasted and begging for cum in a bukkake? do you think that maybe, just maybe it might be a little distracting and hard to take her seriously after watching her debase herself on camera?
It is Finnish.
Let's be honest. Probably about 99% of women with power sucked dick to get there anyways.
This converted me to Islam
looks like more degeneracy propaganda
>look girls, you can be whores and then still become respectable and successful normie
oh some weird fabric
i don't care about that aspect. all women suck dick. but the difference is does a CEO of a company suck her husband's dick at home or the does she choke on cocks for pervcity?
Porn stars only care about money. The Chinese will buy their loyalty, use them to take over our society
#girlboss #feminist
If you started a microphone company, would it not make sense to call it Corduroy Mikrofoni Oy?
she never did IR
checked. powerful.
This makes me think of Dolly Parton and how many dicks you may have to suck to get a fucking amusement park named after you. Anyone want to make a guesstimate on that? You would think a roller coaster or two would be at least worth dozen dicks.
I dont know what fucking corduroy or vakosametti is or whats i got to do with microphones
>porn star
no way that was unintentional
checked and circumcised penises are an abomination there is zero reason anyone should be marked by the jew in this day and age
none cause they are all kikes that got there through family connections
Corduroy/vakosametti is that weird pants fabric that makes a "Vip!Vip!" noise when you walk in it.
Criminally underrated
>take her seriously
I've never taken any of my bosses seriously. Why start now? If she pissed me off I'd just walk paper the mens room with the pic you posted.
still a whore. also she definitely did do interracial because she fucked ron jeremy and he is a jew. and i'm sure thats not the only jew she fucked lol
Is she /ourhoe/??
Never did stormy daniels, which we should use against her
Oh vey get back on the set
How tf is Stormy Daniel's an actual porn star? Would not watch.
Wait... Isn't this the "But I Poop From There" porn chick of YTMND fame?
Her scene with Remy is great.
Well played, Bog.
holy shit. making fun of her for not getting blacked would be priceless
Exactly, she is racist against pornstars of color. We should bring this up 1000% more.
#girlpower #inspiring
Forbes sites are blogs
So what? She's still a disgusting whore. I don't understand why you fucks obsess so damn hard over this, as if all those hundreds of dicks she sucked and fuck is acceptable as long as none of them were a nigger's.
it only costs about $1000 to become a CEO....
>CEO, of a fashion company
CEO of what? Article won't load for me for some reason
>Modern western women
Some fashion line, with the article implying she didn't get bukkaked for it as well.
all of these poor motherfuckers in this thread have never run successful businesses much less formed one after "humiliating" themselves on camera
This is what i was thinking, i own my own business that has contracts with the state, forbes should write an article on me and my chronic masturbation
because everyone here lives vicariously through other white men rather than becoming a better white man themselves i.e. they are all cucks
yes girls sell your bodies to degeneracy you will all turn out to be respected fashion designer ceos in the end! just look at mayli she went from facialabuse right to becoming a artist with private studio in new york!
niggers are below animals
nice projection you got there
Must be nice to be attractive and have a vagina, the world is literally your oyster.
Wrong, my porn hero is julian rios.
Dillion Carter for me.
Literally anyone can become a "CEO".
Just fill out some papers.
You don't have to be attractive, you just have to be good at makeup. My ex used to look like a dog without makeup but was pretty fine with her clown paint on