When everywhere go you is filled with mud people show some places that you can escape to.
ITT White Oases
Trader Joe's
Hiking trails.
Your local library or hiring hall
Also Utah
Any hunting store
Basically anywhere in the mountains or has brutally cold winters
It's the plural form, you mutt
The book section of the library.
Shooting ranges. I see maybe 1-2 blacks a year at my local public range. typical sighting is as follows:
>basketball american drives up
>gets out of car and walks up to firing line
>fires gun empty at nothing in particular
>goes back to car and gets in
>drives off
I have seen a few unicorns over the years. One was clearly based wearing his NRA hat and shooting a nice rifle from the bench with a proper spotting scope.
my home.
a white man's home is his castle.
only bug men go out beyond the bounds of their property to explore and go on adventures and take part in "ego-tourism"
stay home as much as possible. tend to your property. improve your dwelling. develop a home defense plan. and enjoy life in quiet solitude as much as possible.
Works everytime.
t. niggeres
the home is the basic unit of social and economic measurement. if more people took the time to improve their homes, then we would see a natural improvement to society and the economy broadly. but instead we reject our homes, allow them to fall into disrepair, dirty, and unkempt in favor of going on "adventures"
>stay inside goy don't take stock of the society you're in don't see things as they are outside your home
make your home a place of rest, peace, and comfort. reject modern furniture, cold, sterile, and unwelcoming.
buy quality furniture, solid wood, with glued joints at tag sales, flea markets, and eastet sales. antiques if you prefer. learn to repair it.
surround yourself with quality and you will wish to remain around it.
nope. i never said stay inside. i said stay home. learn your surroundings. learn and know your neighbors. develop social bonds. form community.
improve your immediate are.
set an example.
Iceland and La Nordic, and the Scandinav.
Farmers markets
Gun store
French restaurants
Vineyard tours
Volunteer anything (with the exception of church)
society is easily observed through the attitudes and behaviors of your neighbors and strangers to your neighborhood.
learn to judge personality, motive, and intent.
what a fucking pleb I haven't left my bed in 5 months. I've fortified it with hot pocket boxes and have started growing sprouts at the foot of my bed. I've also developed an alarm system and traps to warn me of impending danger. I've been having my mailman lob packages through the window and I use my gopher grabber to pick them up off the floor. No sense in risking contaminating myself with outside lines of thought by touching the floor.I'd say it's pretty comfy here. Will stay forever.
My walmart is 100% white
just make sure to spray yourself with febreze now and then
Sawdust art festival in Laguna Beach. I was there two weeks ago. And any art house theater
south texas here
literally no where
no pic related
I go swimming whenever I can, about a km or so.
Mud people don`t swim.
The White man's sport, golf. Most country clubs charge dues that shitskins can't afford. Also hockey and to a lesser extent baseball, although the hispanics have tainted it a bit.
nigger plz, that little nigglet aint never seen his father
>your local library
Is yours not a homeless shelter now?
Pretty much anywhere. Enjoying my 98% non-mud state senpai
Golf courses are infested with kike filth enjoying their ill gotten leisure
The Maritimes op. Specifically New Btunswick. If you're from Canada and haven't been there you should visit some time.
holy shit I've seen a dump and dash before. we all just looked at each other wondering what happened. kind of freaked me out, but he was an Asian guy
fellow /out/ user?
>your local library
My library is selling off all the books nobody reads to the local Goodwill and all the empty space where shelves used to be are now full of black people sitting at tables talking and looking at their phones.
This is at the Sacramento Central Public Library, in the capital of smoky California.
The Korean Spa
Even that's not the case for me anymore. I walked by my local library and some tatted black guy leaving it gave me a hard stare, threatened me, and called me a cracker while I was just minding my own business going for a walk.
Dead serious. Philadelphia here, fuck this garbage trash city, I desperately need to get out of here. I'm so sick of here.
This. Why do only white people hike and enjoy nature?
Kek. Yea I never seen a black person on the trails. Strictly white culture
we enjoy beautiful things than destroying them like niggers and spics
I think has to do with white peoples history of exploration
Same reason we enjoy art museums and concerts that employ instruments. We are capable of abstract thought and rational interpretation.
I've seen a few spics and gooks but I don't think I've ever seen a nog on a trail.
That’s easy lol
Dog park
No nogs. No mudslides. Very few to no jews. It’s pretty neat
I prefer oasiseses
Stupid leaf. Please take your next vacation to a water park in the SE USA. Post pics.
Fucking Dog kissers
Niggers can't swim. So maybe swimming pools (not aquaparks) and yachting. Also sports like diving.
I wonder if it has anything to do with paganism before Christianity. Europeans seemes to have a reverence for nature, and it was associated with balance and knowing oneself. Christianity seemed to teach that man and his natural self are evil and by default lost without god. I don't dislike all of what Christianity has to offer, but it divorcing us from nature is something i sometimes think about when I go camping or hiking for a few days.
Waterparks here are filled with Moroccans, Afghans and niggers harassing everybody
Mountains at winter. There is no whither sport than skiing. At least it's what I'm seeing in Alps.
Farms in the MidWest.
Ok. Thats fair. But have you even seen them in water deeper than 2m (6.56 ft.)?
Local libraries have are now just places where autistic people go to play fortnight and old women go to get their romance novels.
Seriously, my local library has six computers that are always occupied by either fat 8 year olds playing minecraft or black kids playing fortnight. They stay there for hours because the librarian is a fat old bitch who spends all her time on Facebook.
The book selection is terrible. No classics, no quality writing. Just self help books, grocery store romance novels, and books on how to use your smartphone.
Full of chinks and poo-in-loos
>no black people
>anywhere chicken is served
Full of Spics. Not a single white person.
Farmers are the boomers of the agricultural industry.
Boating is the only white activity left in Toronto.
T. Family has a yacht in Lake Simcoe.
3 WMAF couples 2 black couples from New York. And 225 white couples with boats.
Buy a boat anons
I hate to break it to you, but pretty much every farming community has a shit load of Mexicans and Arabs doing the labor.
t. Midwest Cornnigger
not in larger cities, babe
The Israeli Kubbutz only accepts residents who act like white people.
There are interviews conducted upon every request to join.
>french restaurants
confirmed in user's big city. "Other white meat" free as well.
that's kinda cool.
>dude has bad phone call with wife
>quickly takes exit for gunrange
>pulls into lot
>power walks into range
>unloads 10, just like punching a pillow
>eats shoots and leaves
>he was a panda
>t. faggot
tennis court
*technically* speaking, wouldn't a pure electronic music concert be more abstract? no tangible instruments to be seen, just sound
>>Seriously, my local library has six computers that are always occupied by either fat 8 year olds playing minecraft or black kids playing fortnight. They stay there for hours because the librarian is a fat old bitch who spends all her time on Facebook.
In Canada Muhommed can molest 6 girls at a pool in front of over 20 witnesses and still not get charged. Public pools are dead.
also most Kibbutzes look like a scene from some happy anime
lol this dude thinks just cus nice white peeple work there that us niggas wont go. that shit is so good, my dude
Is that a gated trailer park community?
You guys want to agree on a way to spell that K-butz thing and then please explain what the fuck it is?
Sign me up, Juden.
Pig farms
How can I forget blood donation centres. Whitest places in the country.
It's not a trailer park, most modern houses look like pic retated.
I just personally prefer the old buildings from the 60s.
It was the first communities build by settlers who came to Israel.
They shared a common dining room, common rest area, common laundry and kindergarden.
Comfiest place on Earth.
everyone is concerned with you saying library but I'm wondering what the hell a "hiring hall" is you freaking mook
Looooooooooool wut!?!? Nigga please are you fucking kidding me? When is the last time you were in or even walked by a public library? They are effectively state run homeless shelters and/or childcare centres for mud children.
>Your local library
are you kidding? My library is always full of Muslims and Asians
>hiring hall
Job application centre, English doesn't seem to be his 1st language.
An oasis concert
dang, that actually sounds like it would be great for close-knit, safe communities.
Kibbutz were commie fags, moshev (am I spelling it right?) were capitalist.
>Farmers markets
I've seen more blacks in Pier 1 than at any Farmer's Market in or around Philadelphia; nutty considering the population.
If you scavenge, and learn some basic carpentry, you can make cool stuff like this cheaply.
Did you respond back?
Which Library?
Art museum, rock concert, Saratoga for horse racing.
>Ahmed is triggered
Same here in the US. My local resort is almost all white; there's one black guy who works there and he sticks out like a sore thumb. The only non whites I see are the Chinese tourists (who are extremely rude)
SHUT UP Cracker
Spotted the goat fucker.