Looks like it wasn't a "Deep State hit" retards
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This. Masonic double confirms.
Wonder if they edited out the trigger word.
It's probably this. He had no parents
>Not a deep state hit.
>It was obviously the guy who confessed to doing it ... while showing obvious signs of hallucinating.
>Into the light, Nikolas. Into the light.
This video proves otherwise. He suddenly is told that what he did was wrong, while all the time before, when he was brainwased, he was told killing is the right thing to do.
he's an actor, retard
He should have taken Prozac or Zoloft or Lorazepam!
>Demons telling him what to do.
Stating to sound like the kind of mental programming through torture that the elite psychopath groups are fond of.
I didnt see anything about how he did the shooting in the video 1/5
Another product of the deep state.
>the parkland hoax again
fucking kikes'd try anything to take our guns so we dont' lynch them when they overdo their kikery
Probably pumped him full of meds just before
this was also the day of the shooting. same day they drug him up and toss him in the grass to be filmed being arrested.
It's an act. He's not really insane
poor nikolas
And the Parkland "survivors" are proud of bullying this mentally ill individual. So brave.
Soooo.... if he is crazy.... why did no school district employee ever do something about it. Seriously, the school system should be shuttered
His name is clitzilla get it right
Meanwhile in “real news”
fpbp digits confirm
Probably trained in New Mexico
Oh my bad............. he's an actor.
Any.... REASON for saying that or you're just saying it?
Not entirely sure why you need 3 mugshots of the same gorilless.
GitD niggers strike again
How many opportunities did state, local, and federal authorities have to stop him?
this kid was an experiment. He doesn't even know the real name of the kid or the parents that he was staying with. you know the Snead family. now why would they let him live there?
Different ones but inbreeding is a bitch
I blame circumcision.
Look hard enough you can find an article about 4 years before the shooting about some new sheriff/DA coming on the scene and 'fixing' racial arrest rates.
Dig deep enough article outright says they're just not arresting for the sort of things Cruz should have been picked up on
>you know the Sneed family
Wow time to abolish the Second Amendment
>you know the Snead family.
/tv/ has gone too far this time.
not like he was trained to do this or anything
Masonic checked
This kid is obviously trying to manipulate his way out of trouble. He thinks he can use the insanity defense to avoid life in jail or execution. It wont work out for him though, because he's just a dumb kid and wont be able to fool trained psychologists.
Yes it was. This is what happens to MK Ultra patients.
ooga akbar
Could your local white supremacist have demons? Its more likely than you think.
>going for the crazy plea.
Finally it all makes sense. The string of spree killings being carried out by emaciated children with distended stomachs and flies crawling on their eyes, why didn't we see the signs?
They keep their blanket on when they're getting a police photo? Seems dumb.
>real news
I wonder who funded that operation they had going.
Hello jidf
Dude probably saw the cameras and was like thinking he could get off on insanity charges.
Enjoy the generous amount of dick in prison you fucking animal.
yea his foster parents are ghosts. There is only 1 photo of a women holding a baby that they claim is Lynda Cruz. that is it.
you should be a broward county detective
This little homo is faking it. I speak to real people daily that have auditory hallucinations...this is not even close to believable ...also hes barley trying to hit/hurt himself. Sorry, Cruz youre doing it wrong.
oh fugg
Show your fucking flag
Tel Aviv guaranteed
Agreed. I was gonna say that. This is textbook MK.
shut up idiot
You are clueless. Pic is vaguely related.
Yeaaa, no sweetie.
Sad. Many such cases exist.
seems like they've had enough time now to manufactu- I mean.. """compile""" all of their evidence
not an argument
Bullshit. Liberal traitor.
Are you training people to shoot up schools OP? Country concerts? The capital on flag day?
Die you piece of shit. I hope Trump keeps his promise and kills your family.
I never notice this before. The family Cruz was staying with live right next door to a Chabad Center. The mcdonalds he wanders off to is right next door to Chabad Center
Yes we must do everything BUT ban these precious niggers who will enrich our nation
Did the teacher who spoke to a network morning show days *after* the shooting, who explained how she saw an 1) grown adult male 2) in full body armor 3) in protective mask 4) stalking school hallway with large advanced-looking firearm 5) who definitely wasn't a cop or child --- did this woman ever post further on social or speak again?
This teacher, imo, was the most convincing witness and source for raising questions about Cruz acting alone. She was confident in her statements, vivid in her description, calm and collected, and days away from the event. She needs to be contacted and followed-up with.
O Lord My God Is There No Help For The Widows's Son?
who's this now?
Not a valid flag
How's the weather in jeruselam ?
.........no wonder
>use the insanity defense to avoid life in jail
That's not how it works retard. He would be committed for life anyway. And even if it later comes clear that he was just pretending, he would still be committed because faking mental illness to avoid prison is considered a symptom of mental illness itself; that's how they keep them in forever.
sup memeflaggot
opinion discarded
>Whoa, look at me. I punched my own face. Can I go home now?
the kid who made david hogg and la goblina famous for a few months.
He should've just started tweeting SUSHI SUSHI SUSHI
I'd like to see the full chat between Cruz and his black brother. His black brother says "people think you're a monster now" and Cruz replies "a monster?" What a surreal conversation between half siblings or w/e they are. The black brother doesn't seem surprised or in shock, and they seem pretty close.
The big question: does Cruz remember that day and shooting students? Or is he drawing a blank? Why release this footage now, following the Jones ban regarding Sandy Hook.
Voice of god technology dumbfuck
He would have to (((convert))) first.
Hollywood put out a bunch of movies about people pretending to be insane to program gullible losers how to incorrectly act insane.
Guess it works though
Unfortunately, she shot herself in the back of the head. Twice.
OP is too retarded that the Deep State uses occult magic and also cold science like MK Ultra to control people.
white guy? demons! voices! mk ultra!
muslim? terrorist!
black guy? genetics!
Q predicted this
Demons exist for all races. Go be a cultural marxist somewhere else.
Don’t you guys realize what’s going on?? This is obviously some MK Ultra, mind control shit. Years of breathing chemtrails and eating GMOs caused him to go insane. I’m willing to bet he was also vaccinated when he was a child. This was a carefully crafted attack engineered by the Jews. It’s a known fact his grandfather was a Freemason. Donald Trump needs to wipe these mutants away before they engineer more attacks. #MAGA
yes it is almost like they get used for different purposes on purpose
>muslim? terrorist!
>black guy? genetics!
Thats what the evidence says.
t. Bilel Mamadou
this, classic symptoms