Brazilian Army want more whites

"Brazilian army put in place a measure to apply limited vacancies to black and brown soldiers.

According to the new rule blacks and pardos will get only 20% of total vacancies. "

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damn brazilians want to be white so so so bad...

there are no whites in brazil


You cant make junior officers out of niggers.

The official answer is that Headquarters chief want an army "standarized with population's race".

Not even joking.

The real answer is that they're racist as fuck... Imagine what's inside the head of a white brazilian and on top of that military officer.

Brazil hates whites it is only fair of we hate nigger and pardos

But much more than 20% of the Brazilian population is black, unless you count mulatos as separate from them.

Don't White people get decent jobs in the private sector and the civil service that they don't need to join the military?


I think this is the reason there are very few whites in the army

I found out that they not only do this in the army...

They did it before in 2014 in the public administration... They gave only 20% of vacancies for blacks.

The more nigger a country is, the more racist.

What? It's literally the inverse, it's quotas for blacks, dumb argienigger.

>Imagine being a delusional apezilian and create a rule giving only 20% of vacancies for blacks and pretos in the public sector

Literally are you retarded? You claim that the army wants """"""""""whites""""""""" but all your links are about giving quotas for blacks. Our military in general barely has whites on it, unless you're a Air-Force pilot.

It's the same shit retard.

"Brazilian army want less blacks and pardos" would be better?

They literally are giving 20% of vacancies for blacks and 80% for whites... Isn't that racism? That doesn't mean they want more whites?


Attached: muttsoftheworld.jpg (894x512, 93K)

too bad there are zero whites in brazil
and don't bring up stats, sweaty, because everyone knows "white" brazilians are on average 80% white
10% black and 10% indio

t. el goblino

le 57% call others not pure.

Dam you are dumb

Brasil is a shitskin shithole for centuries and they cant get their shithole out of its missery because of that. They know only white people could make it functioning for obvious reasons. Thats why they cry for whites everywhere. They want a white president etc. This is what will happen everywhere when whites are almost gone. They shitskins will pray for whites to come back because without us the whole planet will look like a third world hellhole.

Obligatory Brazilian native qt3.14s, desu?


Just in the south of the country. The rest is full of niggers

macacos have a really big delusion problem

Attached: 'I think im white'.png (192x305, 80K)

So they want the remaining whites in the military that way they can be dead in the battlefield? Wonderful. This will be America in 50 years.
>Goy! Not enough whites are fighting in the army to die!
>Join Join Join!

"""uooogaa booga ur retardd!1!11!""""

Explain how the fuck I'm wrong?


People at the top in Brazil know the West is going to collapse into inter-ethnic war. It makes sense that they would want their army to be full of people who look like them.

Good point, but then again the military being mostly white means that the military will be more inclined to protect whites and choose their side in a civil war situation.

I wonder who could be behind this post...

Attached: americano.jpg (363x307, 30K)

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Want increase whites percentage in your military, easy.
>declare war
>send all blacks, browns as penal squad
>they retreat, give them bullet at heads
>they deserted, blow them by missiles
>they captured as POW, let them die
>surrender, replace with whites.

Looks like Brazil didn't surrender from PC culture

that's not what it says, you stupid sudaca.

this. If you don't direct German and Swiss ancestors and live in the South, YOU ARENT WHITE. Fuck.

>standarized with population's race

I don't understand what that means.

There's no reason Brazil can't get whiter if you incentivise white positions in power and white birth rates.

>identifying as white

Attached: Welcome.png (858x687, 378K)

Delusional till the end...

>Os concursos para ingresso nas Forças Armadas devem prever reserva de vagas para negros e pardos, de acordo com o Ministério Público Federal (MPF). Segundo o orgão, uma ação civil pública foi solicitada à União para alterar o edital vigente para a admissão na Escola Preparatória de Cadetes do Exército (EsPCEx).

>A medida visa garantir que 20% das vagas sejam oferecidas para negros e pardos, conforme determina a Lei 12.990/2014. O MPF pede, ainda, que o prazo de inscrição seja reaberto para esses candidatos.

Attached: th_1cce678baa2865fe866ba90e481edd63_macaco-gritando.jpg (620x310, 73K)

is this bait?
the 20% vancacies are reserved for blacks and pardos
but the other 80% arent reserved for whites. the other 80% are to be decided between everyone, including negroes and pardos who dont apply to the reserved vacancies

Godamn stupid illiterate sudaca.
They're not making so that whites have their place in the army.
They're making so that blacks have their quotas. Those are not quotas for whites, they're for blacks. It's affirmative action all the way.


> Brazilian Army want more whites

Is absolutely untrue.

they want the demographics of the army to be representative of the demographics of the general population

Brazil is lawless. They should hire mercenaries to kill bandidos like in the old west.

Attached: Feral Brazilian.jpg (480x360, 78K)

Check this MACACO


Says the argentinian

But they're not 80% white not even in the most cherrypicked graph available on the internet

based brazilians

>blacks and pardos will get only 20% of total vacancies
Do you even quotas? They can still get the other 80% of vacancies, it's just easier for them to join the army.

Attached: Argentina is white.jpg (900x527, 79K)