Drumpf Giving Russia Billions of Dollars of NASA funds

NASA has crumbled under Gronald Drumfy. The US is reliant on RUSSIA to get into space. It’s as if Drumpf trashed NASA to give billions to Putin. You bootlickers will just fall in line and say DRUMPFY did a good job. Space Force is just a distraction to defund NASA further so DRUMPFY can pump billions more into Russia. Doesn’t sound like MAGA to me, more like MRGA.


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Other urls found in this thread:


>bush retires only way for americans to get to space early, without replacement
>obama literally guts all the replacements and makes it hard for commercial to fill the gap
>it's trump's fault


Didn't Obama cut funding for the Orion project which would have decreased our reliance on Soyuz orbiters?

It not that huge money. It helped to Roscosmos to remain afloat, but that pretty much it.

>NASA has crumbled under Gronald Drumfy. The US is reliant on RUSSIA to get into space.
That was literally Obama, you fucking keep the people ignorant.

Please kill yourself for real next time. tia

Not only that, the only reason SpaceX isn't shuttling crew to the ISS now is NASA's retarded focus on crew safety.

If Grumpf is so tough on his butt buddy Putin, why is he still buying RUSSIAN rockets and rocket rides?

Russians! Ban this Vodka soaked devil!!!

It's a good troll man I like it spread this

it's been like this for year you moron

I thought Drumpf was a tough negotiator, why is he letting Pooty Poots grab NASA by the pussy? Must be tough to be a MAGAot right now. What an embarrassment.

Can’t explain why Drumpf is so hard on China but easy on Russia? I’ll tell you,
Drumpf is racist!

America has been buying russian rockets for their space program for decades now you uninformed moron.

The US has been reliant on Russia for human space launches since the SLS ended.
There is that shill keyword again.

they just announced the crew for the first commercial crews

we are 6 months away from not needing Russia for space flight anymore

why are you hiding your flag canada?

That's love bruh!

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The Russians have the only shuttles.

You have been in need of the russians for a long time to get your shit into space, cowboy.

>NASA has crumbled under Gronald Drumfy.
You stupid fucking democrap.
Obama killed our manned spaceflight program as soon as he got in office.
We've been riding Russian rockets for the past 10 years thanks to Obama you stupid fuck.
Leftists are a plague.

I thought Grumpf was tough on Russia? He’s making Putin rich, Bigly!

McCain the Stain’s United Launch Aliance uses RD-180s. Republicans are deep red RUSSIANS.


You could pay a pack of corrupt ex-Boeing exes $350million per launch of the alternative.

Obama funded musk, bezoar. Both are failing just like Boeing did.

Russia knows space. The corrupt war industry doesn't.

Capitalism has failed, we need real socialism to make space great again! Go Bernie Go!

Don't bother arguing with this assblasted whore. She's immune to facts.

DRUMPFY paying for a ride on Putin’s Red Rocket just like he paid Stormi to humiliate him. Rural Retards are filled with too much shame to call out their president for it.

>The US is reliant on RUSSIA to get into space.

IMO when it comes to space travel, I love soviet space era history probably more than US. First artificial satellite, first signals from space, first animal in orbit, first man in space, first woman in space, first soft landing on a planet, venus, first soft landing on mars, first photos of the surface on another planet, venus, most days spent in space, I can keep going here. I wish I could one day visit Russia and see their science museum, I have seen the space shuttle in person, break taking experience, no matter how many times you see it, it's like seeing it for the first time.

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obama decommissioned the shuttle and scrapped the replacement. americans have been riding with russians to the international space station since obama

trump has been wasting money on nasa who doesnt even have the ability to launch rockets now

its all a joke either way. live streams and tang in zero G doesnt mean shit. they dont do anything stop giving russia money and close down nasa

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How bored are you to do this, like I could understand if your memes were funny but it's just boring recycled shtick that you didn't even come up with.
1/8 I r8 this b8 but it's not really even b8 because who would fall for it? Sage.

I think the deal was they had to freeze the design before it could be certified for manned flight. Block 5 just came online this year and it has to fly a set number for certification.

Obama killed NASA by himself

Hillary would have stripped the US government off and sold it piece by piece.

Here's the link. NASA is useless.


Do you faggots actually get paid for this shit

I thought you faggots could accept that you lost the election

Wow another leftwing faggot in Britain


Here is an 2014 Article from the liberal propaganda outlet VOX, about how Bush and Obama both fucked the space program and now rely on Russia.

Do you Faggot shills get paid by the hour?

Attached: fuuk.jpg (1600x1067, 831K)

I don't understand. You talk about rockets, yet you attach a picture which is clearly a helicopter?