Something Just Went BEZERK in the Gulf of Mexico

The US Navy just sunk a French Submarine

Attached: blast.jpg (440x370, 23K)

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back channel intel

my arse, look up there and grab what you want

Prove it.

untrue and homosexual, but if it's true, fun times lie ahead

They're calling Pan-Pan on 11.267 USB (US Navy Hicomm) and triangulation from my set and another operator seem to show it's in the Gulf.

OP may not be a faggot.

Large of legitimate

And this is why that's a good thing.

>the us navy just sunk a nuclear armed allies submarine----(((you)))
End yourself

The bayou doesn't count, Leroy.

Attached: getabrain.jpg (480x468, 39K)

OP is indeed a faggot

That would be fucking amazing. The balls of cheese niggers coming into our waters.

>a French Submarine
are you sure it wasn't a muffuletta

Indian submarine

Attached: indian sub.png (775x645, 150K)

I don't think OP is claiming he has pictures, user.
Even the 56%ers aren't quite that retarded yet.

nobody expects the french inquisition

The past tense of sink is SANK you fucking meme flag FAGGOTtTTtT kill yourself.

kill yourself larper

ok muhammad

Poo in the hatch

The poo was in the loo but under pressure it is combustible. F for the brave men of the ISS water toilet

Attached: 1532342865332.png (659x609, 133K)

If OP wasn't a lying sack of shit they certainly would not be calling a pan pan for this incident. I can't believe the number of threads like this that get posted on /pol and sucker still fall for it

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How's that wall coming on, Juan? Siesta time over yet?

>meanwhile, others dont even know what pan-pan means

>OP may not be a faggot.
There's a first time for everything but I don't think this is it. Might be more believable if she wasn't hiding behind a meme flag.

fuck off

Attached: 1526340299079.jpg (125x92, 3K)

Merica VS. France

WAAAAARRRR. Don't start till I get some popcorn.

si senor its coming along fine

Like me. I was just about to ask.

must be something really big because they didn't just surrender

it's just below Mayday in terms of severity. "we're in the shit", but not the life-threatening kind.

nvr mind

The radiotelephony message PAN-PAN is the international standard urgency signal that someone aboard a boat, ship, aircraft, or other vehicle uses to declare that they have a situation that is urgent but, for the time being at least, does not pose an immediate danger to anyone's life or to the vessel itself.More at Kikeipedia

"The radiotelephony message PAN-PAN is the international standard urgency signal that someone aboard a boat, ship, aircraft, or other vehicle uses to declare that they have a situation that is urgent but, for the time being at least, DOES NOT POSE AN IMMEDIATE DANGER TO ANYONE'S LIFE OR TO THE VESSEL ITSELF."

Op is fag. OP is always fag.


Attached: Namnlös.jpg (647x765, 161K)

Wouldn't be much of a war. 3 days tops


the image is from 2013
give a source or fuck off

How’s that brexit coming or are you still waiting for your permit?