We are all Americans here..
Lets just get the fuck along.
We are all Americans here..
Lets just get the fuck along.
fuck you bitch boy
No fuck you nigger
please lets be a couple again as well.
i-i miss you america-kun .....
we are being invaded. If you supported the USA, you would support its identity and borders. Invade Mexico when. Bringing in masses of milllions from the third world isn’t loving America. It’s killing it. Stop pushing multi-culturalism and we can get along. Otherwise it’s war. The left started it by forcing white genocide down our throat. Only the left can end it by leaving us alone and respecting us.
Rosicrucian shit is gay
American doesn’t even mean anything anymore. I despise multicultural, globohomo, kiked America. At least half this country deserves the rope.
>t. 56% face
White power
Mason bullshit is gay as fuck, dude.
Yet more proof that any mason who says "we don't use Egyptian symbolism, bro" is full of shit.
Gas the Nephilim
Race cars now
>We are all Americans, some just burn our flag or slander our nation!
Fuck you, America doesnt exist, it has no people, no culture, no religion, and no shared identity.
Mexians and their sympathizers are not american
hell yeah us united against the powers of (((evil)))
Yeah? Post pic or snow-jew / Aztec wigger confirmed
If only the Americans who come here were the problem. The deviants who make America look like a shattered nation of faggots are the ones who try to shut places like this website down. The grabbers, cucks, and other Europoor-aspirants who pervade our universities and websites are not American and will never be American.
all communists must die.
communism is not an ideology, it is a plague.
if we don't burn the infection out it will kill civilization
occult freemasonry is gay and you are double gay
Only if you bring the maple syrup.
Your picture is....incorrect