ITT, I will sum up Mein Kampf for you

Most of you pretend to be redpilled, but how many have actually read this book? Itt, I will sum it up for you lazy faggots. I hope that I will clarify some misconceptions, and that some of you will learn some things about Hitler's doctrine.

This might take a while, please bump the thread if you're interested.

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About Adolf's vision of the German people main struggle:

>What we have to fight for is the necessary security for the existence and increase
of our race and people, the subsistence of its children and the maintenance of
our racial stock unmixed, the freedom and independence of the Fatherland; so
that our people may be enabled to fulfill the mission assigned to it by the Creator.

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2pbp hale hortler

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No, I don't need some beta faggot summarizing a book for me.



About the past glory appearing unreal in the present context (the relevance of this even today is astounding):

>What we have to fight for is the necessary security for the existence and increase of our race and people, the subsistence of its children and the maintenance of our racial stock unmixed, the freedom and independence of the Fatherland; so that our people may be enabled to fulfil the mission assigned to it by the Creator.

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t l d r

About the economy supposedly being the most important factor of the country's well being:

>This sort of nonsense was uttered just at the time when France was restoring public education on a humanitarian basis, thus doing away with the idea that national life is dependent on commerce rather than ideal values.

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About a minority of intelligent men being more important than a majority of clueless people:

>Most unfortunately, the value of these (journal) readers lies in their intelligence and not in their numerical strength, an unhappy state of affairs in a period where wisdom counts for nothing and majorities for everything.

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About the strong and the weak, and radical solutions. This one is very representative of Hitler's mindset:

>The world only belongs to the strong who apply total solutions, it doesn't belong to the weak, with their half-measures.

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About civilization coming from one race only, and the downfall of that civilization, were that race to die:

>All that we admire in the world today, its science, its art, its technical developments and discoveries, are the products of the creative activities of a few peoples, and it may be true that their first beginnings must be attributed to one race. The maintenance of civilization is wholly dependent on such peoples. Should they perish, all that makes this earth beautiful will descend with them into the grave.

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About the struggle for life, one of Hitler's most famous quote:

>He who would live must fight! He who does not wish to fight in this world, where permanent struggle is the law of life, has not the right to exist.

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nothing wrong with this

Too bad he himself employed a half-measure and saw failure arise from it. Went way too soft on the Jews.

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About the aryan race being superior in everything to other races:

>Every manifestation of human culture, every product of art, science and technical skill, which we see before our eyes to-day, is almost exclusively the product of the Aryan creative power. This very fact fully justifies the conclusion that it was the Aryan alone who founded a superior type of humanity; therefore he represents the architype of what we understand by the term: MAN. He is the Prometheus of mankind, from whose shining brow the divine spark of genius has at all times flashed forth, always kindling anew that fire which, in the form of knowledge, illuminated the dark night by drawing aside the veil of mystery and thus showing man how to rise and become master over all the other beings on the earth. Should he be forced to disappear, a profound darkness will descend on the earth; within a few thousand years human culture will vanish and the world will become a desert.

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Hitler was just a kangz-tier nordicist.

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About humanity's ascension dealing with reality, and about modernist dreams:

>The progress of mankind may be compared to the process of ascending an infinite ladder. One does not reach the higher level without first having climbed the lower rungs. The Aryan therefore had to take that road which his sense of reality pointed out to him and not that which the modern pacifist dreams of. The path of reality is, however, difficult and hard to tread; yet it is the only one which finally leads to the goal where the others envisage mankind in their dreams. But the real truth is that those dreamers help only to lead man away from his goal rather than towards it.

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to me sound very jewish.

About the notion of sacrifice, which according to Hitler's is most developed among the aryan. This one is very important imo:

>The lowest species of human beings give evidence of this quality only to a very small degree, so that often they do not go beyond the formation of the family society. With an increasing readiness to place their immediate personal interests in the background, the capacity for organizing more extensive communities develops.

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There is nothing wrong with nationalism.
In fact most globalist civilizations have perished.

About Marxism and why it is fundamentally flawed, from a racist point of view:

>For, under the cloak of purely social concepts there are hidden aims which are of a Satanic character. (...) By categorically repudiating the personal worth of the individual and also the nation and its racial constituent, this doctrine destroys the fundamental basis of all civilization; for civilization essentially depends on these very factors. Such is the true essence of the Marxist Weltanschhauung, so far as the word Weltanschhauung can be applied at all to this phantom arising from a criminal brain. The destruction of the concept of personality and of race removes the chief obstacle which barred the way to domination of the social body by its inferior elements, which are the Jews.

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Meh book and Hitler was shitty general.
I prefer works of picrelated, at least he was on the frontlines with his man and not end up like coward

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About the Jews being responsible for race-mixing. How Hitler came up with this so early in history is beyond me:

>The Jews were responsible for bringing negroes into the Rhineland, with the ultimate idea of bastardizing the white race which they hate and thus lowering its cultural and political level so that the Jew might dominate. For as long as a people remain racially pure and are conscious of the treasure of their blood, they can never be overcome by the Jew. Never in this world can the Jew become master of any people except a bastardized people.

He fled to south america after the war but ok.

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About the principles of the government organization:

>The best kind of organization is not that which places a large intermediary apparatus between the leadership of the movement and the individual followers but rather that which works successfully with the smallest possible intermediary apparatus.

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>Degrelle himself fled first to Denmark and then Norway, where he commandeered a Heinkel He 111 aircraft, allegedly provided by Albert Speer. After a 1,500-mile flight over portions of Allied-occupied Europe, he crash-landed on the beach at San Sebastian in northern Spain but was gravely wounded and hospitalized for over a year. While in Spain, during the Franco dictatorship, Degrelle maintained a high standard of living and would frequently appear in public and private meetings in a white uniform featuring his German decorations, while expressing his pride over his close contacts and "thinking bond" with Adolf Hitler. He continued to live undisturbed when Spain became democratic after the death of Franco and continued publishing polemics, voicing his support for the political far right. He became active in the Neo-Nazi Círculo Español de Amigos de Europa (CEDADE) and ran its printing press in Barcelona, where he published a large portion of his writings, including an Open Letter to Pope John Paul II on the topic of the Auschwitz concentration camp, asking the Pope not to go.

In 1994, Léon Degrelle died of cardiac arrest in a hospital in Málaga.

Ooops, no hes not

About the importance of fanaticism in a political movement:

>The future of a movement is determined by the devotion, and even intolerance, with which its members fight for their cause. They must feel convinced that their cause alone is just, and they must carry it through to success, as against other similar organizations in the same field. It is quite erroneous to believe that the strength of a movement must increase if it be combined with other movements of a similar kind. Any expansion resulting from such a combination will of course mean an increase in external development, which superficial observers might consider as also an increase of power; but in reality the movement thus admits outside elements which will subsequently weaken its constitutional vigour.

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A comparison with Christianity, that became the largest religion because of its fanaticism:

>The greatness of Christianity did not arise from attempts to make compromises with those philosophical opinions of the ancient world which had some resemblance to its own doctrine, but in the unrelenting and fanatical proclamation and defense of its own teaching.

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About the impossibility for a stranger to become a german citizen:

>But it is almost inconceivable how such a mistake could be made as to think that a Nigger or a Chinaman will become a German because he has learned the German language and is willing to speak German for the future, and even to cast his vote for a German political party. Our bourgeois nationalists could never clearly see that such a process of Germanization is in reality de-Germanization; for even if all the outstanding and visible differences between the various peoples could be bridged over and finally wiped out by the use of a common language, that would produce a process of bastardization which in this case would not signify Germanization but the annihilation of the German element.

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About the role of the state regarding the preservation of the race:

>We must make a clear-cut distinction between the vessel and its contents. The State is only the vessel and the race is what it contains. The vessel can have a meaning only if it preserves and safeguards the contents. Otherwise it is worthless.

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About the hopelessness of the fight:

>On the apparent hopelessness of our great struggle is based the magnitude of our task and the possibilities of success. A battle-cry which from the very start will scare off all the petty spirits, or at least discourage them, will become the signal for a rally of all those temperaments that are of the real fighting metal.

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I heard the superior blonde thing is a myth and Hitler never said it but is it true. I always found it strange when Hitler and Goebbels and Hess and that didn't have blonde hair. Is it (((propaganda))) or is it not?


Good thread, but any true Jow Forumsack or National Socialist should read Mein Kampf in full

Another mind-blowing quote about egalitarian propaganda, that reads just as well nowadays:

>From time to time our illustrated papers publish, for the edification of the German philistine, the news that in some quarter or other of the globe, and for the first time in that locality, a Negro has become a lawyer, a teacher, a pastor, even a grand opera tenor or something else of that kind. While the bourgeois blockhead stares with amazed admiration at the notice that tells him how marvellous are the achievements of our modern educational technique, the more cunning Jew sees in this fact a new proof to be utilized for the theory with which he wants to infect the public, namely that all men are equal.

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About national-socialism elitism. This underlines that national-socialism leans toward meritocracy:

>It will not be its task to assure a dominant influence to a certain social class already existing, but it will be its duty to attract the most competent brains in the total mass of the nation and promote them to place and honour.

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About women and citizenship:

>The German girl is a subject of the State but will become a citizen when she marries. At the same time those women who earn their livelihood independently have the right to acquire citizenship if they are German subjects.

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About the role of the chambers for the state and the absence of representation:

>From the municipal administration up to the government of the Reich, the People’s State will not have any body of representatives which makes its decisions through the majority vote. It will have only advisory bodies to assist the chosen leader for the time being and he will distribute among them the various duties they are to perform. In certain fields they may, if necessary, have to assume full responsibility, such as the leader or president of each corporation possesses on a larger scale.

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panic bump

Another quote having to do with meritocracy in the nazi party:

>National Socialist workers and employers are both together the delegates and mandatories of the whole national community. The large measure of personal freedom which is accorded to them for their activities must be explained by the fact that experience has shown that the productive powers of the individual are more enhanced by being accorded a generous measure of freedom than by coercion from above. Moreover, by according this freedom we give free play to the natural process of selection which brings forward the ablest and most capable and most industrious.

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About the way diplomacy should be envisioned, and about the end justifying the means:

>The object of a diplomatic policy must not be to see that a nation goes down heroically but rather that it survives in a practical way. Hence every road that leads to this goal is opportune and the failure to take it must be looked upon as a criminal neglect of duty.

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A quite ironic quote about the importance of not going to war against the entire world:

>(...) it (Germany) must not fall into the errors of the pre-War period and make the whole world its enemy. But it must ascertain who is its most dangerous enemy so that it can concentrate all its forces in a struggle to beat him.

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About Jewry and its final goal:

>The Jews show consummate skill in manipulating public opinion and using it as an instrument in fighting for their own future. The great leaders of Jewry are confident that the day is near at hand when the command given in the Old Testament will be carried out and the Jews will devour the other nations of the earth. Among this great mass of denationalized countries which have become Jewish colonies one independent State could bring about the ruin of the whole structure at the last moment. The reason for doing this would be that Bolshevism as a world-system cannot continue to exist unless it encompasses the whole earth. Should one State preserve its national strength and its national greatness the empire of the Jewish satrapy, like every other tyranny, would have to succumb to the force of the national idea.

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About France becoming an african country. An accurate prediction once again:

>France is racially becoming more and more negroid, so much so that now one can actually speak of the creation of an African State on European soil.

>If France develops along the lines it has taken in our day, and should that development continue for the next three hundred years, all traces of French blood will finally be submerged in the formation of a Euro-African Mulatto State. This would represent a formidable and compact colonial territory stretching from the Rhine to the Congo, inhabited by an inferior race which had developed through a slow and steady process of bastardization.

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A nice quote showing Hitler's fanaticism:

>Germany will either become a World Power or will not continue to exist at all

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This should clarify some misconceptions about Hitler being friendly toward people of other races:

tldr: he didn't give a shit about representatives of nationalist movements outside of Europe

>The Party was approached from various quarters in an attempt to bring it into definite connection with the liberationist movements in other countries. This was in line with the plans of the ‘League of Oppressed Nations’, which had been advertised in many quarters and was composed principally of representatives of some of the Balkan States and also of Egypt and India. These always impressed me as charlatans who gave themselves big airs but had no real background at all. Not a few Germans, however, especially in the nationalist camp, allowed themselves to be taken in by these pompous Orientals, and in the person of some wandering Indian or Egyptian student they believed at once that they were face to face with a ‘representative’ of India or Egypt. They did not realize that in most cases they were dealing with persons who had no backing whatsoever, who were not authorized by anybody to conclude any sort of agreement whatsoever;

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About Hitler wanting to annihilate France, and about expansionism:

>Of course it is here presumed that Germany sees in the suppression of France nothing more than a means which will make it possible for our people finally to expand in another quarter. To-day there are eighty million Germans in Europe. And our foreign policy will be recognized as rightly conducted only when, after barely a hundred years, there will be 250 million Germans living on this Continent, not packed together as the coolies in the factories of another Continent but as tillers of the soil and workers whose labour will be a mutual assurance for their existence.

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>Any expansion resulting from such a combination will of course mean an increase in external development, which superficial observers might consider as also an increase of power; but in reality the movement thus admits outside elements which will subsequently weaken its constitutional vigour

This is truth indeed. It also goes for diversity in a society, especially when cultures and/or religions that are very much differen to the host culture's value system join the society (for example Islam today in the west).

I read the Ford translation (which most purists recommend) cover to cover. Was very tame. I've read harsher stuff in Civilta Cattolica.

That's it for me lads, I hope someone could learn something from this thread. Jow Forums has learned me a lot, and I wanted to give back something to you in some way.

I strongly recommend reading the entire book though, it goes into so much more details. There is talks about education, the organization of the state, the history of Adolf and the birth of the nazi party. For example he explains how the Bolsheviks would always try to sabotage the party's meeting at its beginning, and how they btfo'd them at 50 vs 600 men. Reading the book also made me realize how many nazi sympathizers on Jow Forums are wrong on certain topics. Hitler was not friendly toward people of other races, he wanted to submit them and use them as slaves if necessary. He wasn't forgiving toward the jews, and saw no exceptions or "good jews", even though there is no mention of eradicating them the way we're told of course.
I personally admire Hitler for being so radical and understanding so many things about the world despite the lack of information at the time, and for his spot-on predictions about the world. However, I'm a frog and a catholic so I can't subscribe to that ideology. Hitler made it clear that France had to be eradicated, and that all men were not equal before God.

He was 100% right about the jews though, fuck these fuckers. I'll get something to eat now, I'll answer any questions after that if the thread is still up.

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I recommend for italian speakers the 1938 Bompiani version if you can find it.

Danke, user


Hitler doesn't go into much details about the specifications of the aryan race. He remains vague about it, and the emphasis is rather made on the German Volk, the only thing of importance in his eyes. It it my understanding that Hitler later admitted that this was a mistake, and that he should have extended the notion of Volk to all the european countries instead.

>a modern national leader should be on the frontlines with soldiers

>Hitler was just a kangz-tier nordicist.
>mfw I've read the book
>mfw this is the best sum up
>mfw no face